Bleachers : 9000 (Current Price: $13)
Lower Tier : 1000 (Current Price: $45)
Courtside Seats : 200 (Current Price: $150)
Luxury Boxes : 10 (Current Price: $900)
Total Capacity : 10210
Attendance History

DateOpponentBleachersLower TierCourtside SeatsLuxury BoxesTotal AttendanceGame Type
12/25/2024 Ticket Price Update 1345150900-1
12/10/2024 LBTC 8817869150109846 Quarterfinal
12/10/2024 Ticket Price Update 1040130770-1
12/7/2024 rozing 788688013498909
11/30/2024 神之旋律 685785313497853
11/23/2024 淡定从容 7829901138108878
11/17/2024 Ticket Price Update 935127757-1
11/16/2024 天苍宫 900010001461010156
11/9/2024 St-Lambert 88829921501010034
10/29/2024 逍遥晨曦 7794967150108921
10/22/2024 广东东莞大益普洱 8364991150109515
10/15/2024 红星照耀中国 6572920144107646
10/10/2024 猛虎 6588996150107744 Cup

The arena is currently undergoing expansion, to add:

Bleachers: 1000
Lower Tier: 0
Courtside Seats: 0
Luxury Boxes: 0
The expansion will be complete in approximately 9 days.
