List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Zdenko Puškar Bought elva KK 5/3/2021 $ 34 400
Juan Canevari Bought Globo de mi vida 5/3/2021 $ 35 000
Paco García Castris Bought KK Špricar 5/5/2021 $ 51 000
Édouard Heyraud Bought Baba Yaga AC 5/6/2021 $ 43 000
Raphael Johnson Bought Fiero il Guerriero 5/6/2021 $ 3 780
Antonio Verini Bought Wasted Potential 5/6/2021 $ 1 000
Leon Pungračič Bought CB Talavera Bassket 5/8/2021 $ 21 000
Simón Tejada Bought 喵喵啦啦队 5/8/2021 $ 53 200
Doljan Mielczarski Bought Remshalden Raptors 5/10/2021 $ 13 000
Dobromir Pancev Bought Bc Kä2sn 5/10/2021 $ 25 000
Ahmed Bengherab Bought In the middle of nowhere II 5/10/2021 $ 11 000
Prakulis Kobilinskas Bought Free Agent 5/12/2021 $ 47 010
Hyung-Sang Jin Bought Pécs Pandas 5/13/2021 $ 44 000
Dalius Drunas Bought Free Agent 5/22/2021 $ 45 610
Clyde MacCrystal Bought Anonimo 6/6/2021 $ 127 600
Yu Kawatake Bought Laguna Buko Mixers 6/22/2021 $ 57 800
Vito Bassini Bought Kardjašanas bijušie 6/24/2021 $ 13 000
Ahmed Bengherab Sold Black Mamba BBC 6/25/2021 $ 61 200
Vito Bassini Sold #RedStar#NS 10/3/2021 $ 50 000
Jimmy Gauthier Bought C.B. Valdelcubo 11/21/2021 $ 229 600
Peter Garvey Bought RYTAS LIETUVA 11/23/2021 $ 51 000
Prakulis Kobilinskas Sold MTLK Wolves 11/27/2021 $ 550 000
Dalius Drunas Sold Morvan Silver Foxes 11/28/2021 $ 400 000
Brent Ramsey Bought CEI TOLEDO 11/28/2021 $ 52 100
Storm Cooley Bought D L R 11/29/2021 $ 150 000
Lucas Preud'Homme Bought Badacsony Walkers 12/1/2021 $ 65 400
Pera Bošnjak Sold Moonsta Pozen 12/6/2021 $ 25 000
Paco Valdés Bought Sant Mateu 12/7/2021 $ 99 999
Erki Kompus Bought Athens Aces 12/18/2021 $ 51 000
Hogan Rice Bought Cárnicas García 12/26/2021 $ 34 000
Burak Benan Bought Krótkie Spodenki Przedmieście 1/9/2022 $ 20 000
Brian Purnell Bought Zion Ocelots 1/20/2022 $ 244 600
Clyde MacCrystal Sold planšar 1/21/2022 $ 357 000
Dawid Czakański Bought Los Partidores de Caras B.B.C II 1/22/2022 $ 10 000
Gabriel Honeycutt Bought SSG Ulm 99 1/22/2022 $ 105 600
Paco Valdés Sold Visionaries 1/23/2022 $ 20 000
Indalecio Azamor Bought Os Anxos Pozas 1/23/2022 $ 1 000
Édouard Heyraud Sold KK Ljubljana Greendragons 1/25/2022 $ 270 000
Gianfranco Marchi Bought All Torn Down 1/25/2022 $ 100 000
Igor Pontus Bought Smallfries 1/27/2022 $ 79 800
Wiktorian Jurczyński Bought Polo_MVP 1/27/2022 $ 68 200
Hogan Rice Sold Hermes Club 1/30/2022 $ 50 000
Vuk Džodić Sold Los Furlas Team 2/6/2022 $ 71 400
Raimis Mirzojevas Bought Kyanos Asteras B.C. 2/6/2022 $ 169 900
Burak Benan Sold Splash Gang 2/9/2022 $ 102 000
Igor Pontus Sold VIKING Włocławek 2/9/2022 $ 200 000
Gaylord Yu Bought Free Agent 2/11/2022 $ 114 400
Piotr Denis Bought Barkenberg 2/13/2022 $ 10 000
Casey Moore Bought Arizona Cacti 2/13/2022 $ 40 000
Gabriel Honeycutt Sold Elva Huskies 3/2/2022 $ 143 500
Ante Sabić Bought C.B. Motril 4/19/2022 $ 350 000
Jimmy Gauthier Sold Eskişehir Eagles 4/21/2022 $ 70 000
Gianfranco Marchi Sold Beard Club 4/21/2022 $ 27 000
Murat Lerze Bought Red Jerusalem 4/21/2022 $ 25 000
Dušan Njegomir Bought Jagodići 4/21/2022 $ 21 000
Numbers Echols Bought KK Gottschee 4/21/2022 $ 2 000
Amado Páez Bought New Santa Stars 4/22/2022 $ 5 000
Matthieu Brillant Bought Folgado Lakers 4/23/2022 $ 226 300
Gaylord Yu Sold Klaidi Pėda 4/26/2022 $ 107 390
Luigi Maria Pati Bought Onur Basket 5/7/2022 $ 204 000
Tadeusz Pierzak Bought WuTeam II 8/14/2022 $ 100 000
Mustafa Ali Aktan Bought E-Town Sensen 9/18/2022 $ 321 400
Ajisa Kumar Bought Talentinho 9/18/2022 $ 117 600
Storm Cooley Sold tecnoraptor 9/20/2022 $ 800 000
Kleanthis Filoukatzis Bought verneuil univers 10/1/2022 $ 26 000
Claude Anderson Bought OVERDOSE B.C 12/19/2022 $ 450 000
Lucas Preud'Homme Sold Les cidrées 12/21/2022 $ 1 560 600
Pance Stefkovski Bought Rubirra Drinking Team 12/23/2022 $ 690 000
Sertan Omaç Bought Free Agent 12/24/2022 $ 37 200
Joël Presse Bought Stark Legacy 2/2/2023 $ 22 000
Fabián Rodríguez Bought Red Rocket 2/18/2023 $ 167 700
Ahmet Engin Esfak Bought FunkyPants 3/11/2023 $ 80 300
Leopolds Fišmeistars Bought Los astros 3/24/2023 $ 100 000
Joël Presse Sold BC Béziers 3/27/2023 $ 100 000
Dušan Njegomir Sold Rim ReapersF39 4/24/2023 $ 200 000
Li Yiyun Bought Free Agent 4/29/2023 $ 27 600
Ojars Miestinš Bought U.D. Cuatro Caminos 6/11/2023 $ 163 300
Kvído Vrbinčík Bought BiancoCelesti Wrocław 6/18/2023 $ 62 800
Huang Sijing Bought Free Agent 8/4/2023 $ 45 800
Fred Eckert Bought BK Astoria Lučenec 8/4/2023 $ 306 000
Noel Foley Bought Chocolate Hob Nobs 8/5/2023 $ 32 000
Giuseppe Natale Bought Grifoni 8/5/2023 $ 100 000
Simon Ostrovršnik Bought Anonimo 8/5/2023 $ 357 000
Kleanthis Filoukatzis Sold STRADALE B.C. 8/5/2023 $ 685 000
Pance Stefkovski Sold Polpak Ś. 8/5/2023 $ 1 719 600
Niklas Stoercher Bought BC Ruhnu HÜLGED 8/5/2023 $ 200 000
Zhu Toh Beng Bought Smiley World 8/6/2023 $ 230 100
Carlos Armando Otero Bought KozzyClippers 8/11/2023 $ 54 300
Jerry Samuels Bought Atomillos 8/16/2023 $ 95 000
Giuseppe Natale Sold Polpi Team 8/20/2023 $ 150 000
Renat Shevtsov Bought Oif Simches 8/27/2023 $ 61 200
Spasko Sachkarski Sold Nassau Storm 8/27/2023 $ 2 000 000
Bisma Kartasasmita Bought Les Shingouz 8/28/2023 $ 275 000
Ulysses Mallada Bought amg Celtics 9/2/2023 $ 510 000
Ojars Miestinš Sold New Santa Stars 9/4/2023 $ 240 000
Zhu Toh Beng Sold Team Scooby 9/5/2023 $ 155 800
Abel Daiber Bought a.o.melission 9/10/2023 $ 200 000
Niklas Stoercher Sold Pabradės Kandidatas 9/23/2023 $ 170 000
Ahmet Engin Esfak Sold Oriali C.B. 11/13/2023 $ 497 000
Li Yiyun Sold Estopra CB 11/13/2023 $ 200 000
Renat Shevtsov Sold Los FrS 11/13/2023 $ 300 000
Saro Mezzanotte Bought 四线训练营 11/16/2023 $ 165 432
Johnny Alvarado Bought Goldin Elite 11/21/2023 $ 230 000
Damian Shannon Bought Lancaster City 11/23/2023 $ 300 000
Carlos Armando Otero Sold Wataka Stars 12/24/2023 $ 68 400
Elísio Ventura Bought Los bala fria 3/1/2024 $ 3 000
Luigi Mezzetti Bought ETRL BC 3/3/2024 $ 15 000
Cai Yanfang Bought Free Agent 4/7/2024 $ 62 640
Johnny Alvarado Sold Tor Tre Teste 4/7/2024 $ 702 700
Saro Mezzanotte Sold P-Town Magpies 4/7/2024 $ 286 300
Marcel Riečičiar Bought Free Agent 4/10/2024 $ 93 500
Tamás Brecska Bought Ostrali 4/14/2024 $ 312 200
Bisma Kartasasmita Sold Arsenal Warriors 4/21/2024 $ 123 500
Elísio Ventura Sold Badboys88873 4/21/2024 $ 113 000
Ugo Maria Cinolfo Bought Npda 7/7/2024 $ 98 500
Jaume Garreta Bought Bayrsmcity 8/17/2024 $ 153 300
Jovan Milićević Bought BLXK 8/18/2024 $ 100 000
Noel Foley Sold Górnik Łęczna 8/18/2024 $ 649 600
Blaine Bauman Bought StreetWalker 8/18/2024 $ 169 900
Carlos Castellcir Bought CB Capital 8/24/2024 $ 337 500
Yiorgos Mantzouranas Bought KK Črenšovci 8/24/2024 $ 83 000
Marcel Riečičiar Sold CSP Gouvinhas 10/6/2024 $ 358 900
Yiorgos Mantzouranas Sold BC KRAKEN 11/10/2024 $ 238 200
Ugo Maria Cinolfo Sold GreenPink 11/18/2024 $ 199 000
Jovan Milićević Sold Morvan Silver Foxes 11/24/2024 $ 153 000
Tamás Brecska Sold Velotrol Metalizado 1/26/2025 $ 52 100
Jaume Garreta Sold A.E. Les Corts - ミラクル 1/26/2025 $ 153 000
Momir Vujasinović Sold KDB 1/28/2025 $ 1 000
Grigorije Grabovac Sold Μετεωρα B.C. 1/29/2025 $ 2 000
Bojan Zimonjić Sold Defenders 1/29/2025 $ 2 000
Carlos Castellcir Sold XAPKIB METALLIST 2019 1/30/2025 $ 191 200
Cai Yanfang Sold БК «Харцызск» 1/30/2025 $ 70 000
Blaine Bauman Sold prodanova 1/30/2025 $ 98 100
Ulysses Mallada Sold Páfrány KC 1/30/2025 $ 186 700
Jerry Samuels Sold БК «Харцызск» 1/30/2025 $ 51 000
Jaromír Baruta Bought BK Slovan Utd. 2/9/2025 $ 12 000
Liang Yingsheng Bought B.C. Basket stars 2/9/2025 $ 3 000
Joe Filletti Bought Findzsa KC 2/9/2025 $ 14 000
Ersoy Rovşənov Bought Pcavs 2/10/2025 $ 15 000
Omer Korać Bought El hornero 2/27/2025 $ 9 000
Ståle Skjerping Bought BaRe Bendit 2/27/2025 $ 5 000
Vicente Horta Bought REDBULL Melun 2/27/2025 $ 8 000
Aake Okkonen Bought Szeged Főnix 3/5/2025 $ 28 000
Igor Dyukov Bought TeamSleep 3/7/2025 $ 2 000
Panayiotakis Gerasimopoulos Bought The Masterminds 3/7/2025 $ 23 000
Tanel Oks Bought bestofplayers 3/8/2025 $ 2 000
Dakis Spanosotiropoulos Bought Novalemosnada 3/14/2025 $ 22 000
Šako Svitlica Bought WindFukeri 3/18/2025 $ 112 200
Marc Fuster Bought Pippoperafp7 3/18/2025 $ 36 000
Prakulis Kobilinskas Bought ΛΕΠΙΔΕΣ B.C 3/25/2025 $ 52 100
Àngel Estivill Bought Belkars 3/26/2025 $ 34 000
Total Sales: $ 14 982 190
Total Purchases: $ 10 489 871
Transfer Balance: $ 4 492 319