Philosopher Kings - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Philosopher Kings Hall of Fame.

John Diaz
1/6/2008 - 5/30/2013
Donovan Turbis
1/6/2008 - 9/22/2008
Geoff Abbott
5/10/2008 - 9/19/2013

Essa Abu-Kaleel
3/14/2009 - Present
Mauro Ariél Campi
10/17/2009 - 2/5/2012
Mauro Da Ros
7/6/2010 - 9/19/2013

Gerry Stavridis
1/22/2011 - 9/19/2013
Waldemar Hielscher-Uhl
4/23/2011 - 9/29/2013
Aleix Barrero-Valverde
9/21/2013 - 8/5/2016

Ben Kodjo
12/27/2013 - Present
August Rudolph
5/23/2016 - Present
Atvars Karpovics
1/9/2017 - Present

Stevie Mulligan
4/10/2018 - 6/26/2024
