187 online at 05:16:54
List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Celestino Camces Grandes Bought VendeTTa69 12/4/2009 $ 400 000
Zbigniew Scislowicz Bought Aj-Lajk 10/18/2009 $ 13 000
Antoni Aneszko Bought BC edga team 10/18/2009 $ 51 000
Cassiano do Couro Bought Volcom 10/18/2009 $ 3 000
Ambrazas Šušcevicius Bought Dream Team B.C. 10/12/2009 $ 1 000
Nir Ackerman Bought The Gunners! 10/12/2009 $ 5 000
Ngan Xiaowei Bought Skyblue 10/12/2009 $ 11 000
Sebastián Rozas Bought Arion 2017 10/12/2009 $ 122 400
Sjoerd van der Helm Bought Melbourne Moots 10/10/2009 $ 222 222
Martin Almgren Sold BC Rouvroy 12/2/2007 $ 215 400
Edgar Ertl Bought Free Agent 11/29/2007 $ 390 440
Stefan Falkström Sold NewShoes 11/26/2007 $ 127 600
Hamid El-Latif Sold Kungsfyllon 11/25/2007 $ 86 000
Jakov Cizaric Bought Lagos Lakers 11/22/2007 $ 600 000
Juan Carlos Sánchez Jarabo Sold Uppsala Globetrotters 11/22/2007 $ 98 000
Bruno Orton Sold Uppsala Globetrotters 11/22/2007 $ 89 000
Jesús Alberto De Minaya Sold Real boys 11/19/2007 $ 109 000
Diogenis Dermitzakis Bought m.livadia f.c 11/17/2007 $ 232 000
Juan Carlos Sánchez Jarabo Bought CB NAVAS 11/17/2007 $ 10 000
Jesús Alberto De Minaya Bought Lightning Ravens 11/16/2007 $ 2 000
Peter Teglind Sold Rodrighese 11/15/2007 $ 135 000
Niklas Kindhall Sold Kungsfyllon 11/15/2007 $ 97 000
Johan Bokander Sold SHLEYER 11/15/2007 $ 29 100
Niklas Carlsson Sold Uppsala Globetrotters 11/15/2007 $ 96 500
Sipke van der Lek Sold Kungsfyllon 11/15/2007 $ 98 000
Petter Silverborg Sold Transsylvania 11/13/2007 $ 100 000
Bruno Orton Bought FC NAPOLI 11/12/2007 $ 50 000
Quinho Feijó Bought Miami Lakers 2013 11/12/2007 $ 114 800
Stig Egggren Bought Uppsala Globetrotters 11/11/2007 $ 285 900
Sipke van der Lek Bought Pleuntjes Balls 11/10/2007 $ 1 000
Giovanni Gobbo Sold Uppsala Globetrotters 11/10/2007 $ 189 000
Johan Stigwald Sold Kungsfyllon 11/10/2007 $ 266 100
Hamid El-Latif Bought technicolor team 11/9/2007 $ 1 000
Mats Knutsson Bought Kungsfyllon 11/8/2007 $ 113 300
Mattias Kvarnner Sold Kungsfyllon 11/8/2007 $ 105 795
Panagos Eleftheroudakis Bought SOHOS-1973 11/8/2007 $ 214 200
Ramón Castellano Bought maddalonese 11/6/2007 $ 169 200
Giovanni Gobbo Bought Team Titans X 11/5/2007 $ 1 000
Torbjörn Jonsson Sold Mjdunk 11/3/2007 $ 30 000
Daniel Grunding Sold "Zalgiris" Team 11/3/2007 $ 10 000
Klas Olsson Sold Católica 11/3/2007 $ 10 000
Johan Stigwald Rastow team 11/3/2007 $ 12 000
Total Sales: $ 1 891 495
Total Purchases: $ 3 013 462
Transfer Balance: $ -1 121 967