Tamarillo Wings - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Tamarillo Wings Hall of Fame.

Serafino Ferla
8/20/2012 - 7/30/2016
Roberto Iafrate
12/23/2013 - 1/10/2018
Tong Duong
2/11/2015 - 4/22/2018

Polatcan Piskin
9/5/2016 - 7/8/2018
Pierino Bestagno
4/18/2018 - Present
Walter Killian
6/20/2020 - 6/25/2022

Johnny Merola
9/5/2020 - 6/26/2022
Massimo Gandolfi
1/9/2022 - 12/28/2022
