BRASSO (276630)
Manager: FlorinT
Country: Utopia
League: IV.23
Rival: BC Böðvar II
World Rank: 11198
Country Rank: 1093
BBM Tier: 13
Last Online: 5/13/2024

Second Team:
Country: România
League: III.1
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Posted on 11/6/2023

This morning in the conference room of the „Kronstadt Basketball Arena” the press conference was held with the subject of the goals of the „BRASSO" team. This was attended by the general manager of the team, FlorinT, representatives of the technical staff of the team, Herminio Esperon, Quinn Keaton, the new coach of the team Tohid Razzaghi and the players who will perform on Wednesday in the starting team against those from "San Martin Team II", Giovanni Bergese, Sami Darbandi, Orion Ruhani, Didier Clark and Lucky Makaya.
FlorinT, the team's general manager: “We gathered here to discuss what we want to achieve next season, as the current season is almost over. We're in a strong league full of competitive managers who won't stand aside because we're here. We don't want to set unrealistic and hard-to-achieve goals. Our goals are: supporting training sessions as beneficial as possible for our team, making 2-3 more transfers and strengthening the team. We want to finish ...

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