beat8ers II - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the beat8ers II Hall of Fame.

Alexander Harbach
4/8/2017 - 4/8/2018
Kelly Ybarra
4/10/2018 - 2/22/2019
Gernot Wayand
4/12/2018 - 3/7/2021

Danny Keyesj
7/17/2018 - 11/19/2019
Duncan McClain
3/22/2021 - 4/12/2022
Louis Bommersheim
3/25/2021 - 4/12/2022

Maurice Malte Foller
4/21/2022 - 2/8/2023
Arijan Laatzen
4/21/2022 - 2/7/2023
Gregor Grahl
2/10/2023 - 3/5/2024

Gernot Wella
3/7/2024 - 12/26/2024
