Connecticut Cresleys - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Connecticut Cresleys Hall of Fame.

Zhong Donghao
11/22/2008 - 2/14/2011
Clyde Diehl
3/21/2009 - 11/12/2010
Alexander Henry
6/6/2009 - 5/4/2011

Nurullah Otun
12/22/2009 - 9/3/2012
Pekka Fogelstedt
2/3/2010 - 3/21/2014
Mark Horner
5/14/2012 - 9/2/2013

Xacinto Astorga
7/8/2014 - 12/25/2020
Henrique César
7/11/2014 - 2/8/2019
