Las Vegas Silver Stars (28189)
Manager: Duam
Country: USA
League: IV.8
Rival: Wheaton Mastodons
World Rank: 7708
Country Rank: 403
BBM Tier: 11
Last Online: 9/20/2024

Second Team:
Phoenix Moons
Country: Utopia
League: IV.41
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Las Vegas Financials
Posted on 4/6/2024

The Silver Stars, a team once on the verge of bankruptcy is now flourishing financially… All thanks to the devoted support of our fans.

The Silver Stars have always been known as a WINNING franchise. The only 2 losing record seasons for the Vegas team has been the (2) seasons they have spend in DIII leagues.

Though a challenge in the short term, we aren’t letting that get in our way. The Silver Stars are trending to bring home $2.47 million in Attendance Revenue this season. This revenue is used to pay the salaries of the Silver Stars roster, Arena Upgrades, & Arena expansions. “After we conclude our current expansion in process, we will assess if anymore upgrades are necessary. We want to match the supply of seats we have available for the demand of our fans. We have room to add more Lower Tier seats but that any further expansion beyond the 750 we are currently adding will be determined on if there is no seat vacancy at our upcoming home game.” Said by GM Duam.

Revenues Projections ...

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