The Dachshunds (28191)
Manager: Zoey
Country: USA
League: III.13
Rival: brooklyn knicks
World Rank: 4788
Country Rank: 237
BBM Tier: 6
Last Online: 9/21/2024

Second Team:
The Dachshunds II
Country: Utopia
League: IV.37
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Dachshunds Reflect on Season 65, Prepare for a Stronger Season 66
Posted on 9/6/2024

This past season, the Dachshunds experienced one of the most eventful and challenging years in the team’s history. Season 65 began with high hopes but quickly turned into a rollercoaster ride, culminating in a battle to avoid relegation as the bottom seed of the Big 8 Conference.

In a bold move to change the team’s fortunes, the Dachshunds brought in a mercenary center mid-season. However, recognizing the need for a more comprehensive strategy, the team made the decision to completely overhaul the roster. With an eye toward season 66, the Dachshunds have retooled and re-energized, setting their sights on competing at a higher level.

Hopes are at an all-time high as the team looks ahead. While we aren’t where we want to be yet, we sure as hell aren’t where we were. The Dachshunds are ready to rise and make their mark in season 66.

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