List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Paweł Pułaczewski Sold Him543210 6/11/2015 $ 35 000
Faustas Kavaliauskis Sold Bobyteam 6/11/2015 $ 238 000
Dušan Malbašić Sold Classic Team 6/11/2015 $ 1 000
Felipe Ginés Sold Kokateam 6/11/2015 $ 15 000
Daniel Arroyo Sold Metauro Drifters 6/11/2015 $ 1 000
Darren Richey Sold Poudereux Maristas 6/11/2015 $ 36 000
Mohammad Yousefi Sold Duke Blue Devils University 6/11/2015 $ 459 000
Mario Gandolfi Sold Csak a Zete II. 6/11/2015 $ 357 000
Roscoe Charles Sold vagancias 6/11/2015 $ 230 100
Heath Park Sold chicago heat 6/10/2015 $ 3 000
Fernando Fabián Avalos Sold KK Drva i ugalj 6/10/2015 $ 204 000
Felipe Ginés Bought Los Willies 9/29/2014 $ 45 000
Jakub Ćwiertulak Bought Dżanus team 9/29/2014 $ 2 000
Paweł Pułaczewski Bought Galzenberger TEAM 9/29/2014 $ 15 000
Florian Hrycyna Bought Gumi TeamE1A 9/28/2014 $ 1 000
Enoch Lehman Bought Cold Fish 7/10/2014 $ 1 000
Fernando Fabián Avalos Bought S.V.Team Bednja 5/2/2014 $ 403 200
Evandro Pirruccio Bought Libertas Trepassi 1/22/2014 $ 1 000
Massimiliano Cannas Bought neotron spa 1/21/2014 $ 50 000
Jaber Hamdan Sold HUNANDONGTINGHU 11/29/2013 $ 1 000
Diego Clausi Bought Kac_100 11/28/2013 $ 70 000
Ignacio Calis Bought Yalova Dampers 10/9/2013 $ 41 000
Dušan Malbašić Bought BurgerTown Gamers 10/9/2013 $ 71 000
Trent Bishop Sold San Itesal Burgos 10/6/2013 $ 15 000
Mario Gandolfi Bought Real SAS 10/3/2013 $ 25 000
Roscoe Charles Bought --BK Ārciems-- 10/3/2013 $ 49 000
Mohammad Yousefi Bought Free Agent 10/3/2013 $ 80 800
Faustas Kavaliauskis Bought Tau Ceramica19FB06F32 10/3/2013 $ 25 000
Zacharias Fouskotopoulos Bought fc porto49 10/1/2013 $ 62 500
Jaber Hamdan Bought LakersBeast 9/30/2013 $ 12 000
Ricardo Mariño Bought GunsBuster 9/30/2013 $ 1 000
Omri Azulay Bought Geležinė Lapė 9/30/2013 $ 7 000
Víctor Majo Llorente Sold The Champions 8/17/2013 $ 5 000
Alex Di Pasquale Bought LA Lakers 24 & 8 8/10/2013 $ 15 000
Girdutis Piragas Bought The Towers 8/10/2013 $ 20 000
Vinko Valencic Bought Smoove Moves BC 8/9/2013 $ 15 000
Alejo Cruilles Bought Vilnius Villains 8/9/2013 $ 26 000
Andy Bubich Bought A.L.K Trzcińsk 8/8/2013 $ 3 000
Jordon Booth Bought Hersey Huskies 8/8/2013 $ 1 000
Víctor Majo Llorente Bought A.L.K Trzcińsk 8/8/2013 $ 2 000
Zoltán Orosz Bought Giouxtas 8/7/2013 $ 159 300
Lu Youliang Sold yerps 8/9/2012 $ 81 600
Evan Hughes Bought Westlake demons 8/4/2012 $ 204 000
Angelo Vetturi Sold Ballers_123 7/14/2012 $ 130 600
Mickey Jordan Bought Free Agent 7/11/2012 $ 250 000
Medastas Ulvidas Bought BC Vilniaus Vilkai 5/21/2012 $ 6 000
Davide Luigi Leonardis Bought Codrongianus 5/20/2012 $ 59 000
Nei Sales Sold five by ostia 3/22/2012 $ 72 100
Cole Buffington Sold Wanga Wanga 3/22/2012 $ 60 000
Jules Wade Sold Pick&Roll 2/21/2012 $ 93 900
Aurél Lapis Sold Transvelita 12/17/2011 $ 108 400
Márcio Pinto Sold ol lyon kim ja 8/25/2011 $ 10 000
Krzysztof Ciborek Bought Free Agent 7/28/2011 $ 101 000
Lu Youliang Bought Free Agent 7/28/2011 $ 156 100
Adolfo Marchante Bought RIVER EL MAS GRANDE 6/11/2011 $ 53 200
Steve Weber Sold Hostelsaw Team 6/4/2011 $ 6 000
Aurél Lapis Bought Free Agent 6/1/2011 $ 220 000
Angelo Vetturi Bought Free Agent 5/11/2011 $ 306 400
Nei Sales Bought KKKS Siarka Jezioro Tarnobrzeg 4/28/2011 $ 175 000
Vidginas Janilionis Bought Perisic 3/19/2011 $ 3 000
Márcio Pinto Bought Bitcoin Holders 3/19/2011 $ 6 000
Urtash Demaqi Bought dritoni 1/24/2011 $ 300 000
Dmitrijus Malunavicius Sold Parimtiim 2/14/2010 $ 500 000
Karel Maier Sold ALIS Rockets 2/14/2010 $ 12 000
Everett Bone Sold ?!?C18 2/14/2010 $ 6 000
Karel Maier Bought BK Silesia Klein Darkowitz 1/22/2010 $ 2 000
Dmitrijus Malunavicius Bought Los QwErTy’s 1/16/2010 $ 550 000
Lenny Phipps Sold AKKAN 1/11/2010 $ 221 000
Darin Stevenson Sold truenobasket 1/11/2010 $ 21 000
Paulo Menezes Bought BC Balvi 1/9/2010 $ 25 000
Beniamin Rosek Bought Globo Gym 7/13/2009 $ 130 000
Total Sales: $ 2 922 700
Total Purchases: $ 3 750 500
Transfer Balance: $ -827 800