San Dominica Warriors - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the San Dominica Warriors Hall of Fame.

Stuart Wilson
3/4/2013 - 10/26/2018
Dijon Cantera
5/22/2013 - 7/20/2015
Jojo Venosa
1/28/2014 - 10/31/2019

Bret Rodrigues
10/14/2014 - 9/9/2020
Douglas Diamond
8/3/2015 - 3/25/2021
Nikolakis Chasomeris
2/20/2016 - 12/12/2020

Matt Barbosa
6/19/2017 - 4/22/2022
Dor Daniel
2/16/2018 - 4/22/2022
Allen Parrish
7/17/2018 - 5/11/2023

Vicente Valladares
5/6/2019 - 10/5/2023
Luís Alberto Baião
7/9/2020 - 6/8/2024
Jérome Bégin
4/24/2021 - 9/16/2024
