Kaunas Golden Knights (39919)
Manager: Muselinis
Country: Lietuva
League: III.14
Rival: Greitai
World Rank: 4558
Country Rank: 208
BBM Tier: 6
Last Online: 9/21/2024
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Home of the Kaunas Golden Knights
Posted on 10/26/2022

53 season ended up with a massive achievement for the Golden Knights organization, The team made it to the Final 4 and lost to the crowned champions in a very tide battle!!! The team and the fans looks forward to the 54 season as it will compete in the same league III. There should be no changes in the squad, the main point will be to play with young motivated players. New rookie made it to the main team, the organization looks promising in his talent. This season objective is to continue achieved things and remain among the four strongest teams in the league III. Let's go!!!

Paskutinį kart taisyta 2024-03-05 08:53:50, taisė Muselinis

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