Alfa One (51795)
Manager: Zeminems
Country: Latvija
League: II.1
Rival: Ball4Life
World Rank: 1423
Country Rank: 19
BBM Tier: 2
Last Online: 2/23/2025

Second Team:
Alfa Two
Country: Utopia
League: IV.8
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Jauns sākums - New beginning.
Posted on 6/13/2024

Alfa One komanda nenoturējās un ktīt no VL. Tas ir liels trieciens Faniem, tikai paši kvēlākie fani paliek. Lai kā sudraba laiki beigtos , komandas meneģeris ir izdomājis īpašus plānus , 6šas paaudzes turpinās un tiek paplašināts ar jauniešiem. Ar lielu cerību un cīņas sparu komanda darīs visu, lai turpinātu iesākto un veidotos jaunas paaudzes.
The Alfa One team did not hold back from VL. This is a big blow to the Fans, only the most ardent fans remain. No matter how the silver days end, the team manager has come up with special plans, 6 generations continue and are expanded with young people. With great hope and fighting spirit, the team will do everything to continue what has been started and create new generations.

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