List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Federico Mora Sold Monstarz 1/29/2017 $ 10 000
Omar Nadim Peñaloza Sold Angry Nerds 1/29/2017 $ 104 100
Ou Rongying Bought Free Agent 1/7/2017 $ 195 860
Santiago Riveros Martín Bought BAD BOYS 34 1/3/2017 $ 666 666
Felipe De los Reyes Bought Familiar 1/1/2017 $ 100 000
Cláudio Augusto Coimbra Sold Закат 12/21/2016 $ 250 000
Vaidas Pašcukas Sold the king of liege 12/21/2016 $ 265 500
Christophe Petitjean Bought airTommy08 12/18/2016 $ 494 300
Quintiliano Carbone Sold Bili Team 12/13/2016 $ 10 000
Valeriy Patelnya Bought paixtarades4E0 10/30/2016 $ 10 000
Omar Nadim Peñaloza Bought Soles de Mexicali 8/29/2016 $ 600 000
Federico Mora Bought Old Game 8/15/2016 $ 50 000
Monty Booker Sold Osorno Magic 6/10/2016 $ 52 100
Vaidas Pašcukas Bought DurantulosBC 6/7/2016 $ 170 000
He Kin Chau Bought Free Agent 6/7/2016 $ 54 330
Alfred Ethan Capatan Bought BobRyneDadaCat 6/7/2016 $ 150 000
Mickey Crump Bought Primetimes6CE696 6/7/2016 $ 100 000
Monty Booker Bought LG-team 5/25/2016 $ 200 000
Gojko Stevovic Bought Radnički Pertate 5/24/2016 $ 2 000
Panos Xirafis Bought ΑΟ ΔΕΙΛΙΝΟ 10/8/2015 $ 216 800
Cao Rensheng Bought zealotz 10/4/2015 $ 32 000
Roger Hughes Bought DaTeamOfQuestions 5/3/2012 $ 90 000
Zvonko Surac Bought Deftones 3/30/2012 $ 250 000
Jair de Moraes Sold Szolnoki Kosárlabda Egyesület 3/16/2012 $ 7 000
Ray Wolford Bought Third Rock Utd 3/4/2012 $ 800 000
Peda Ðukanovic Bought Peacemakers 12/24/2011 $ 290 000
Aristeu Cazet Sold Bierzo 12/18/2011 $ 5 000
Bill Argo Bought Vytis BC 12/8/2011 $ 15 010
Miguel Russell Bought Totwart 12/6/2011 $ 31 500
Widmar Malherbe Bought Mitrović 12/5/2011 $ 21 600
Dênis Paulista Bought PINDAFOX 6/21/2010 $ 172 000
Aggelos Genaridis Bought BGV Brooklyn 11/5/2009 $ 170 000
Elliot Rieffel Bought bamor8 10/20/2009 $ 100 000
Apollo Velasco Bought bamor8 10/20/2009 $ 100 000
Luis Terán Bought bamor8 9/25/2009 $ 100 000
Vlatko Mardešić Bought Chupa Tetas 9/22/2009 $ 20 000
Julián Garaicoa Bought Gorgoveru 9/15/2009 $ 10 000
Vincent Jardel Bought Girondins du Chesnay 9/15/2009 $ 10 000
Ryszard Bejma Bought Black Wolfs Martez 9/15/2009 $ 50 000
Nick Erfe Bought ciaociao 9/8/2009 $ 60 000
Valentin Bobin Bought United Drinking Team 9/8/2009 $ 120 000
Erkan Akinci Bought matrak team 9/8/2009 $ 40 000
Natan Pipa Bought BGV Brooklyn 8/27/2009 $ 74 400
Giancarlo Suhett Sold Bloomington Rogues 8/23/2009 $ 6 000
Diego Pineda Bought los valencianos100 8/22/2009 $ 3 000
Adolfo Gambini Bought bittoLanzi 8/22/2009 $ 3 000
Gianluca Brinkhoffs Bought ATV Dortmund 09 8/22/2009 $ 4 000
Albino de Alencar Sold Masinac RD 8/21/2009 $ 41 000
Pekka Niukkanen Sold BGV Brooklyn 8/21/2009 $ 3 500
Emmanuel Personne Sold Rinocerontes de la Meseta 8/21/2009 $ 8 600
Petr Glukhikh Bought Будівельник 8/21/2009 $ 2 000
Edgar Aragão Bought BGV Brooklyn 8/20/2009 $ 101 200
Gildo Ventorini Sold 野狼战队 8/18/2009 $ 4 000
Norival de Liz Sold sballatissimi 8/18/2009 $ 2 000
Albino de Alencar Bought Los Charruas 8/17/2009 $ 200 000
Emmanuel Personne Bought Α.Ο. Ρουβίκωνας 8/16/2009 $ 91 000
Pekka Niukkanen Bought Los Ghettos 8/15/2009 $ 2 501
Total Sales: $ 768 800
Total Purchases: $ 5 973 167
Transfer Balance: $ -5 204 367