List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Abram Zemlyanskiy Bought Free Agent 7/8/2022 $ 204 000
Güven Nakip Sold 河洛逐风者 6/20/2022 $ 1 000
Abdullah Özkutal Sold US DAGGERS 6/20/2022 $ 1 000
Emre Karaer Bought Cramlington Showboaters 6/18/2022 $ 99 000
Stefanos Mprizolakis Bought Free Agent 3/24/2022 $ 52 800
Abel Godspower Bought El Puerco Grande 3/19/2022 $ 1 000
Thomas Mensink Bought BC Gum 3/19/2022 $ 56 200
Fabian McLean Bought Mondarruegos 3/19/2022 $ 36 000
Joaquin Jacoby Bought rotselaar pro 3/17/2022 $ 102 000
Alain Piriou Bought Free Agent 3/16/2022 $ 270 000
Romain Pérez Bought YKT County 1/23/2022 $ 69 334
Diego Pries Bought Argonautas 1/15/2022 $ 1 000
Celalettin Beygo Sold CGB 1/15/2022 $ 2 000
Vsevolod Nevelskoy Bought Chunky Monkees 1/15/2022 $ 2 000
Kai Paija Bought Chox 1/15/2022 $ 2 000
Olaf Wołoszyn Bought chacota CB 1/13/2022 $ 54 754
Vladimir Gorpinchenko Bought MIELNIK 1/13/2022 $ 1 500
Csaba Siti Bought Wol_ves 1/13/2022 $ 11 000
Roman Wodalski Bought BC RiigikoguB06 1/11/2022 $ 2 000
Sébastien Théobald Bought Cantucky 1/11/2022 $ 3 000
Fausto Magriço Bought BC SKELETAI 1/10/2022 $ 3 000
Kosta Grković Bought Sincan Kekos 1/6/2022 $ 124 804
Tanju Salahi Bought 1322EyEm 1/2/2022 $ 241 000
Gevorg Hovsepyan Bought Czarni Wrocław 1/2/2022 $ 59 000
Charles Ojeda Bought African Lightning 5/10/2015 $ 285 100
Erman Saglam Sold uncleofyou93 5/10/2015 $ 5 000
Mert Berkay Sernaz Sold I rubatà 5/9/2015 $ 1 500
Martin Uhlíř Bought neve hof b.c 5/2/2015 $ 600 000
Seyit Alper Sanli Sold Las Vegas Century Fox 4/15/2015 $ 1 000
Onat Çemen Sold Kerbal Space Program 4/12/2015 $ 3 000
Sydney Healy Bought C. B. Roda 4/10/2015 $ 280 000
Vazul Kincses Bought Debussys Darts 4/9/2015 $ 2 000
Jerzy Swierski Sold Trusttebitches 12/29/2013 $ 233 500
Müslüm Hatira Sold PAKSOY BASKET 12/27/2013 $ 100 000
Diego Pereira Bought Detroit Metal City 11/9/2013 $ 306 000
Lluís Gadel Sold CorinGunners B.C. 10/12/2013 $ 300 000
Nate Sherman Bought Hamtown Huskies 8/12/2013 $ 439 000
Kristupas Maciukonis Sold Jim Almeidas Janitor Crew 8/6/2013 $ 400 000
Sergio Venegas Bought darkcity 4/9/2013 $ 250 000
Daniel Turcu Bought CSKA MOTTOLA 3/10/2013 $ 322 000
Jerzy Swierski Bought OSKF Orzeł Sidzina 3/8/2013 $ 20 000
Lluís Gadel Bought Free Agent 12/19/2012 $ 408 930
Hannes Lõiv Bought 鬼车 11/6/2012 $ 112 200
Kristupas Maciukonis Bought Perth Jets 11/2/2012 $ 689 900
Daniel Ochotorena Bought Schwarz 10/31/2012 $ 51 000
Jordi Fustanya Sold C.D Tarapacá Stars 9/25/2012 $ 50 000
Torben Hafer Sold Odio Per I Clerks!!!! 9/20/2012 $ 217 800
Durmus Racih Sold Oberthur Ducks 9/20/2012 $ 187 300
Martí Pérez Sold Etoile de Saint Lou 9/20/2012 $ 116 800
Celalettin Kutan Sold Mladic 9/20/2012 $ 135 600
Daniel Aszkelowicz Sold BasketballBreak Ballers 7/14/2012 $ 66 800
Martí Pérez Bought The Jammers525 7/5/2012 $ 46 000
Eduardo Piralla Bought miami Heat 10 6/23/2012 $ 183 200
Torben Hafer Bought virginia pirates 4/11/2012 $ 223 800
Hilário De Meo Sold BC Green Mountain 3/29/2012 $ 77 000
Mario Cavallari Bought C.B Bolo 3/20/2012 $ 350 000
Domenti Kartozia Bought Dartmouth Martinos 3/18/2012 $ 89 999
Mustafa Kemal Leyan Sold CcC İzMiR cCc 3/16/2012 $ 400 000
Tarsun Lal Bought Kabarday 3/4/2012 $ 30 000
Anit Yuva Bought Kabarday 3/4/2012 $ 30 000
Muhittin Ayeda Bought BeykosBld 3/2/2012 $ 120 000
Utku Korkunç Bought BeykosBld 3/2/2012 $ 49 999
Sümer Ösme Bought Kabarday 2/25/2012 $ 50 000
Stéphane Vergé Sold cascioarele fcm 2/18/2012 $ 71 400
Carles Daniel Garcia Sold Ikar Korytnica II 2/18/2012 $ 70 000
Lovro Pilipovic Sold blasterz 2/6/2012 $ 350 000
Mauro Lanzone Sold Paranormal Investigators 2/1/2012 $ 40 000
Lovro Pilipovic Bought MEGIC 12/28/2011 $ 300 000
Raúl Muñoz Bought Pegasus SC 11/11/2011 $ 29 000
Mauro Lanzone Bought Limoges USBC 11/7/2011 $ 100 000
Maciej Gidzielski Bought CVPPSC 11/3/2011 $ 20 000
Jordi Fustanya Bought Free Agent 11/2/2011 $ 84 400
Hilário De Meo Bought Green cat 10/29/2011 $ 90 000
Stéphane Vergé Bought Killer Basketball 10/22/2011 $ 52 100
Carles Daniel Garcia Bought Free Agent 10/19/2011 $ 125 600
Daniel Aszkelowicz Bought Free Agent 10/19/2011 $ 104 300
Melih Öztürk Sold sydteam 6/30/2010 $ 282 700
Haci Halis Bought gençkanarya 6/30/2010 $ 850 000
Total Sales: $ 3 113 400
Total Purchases: $ 8 089 920
Transfer Balance: $ -4 976 520