List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Maciej Zielosko Bought Bandwagon 4/29/2016 $ 816 000
Utku Umut Oguztan Bought Cullera CB 10/5/2015 $ 480 300
Alvytas Ardulevicius Sold BC Golden Balls 5/10/2015 $ 300 000
Alvytas Ardulevicius Bought AzzAZ SwiNaDaDz 4/8/2015 $ 306 000
Zoran Novičić Bought GOD TEAM 3/17/2015 $ 757 800
Florian Brightbill Bought Sierra Oaks Cougars 2/26/2015 $ 153 000
Saulutis Prakopimas Sold Raymondville Lions 1/20/2015 $ 50 000
Tie San Liong Sold Lian Levy 1/20/2015 $ 45 000
Frederico Jul Bought Las Vegas Dust Devils 1/14/2015 $ 50 000
Saulutis Prakopimas Bought nu nepisk tu man proto 12/31/2014 $ 54 300
Francas Bervinskas Bought Vilniaus Rytas17E 12/30/2014 $ 25 000
Edmundas Cisiunskas Bought StorasikniaiBC 12/30/2014 $ 10 000
Jukundas Biržietis Bought Rajono Street Ball 12/30/2014 $ 5 000
Giacomo D'Urso Sold Basketball Buizingen 12/29/2014 $ 318 500
David Bledsoe Sold Lifestyles617088 12/29/2014 $ 255 000
Eray Egilmez Bought KıNgS of MeTaL 11/12/2014 $ 104 100
David Bledsoe Bought Los Ghettos 11/11/2014 $ 255 000
Hans Wolfgang Reissig Sold Schofise Basket 10/31/2014 $ 336 600
Giacomo D'Urso Bought Winchester Crows 9/28/2014 $ 212 300
Fredrick Quinn Sold Monségur Basket 8/25/2014 $ 78 200
Tie San Liong Bought OVERDOSE B.C 8/7/2014 $ 45 000
Alfonso Maestre España Bought BasketDragons B.C.FDF 8/6/2014 $ 228 900
Fulgis Kuzas Sold Dziesięciny D-fense 7/26/2014 $ 83 100
Andrey Slonov Bought Magics Team 7/16/2014 $ 75 000
Ohan Gagigyan Bought BĒBJI LV 6/11/2014 $ 5 000
Marek Jakoniuk Bought Azzurra Orvieto 3/25/2014 $ 130 000
Fulgis Kuzas Bought Furias Rojas 3/25/2014 $ 50 000
Xián Cabanelas Bought Tom Fc 3/15/2014 $ 159 000
Igor Vranješ Sold Vélez 3/6/2014 $ 60 000
Gilles Monchaux Bought Olololo688 3/3/2014 $ 117 400
Igor Vranješ Bought Paćenici 1/24/2014 $ 35 000
Ted Thomas Bought C.B. Idoscar 1/18/2014 $ 150 000
Francois Bussières Bought Dio Peelen 1/2/2014 $ 60 000
Arnon Sofer Bought Beikvey Haderech 1/2/2014 $ 1 000
Zyad Mellouli Bought CS Meaux 1/2/2014 $ 5 000
Hans Wolfgang Reissig Bought HFC Falke 12/31/2013 $ 250 000
Mario Ocampo Bought Kungälv Knigths 12/30/2013 $ 50 000
Fredrick Quinn Bought Novas 12/30/2013 $ 100 000
Alberto Jesús López Rojas Bought Cavernicolas club de basket 10/9/2013 $ 193 800
Johnny Durham Sold PalikariaADC 10/7/2013 $ 125 000
Medas Cencovas Sold Karlovac Knights 10/7/2013 $ 13 200
Onésimo Eidocaín Sold Castilla Starogard 10/7/2013 $ 4 000
Mariusz Manuszak Bought Cwaniaki Warszawa 9/24/2013 $ 57 800
Fabián Corbo Bought mempish 9/24/2013 $ 62 500
Krzysztof Kozaczuk Bought kengät 9/21/2013 $ 60 000
Onésimo Eidocaín Bought Cavernicolas club de basket 9/11/2013 $ 50 000
Johnny Durham Bought Cavernicolas club de basket 8/23/2013 $ 200 000
Medas Cencovas Bought Tel Aviv Purple Knights 8/23/2013 $ 100 000
Hilari Ballester Sold zkj meirs 5/30/2013 $ 1 000
Arnaud Rougier Sold Patrankų mėsa 5/30/2013 $ 2 000
Nemesio Barros Sold TJJTDS 5/29/2013 $ 1 000
Xavi Cucarell Sold tna 5/29/2013 $ 1 000
Mak Jin Ming Sold Phoenix Spark 5/29/2013 $ 80 000
Hermóxenes Bernedo Sold Chicago Bulls Hit 5/29/2013 $ 1 000
Miguel Ángel Agüero Sold nopnik1 5/29/2013 $ 3 000
Federico Sedda Sold Dynamo Moscow 5/29/2013 $ 1 000
Aparicio Cacheiro Sold ARIS SALONIKA B.V. 5/29/2013 $ 1 000
Àlex Caelles Sold Gold Less smell 5/29/2013 $ 1 000
Sherman Cline Sold The Wolf Pack 5/29/2013 $ 75 000
José Ramos Cerro Sold Las tortuguitas 5/29/2013 $ 2 000
Xeromé Cacabelos Sold Chochii Rey 5/28/2013 $ 1 000
Mak Jin Ming Bought hesaplutfen 4/21/2013 $ 84 700
Arnaud Rougier Bought MamisoniB32 4/21/2013 $ 250 000
Antonio Simón Sold C.A. San Lorenzo de Almagro 4/9/2013 $ 9 000
Laurendi Etxezarreta Bought Machori 3/27/2013 $ 13 000
Federico Sedda Bought jkeea 3/26/2013 $ 20 000
Sherman Cline Bought Breizh Celtics 3/25/2013 $ 150 000
Raimon Planella Bought ASUDUR 12/20/2012 $ 10 000
Cyril Gabert Bought Pacroa 12/18/2012 $ 17 000
Óscar Mique Bought Guim Team 12/18/2012 $ 2 000
Máximo Valenzuela Porras Sold heroherohero 2/10/2012 $ 17 000
Àlex Farnós Sold 力拔山兮气盖世,威风凛凛,煞气腾腾,一夫挡关万夫莫开,天朝第一SF谢宇天 2/5/2012 $ 2 000
José Ganeroso Sold Boys_Next_Door 2/5/2012 $ 2 000
Jorge Armendáriz Sold Gien Volley 1/29/2012 $ 1 000
Paco Peregrín Sold Club Deportivo Palestino 11/27/2011 $ 15 000
Alonso Martínez Bought Rubiatequiero 11/4/2011 $ 3 000
Ulpiano Santaclara Sold 独孤求败 9/9/2011 $ 1 000
Xia Xingping Bought Free Agent 9/8/2011 $ 163 700
Massimiliano Mezzetti Bought Free Agent 7/20/2011 $ 613 200
David Pedrosa Sold ✧ЁЙ❀Рiηg✧☛☞☛♔ 7/4/2011 $ 22 000
Mauro Marín Sold ✧ЁЙ❀Рiηg✧☛☞☛♔ 7/4/2011 $ 8 000
Sebastián Leone Sold 小学生詹姆斯库里 4/17/2011 $ 2 000
Sebas Ossendrijver Bought BC Desmaug Rebels 3/30/2011 $ 204 000
Fethullah Atakul Bought Baltimore Blackhawks3DC 1/28/2011 $ 500 000
Sebastián Leone Bought Devoto Jailers 12/16/2010 $ 15 000
Pigmalion Roustemis Bought Mažeikių "Lasharos" 12/16/2010 $ 200 000
Sun Kunyao Bought Consuegra For ever6C7 11/23/2010 $ 153 000
Wojciech Zegarek Bought CS Wallachia 11/23/2010 $ 7 745
Alejandro Zayas Bought Cucucu 2008 7/14/2010 $ 175 000
Ottmar Rossy Bought Lueg 7/14/2010 $ 51 000
Lajos Túri Bought Real Hotspur 7/14/2010 $ 5 000
Neftalí Molina Sold SiZeKyrox Team 7/11/2010 $ 310 200
Włodzimierz Reguła Bought Black Wolfs Martez 6/2/2010 $ 1 000
Roberto Grammatico Bought Atlantic City GamblersB09 6/2/2010 $ 124 700
Yarden Abuksis Bought אליצור חשמונאים 6/2/2010 $ 1 000
Diliza Sekgapane Bought Shkoder1912 5/31/2010 $ 3 000
Kostas Menziltsoglou Bought Splash City30C 5/7/2010 $ 6 000
Gábor Nagy Bought parquet workers 10/12/2009 $ 100 000
Martí Tauler Sold Pelícanos de Coia 9/9/2009 $ 16 000
Rafael Picatoste Sold Rione Marina 9/9/2009 $ 1 000
Albert Pfeiffer Bought Shohoku CB 7/18/2009 $ 208 100
Carles Casal Sold Pontoise Streetfighters 7/11/2009 $ 146 700
Víctor Luises Sold Skuodas 7/11/2009 $ 10 000
Álvaro Muñoz Sánchez Sold Cleveland Knight 7/11/2009 $ 5 000
Cibrao Lobeira Sold KC_Kings 7/11/2009 $ 330 000
Florentino Bustillo Sold Skuodas 7/11/2009 $ 4 000
Adelino Araguzo Sold עירוני יהוד 7/11/2009 $ 300 000
Roberto Sánchez Llorente Sold matheatF35 4/1/2009 $ 6 000
Carles Rubí Sold suckamy 4/1/2009 $ 2 000
José Romero Sold LEONTARIO BC 4/1/2009 $ 20 000
Uge Gueba Sold mohas basketball club 4/1/2009 $ 2 000
Alfonso Gorontiola Sold Peretz team 4/1/2009 $ 1 000
Helenio Feal Sold BK Balahiro 4/1/2009 $ 11 000
Manuel Cachupín Sold KK Partizan Teslić 4/1/2009 $ 32 000
Michaël Pérignon Sold Malgi Stalowa Wola 2/10/2009 $ 101 600
Isidoro Freixó Sold Dallas Stars 2/10/2009 $ 1 000
Juan Ignacio Arzalluz Sold Blue WizardsE76B2F3B06C7 2/10/2009 $ 12 000
Josep Lluís Francesc Sold RGUNS 2/10/2009 $ 1 000
Michaël Pérignon Bought White Hornets 12/12/2008 $ 153 000
Argider Santillán Sold Kohalikud Poisid 12/1/2008 $ 30 000
Juan Pablo González Frías Sold ELNINYO 12/1/2008 $ 31 000
Rodrigo Elizaga Sold Brestois! 9/23/2008 $ 23 000
Hilario Guelbás Sold El MaSeT C.B. 7/21/2008 $ 50 000
Gonzalo Gortaire Sold BK Spišská Nová Ves 6/29/2008 $ 25 000
Imanol Urturi Sold imdaxe 6/3/2008 $ 57 000
Salvador Llimos Sold VG Volunteers B.C. 6/3/2008 $ 10 000
Mauricio Eliceyri Lantabat Sold AC_Milan 6/3/2008 $ 5 000
Gonzalo Gortaire Bought Astrabuduko 4/7/2008 $ 150 000
Manolo Maceda Sold Deep Blue Sea Sharks 3/22/2008 $ 5 000
Javier Diezma Dillanes Sold Cruesli 3/22/2008 $ 5 000
Mauduit Bello Sold Fredericton Maritimers 10/30/2007 $ 50 000
Total Sales: $ 3 521 100
Total Purchases: $ 8 798 345
Transfer Balance: $ -5 277 245