Basurtuko Izargorri - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Basurtuko Izargorri Hall of Fame.

Yair Buaron
11/17/2009 - 6/1/2011
Sergi Cortada
12/19/2009 - 1/16/2014
Ivan Ralevic
1/30/2010 - 2/20/2011

Oriol Escué
11/13/2010 - 2/19/2012
Philippe Masclaux
7/28/2011 - 3/29/2015
Daniel Andrades
3/4/2013 - 8/30/2015

Carles Rodoreda
9/16/2013 - 10/29/2017
Kasim Junayd
12/16/2015 - 12/1/2019
Bogdan Martynov
1/12/2016 - 3/31/2018

Galen Miranda
3/9/2019 - 1/2/2025
Juan Carlos Urioste
9/7/2020 - 5/21/2023
