List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Metin Özveren Sold 50nudos 4/25/2019 $ 1 000
Ajtony Székely Bought 93’til Infinity 6/4/2009 $ 1 000
Chrisostomos Tsoukalios Sold Abemarj Team 5/22/2013 $ 5 000
David Bash Bought AiFlight 5/27/2016 $ 1 000
Pier Carlo Sera Bought alpini 7/15/2013 $ 1 000
Santiago Ferrer Fuentes Sold Alsace de BagnoletCB2 5/22/2013 $ 54 300
Francisco Javier Barriomartín Sold 10/26/2009 $ 1 000
Pau Sureda Sold A-Pro BC 1/11/2011 $ 1 500 000
Javier Chanteiro Sold AS Monségur-Mant 8/7/2015 $ 480 000
Guillem Rojas Sold ASBrestBasket 6/11/2009 $ 20 000
Yiannis Aretinis Bought Asteras Ilision 7/12/2013 $ 1 000
Wesley Simmons Bought athlos 12/8/2016 $ 418 700
Aaron Smith Bought athlos 12/8/2016 $ 350 000
Álvaro Cunqueiro Sold Avanguardia 11/16/2015 $ 4 000
Telémaco Antas Sold B Republik 6/1/2015 $ 5 000
Konstantinos Fotsis Sold Baku City bbc 4/24/2019 $ 3 000
Nicola Saracco Bought Barracudas 1/13/2011 $ 270 900
Goran Danilović Sold Basket Poznań 5/23/2013 $ 100 000
Pedro Hernández Sold BB Stars 3/30/2008 $ 1 000
Yuval Pessach Bought BC Krupa 2/9/2018 $ 2 000
Juha Holm Sold BC Slashers Reunion 7/5/2017 $ 1 000
Raúl Rincón Sold BC Sveikata 11/3/2022 $ 1 000
Leopold Svetlák Sold Bestias FC 7/4/2008 $ 1 000
Germán Soler Sold Black_Stars 1/24/2013 $ 700 000
Nils Wippel Bought blackback 7/16/2013 $ 1 000
Guillaume Soler Bought Blitzkrieg Stars 12/30/2022 $ 3 000
Beñat Alcaraz Casademunt Sold blueagles 10/10/2021 $ 50 000
Julián Valpuesta Bought Boet Mataro 2 1/11/2008 $ 1 000
Fernando Platas Sold BOURG SUR GIRONDE 5/22/2013 $ 21 000
Ricardo Burgo Díaz Bought C.B. PEGASUS 10/27/2019 $ 1 000
Mateu Xiprés Sold Chinato C.B. 1/18/2022 $ 1 000
Delfí Jofré Sold Chinga BBC II 1/18/2022 $ 1 000
Heitor Arias Sold COSA NOSTRA B.C +++ 5/23/2013 $ 1 000
Aaron Smith Sold Cyborgs 4/24/2019 $ 3 000
Raúl Chico Sold Cyborgs 5/22/2013 $ 2 000
Sergio Echeandía Sold Deportivo 25 6/9/2020 $ 10 000
Péter Fodi Bought Diegoteam KK 9/11/2011 $ 51 000
Joaquín Romero Mora Sold Dinamo Cavaions 10/11/2024 $ 25 000
Sebastián Lizardo Sold Dombóvár KC 2021 1/1/2021 $ 1 000
Pablo Valencia Junco Sold Dondup Latina 9/14/2011 $ 357 000
Javier Lanuza Entenza Sold Dorostol_SS 5/3/2015 $ 50 000
Víctor Muntaner Sold DVine Vuez 5/6/2009 $ 6 000
Ray Gilliam Sold Dynamite BC 3/3/2009 $ 104 100
Clarencio Pedreira Sold Eclypze 7/5/2010 $ 100 000
Metin Özveren Bought Efes Pilsen Crabs 12/8/2016 $ 250 000
Víctor Folguera Sold EnderVours 12/11/2008 $ 61 000
Tommy Gamache Sold Escuela Suiza de Basquetbol 10/21/2008 $ 41 000
Víctor Lauria Sold Extreme Kings 11/29/2022 $ 1 000
Joaquín Pamplona Sold Extreme Kings 11/29/2022 $ 1 000
Mauricio Sesma Sold FC Táborsko 4/19/2019 $ 260 200
Miguel Gómez de la Serna Sold Fernee boys 8/27/2012 $ 5 000
Santi Las Heras Marín Sold FFAM Team 7/11/2014 $ 104 100
Eulogio Rejala Bought Free Agent 12/23/2022 $ 48 280
Luigi Putzu Bought Free Agent 10/26/2011 $ 104 600
Chrisostomos Tsoukalios Bought Free Agent 9/15/2011 $ 96 200
Aurelian Spiridon Bought Free marijuana 7/12/2013 $ 1 000
Ben Madu Sold GKS Arena Gliwice 11/3/2022 $ 52 100
Txema Díaz Sold GliEroidiMadrid 2/17/2008 $ 2 000
Nicola Ballottazzo Sold Globo Gym 1/3/2023 $ 234 800
Stefan Giler Bought Golden Celtics 12/5/2009 $ 1 000
Seran Carcasona Sold Gorzow Sharks 11/4/2011 $ 1 000
Ben Madu Bought GTBoys 6/15/2019 $ 1 000
Enrique Galve Sold Guasones 10/3/2008 $ 20 000
Ray Gilliam Bought guelfo 1/9/2008 $ 10 000
Nicolas Tillier Bought Gyrios Basket Club 12/23/2022 $ 27 000
José Jiménez Mieres Sold Halex 2/12/2018 $ 1 000
Plácido Salinas Mila Sold Hellas Madonna 5/26/2020 $ 10 000
Pablo Antonio Garrinaga Sold Ionic bonds 1/10/2022 $ 1 000
Valdemar da Luz Bought Iowa Bad Boyz 7/2/2017 $ 100 000
Eduardo Parrael Sold Jewish Mobb 9/10/2011 $ 550 000
Paco Badajoz Sold K. K. Sakalai 10/26/2014 $ 34 000
Veniamin Mashkov Sold kifkif connection 9/20/2009 $ 33 000
Jesús Nuño Alvar Sold Kinezoi B.C. 11/22/2008 $ 918 000
Chai Anyun Bought Kinky Koalas 6/12/2019 $ 1 000
Oscar Cañizales Sold KiwiGold 5/23/2013 $ 12 000
Anselmo Irusta Sold KiwiGold 5/23/2013 $ 4 000
Patxi Montenegro Sold KK Medjedi 5/17/2009 $ 204 000
Agustí Maristan Sold Klevas 7/25/2018 $ 52 100
Rubén Campoamor Sold koroni magara 4/12/2018 $ 1 000
Wesley Simmons Sold Królowie Smalcu 4/24/2019 $ 2 000
Fernando Cetina Bought La Plana Bruins 1/13/2011 $ 2 000
Péter Fodi Sold La rinascita di Danielmolla 5/23/2013 $ 142 000
Luis Zúñiga Monroy Sold Legendy Wrocław 1/18/2022 $ 57 400
Ignacio Itruburu Sold leitoland 2/15/2008 $ 1 000
Jorge Iruñela Sold leitoland 2/15/2008 $ 1 000
Jordi Sagarra Bought Lembach 5/23/2020 $ 4 000
Mauricio Sesma Bought lentinis 6/22/2017 $ 61 200
Tesifonte Puyol Sold Les Lodry Shark 6/19/2024 $ 23 000
Miquel Casal Sold Leyenda NegraBD6 7/1/2010 $ 25 000
Víctor Ramo Valero Sold LKS Spurs 9/24/2011 $ 51 000
Roberto Capitani Bought Llefia BC 6/5/2009 $ 1 000
Mateu Casador Sold London Koalas 9/7/2011 $ 900 000
Aurelian Spiridon Sold Los angles lakers52B 9/22/2015 $ 996 000
Ginés Zúñiga Pimentel Sold Los Blasitos 6/27/2017 $ 81 400
Ignacio Irurtia Bought Los Esqueletos Marchosos 7/12/2013 $ 1 000
Guillaume Soler Sold Los Palomos 12/3/2023 $ 2 000
Jordi Palafox Sold Luanda Lakers 5/22/2013 $ 9 000
Ramón Yanguas Benito Sold Lubie Placki 1/22/2015 $ 7 000
Jordi Ardiz Sold Macaby Tel Aviv 2/12/2011 $ 2 000
Zeng Yuanhai Bought Madlin 9/13/2009 $ 2 000
Leopold Svetlák Bought Marllboro 1/10/2008 $ 1 000
Chai Anyun Sold Melbourne Scorpions 4/24/2022 $ 100 000
Alberto Barbáchano Sold MenorcaBasquet20 6/24/2010 $ 10 000
Santiago Paxe Sold minabo de moscu 4/19/2019 $ 156 100
David Mataró Sold Mindsilvania 4/10/2024 $ 1 000
Federico Aguilar Sold Minnesode Timberwolves 2/2/2025 $ 2 000
Antanas Peslekas Sold Monkey Monastic 5/23/2013 $ 144 900
Jordi Sagarra Sold MONTEMUR 5/24/2023 $ 26 000
Regino Cortabarría Sold Mountain Seagulls 2/16/2018 $ 17 000
Zeki Porsuk Bought Mumansspor Basket 1/22/2015 $ 3 000
Ignacio Villanova Sold muumitorvelot 10/3/2008 $ 10 000
Ricardo Burgo Díaz Sold My Entire Team Sucks 3/11/2022 $ 1 000
Yuval Pessach Sold Mythic Scythe 4/24/2019 $ 9 000
Daniel Rincón Sold Nahkanalle Ballers 7/9/2012 $ 150 000
José Recio Sold naviglio pavese 2/22/2016 $ 69 200
Goran Danilović Bought Nba Sove 9/7/2012 $ 1 000
Daniel Higuero Bought Neapolis 19 26 5/12/2020 $ 5 000
Julián Valpuesta Sold NoAguantoLaJuerga 5/27/2008 $ 50 000
Alkinoos Lalaounis Bought NYC Knicks 1/22/2015 $ 2 000
Jonathan de Jesús Dupuy Sold oi omorfoi 5/22/2013 $ 175 000
Felip Serra Sold OVARENSE BASKETBALL ©™735 1/31/2019 $ 38 000
Juha Holm Bought Pahalammen Pomppu 2/19/2016 $ 2 000
Lv Chongda Sold Paris FC 11/4/2023 $ 5 000
Daniel Higuero Sold Paris FC 11/4/2023 $ 1 000
Pere Jordi Griful Sold Partizan Belgrade 1945 5/19/2023 $ 150 000
Fernando Figueras Sold picasso bc 9/3/2012 $ 290 000
Antonio Guzmán Baños Sold Pinocho 12/3/2012 $ 5 000
Gabriel Monereo Sold Plant Performance 7/6/2010 $ 5 000
Rafael Aguerri Sold PNB 9/29/2009 $ 512 300
Fabián Cerdedelo Sold Pogo-A-Gogo 11/17/2011 $ 1 000
Nicola Saracco Sold Pots de Vidre CB 8/27/2012 $ 55 000
Mirel Cruceru Sold QC Quakes 2/26/2021 $ 2 000
Salva Guriezo Sold R@uL 7/27/2020 $ 1 000
Lv Chongda Bought Radnički Pertate 1/29/2021 $ 5 000
Juan Ollero Sold REB BBC 7/1/2017 $ 204 000
Diego Perales Sold Recolta Banesti 3/4/2009 $ 100 000
Liu Fuhong Sold Reghin Bulls 6/7/2009 $ 37 000
José Ramón Lugo Sold Ricreativo LaVulva 12/26/2022 $ 25 000
Nicola Ballottazzo Bought rinoilbagnino 6/23/2019 $ 2 000
Charis Koukoulas Bought RMB76 3/23/2020 $ 4 000
Mauro Osorio Chacón Sold Saint-George SC 7/1/2017 $ 306 000
Valdemar da Luz Sold SAR BATS 4/25/2019 $ 1 000
Samuel Orueta Sold sastiratas FC 10/3/2008 $ 20 000
Lazzaro Satta Bought Sauk Centre Gofers 3/3/2015 $ 3 000
Dmitrijus Gencius Sold Scar Ravens 3/29/2020 $ 12 000
Carlos Martín Alonso Sold SGPN 9/21/2011 $ 157 100
Yiannis Aretinis Sold SK Sárvár 12/27/2013 $ 1 000
Víctor Rodríguez Sold Skytrons 4/24/2019 $ 3 000
Juan Beláustegui Sold SL Benfica1A81 7/18/2014 $ 35 000
Nello Giagnoni Bought Spinazzina 12/31/2017 $ 5 000
Hermóxenes Castro Sold StockPickers 8/11/2010 $ 2 600
Juan Cancino Bought Strawberry Papos 7/12/2013 $ 1 000
Liu Fuhong Bought Strong TeamF95 1/8/2008 $ 6 000
Roger Vingut Sold Tallahassee Trees 4/27/2018 $ 104 100
César Álava Sold Team Gege 11/19/2018 $ 1 000
Mauro Vidarte Sold Tebriz Red Wolf Basketball Club 6/19/2024 $ 1 000
Alberto Vidal Moragas Sold Teiku 3/11/2009 $ 60 000
Miguel Valderramal Sold The Poet 5/24/2023 $ 1 000
Luigi Putzu Sold ThuG Lifes 11/29/2012 $ 6 000
Sergio Echeandía Bought Titos Team 6/23/2019 $ 1 000
Jaime Cózar Sold Totwart 11/8/2010 $ 1 000
Antanas Peslekas Bought TripB 9/11/2011 $ 97 000
Efe Dilnur Sold Trstenik Zvezda 4/2/2021 $ 1 000
Ivo Cosmede Sold U.D.Massamagrell 12/21/2020 $ 744 000
Jesús Pizarro Sold UDR Pineda 4/24/2019 $ 331 400
Sigismundo Esquivel Sold UltimateThunder 8/11/2010 $ 1 000
Efe Dilnur Bought Ultrianos 3/26/2020 $ 6 000
Veniamin Mashkov Bought United Drinking Team 6/5/2009 $ 7 000
Luis Baracaldo Sold Universitatea Cluj 5/27/2008 $ 51 000
Mirel Cruceru Bought Ursa Minor 7/28/2019 $ 1 000
Salvador Basté Sold Vigorosa ValTOPA 11/23/2019 $ 100 000
David Weisser Bought villa alemana club 1/5/2009 $ 1 000
Dmitrijus Gencius Bought Vilnius Iron Lions 6/12/2019 $ 1 000
Tommy Gamache Bought Vipera 1/11/2008 $ 4 000
Homero Vilhena Bought Volcom 1/22/2015 $ 1 000
Konstantinos Fotsis Bought Volta 1972 7/2/2017 $ 200 000
Paweł Strugarek Bought Volta 1972 7/2/2017 $ 100 000
Valiente Álvarez Sold Vytenis 91 4/25/2019 $ 7 000
Félix Balín Sold Wake Forest Hams 9/14/2011 $ 75 000
Anselmo Irusta Bought whitense 9/17/2011 $ 86 500
Felipe Retegui Sold XanDaddy 9/14/2010 $ 250 000
Alberto Cámara Sold Yakol-9 1/29/2011 $ 1 000
Marc Taronger Sold Zafra Lions 4/20/2022 $ 5 000
Álvaro Vizconde Sold Zeytinburnu Telsizgücüspor 11/3/2022 $ 1 000
José Vicente Zarpas Payá Bought zkj meirs 7/26/2013 $ 1 000
Jesús Belmar Sold Zonski 1/29/2011 $ 15 000
Roy Millán Sold 东南之心 3/21/2022 $ 1 000
Paweł Strugarek Sold 易初莲花 7/25/2018 $ 2 000
Aurken Senosiain Sold 毒蛇 11/13/2011 $ 6 000
Olimpio Crecente Sold 王者湖人kobe 1/3/2025 $ 408 000
Rodrigo Moreno Rubio Sold 神風 3/21/2020 $ 1 000
Jaime Tenarre Sold 记忆碎片 6/26/2024 $ 1 000
Total Sales: $ 13 578 200
Total Purchases: $ 2 360 380
Transfer Balance: $ 11 217 820