Afiadores Ourense BBC - Hall Of Fame

Hall of Fame  These players are immortalized in the Afiadores Ourense BBC Hall of Fame.

Antón Villamañán
5/10/2018 - 11/3/2020
Ellert Bergmannsson
1/27/2019 - 11/2/2022
Yannick Viel
1/31/2019 - 9/24/2021

Zhu Chengxiang
8/8/2019 - 4/9/2022
Jimmie Marin
8/9/2019 - 4/14/2022
Viktor Androshchuk
2/28/2020 - 5/10/2023

Charalampos Danampasis
12/17/2020 - 8/5/2023
Telamonas Karsiotis
12/18/2020 - 8/5/2023
Argimiro Hontana
12/18/2020 - 2/8/2024

Salih Evcil
12/28/2021 - 8/14/2023
