List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Pasqual Borrull Bought Metal forever 9/6/2008 $ 306 000
Jani Tanni Bought moonstar5 9/12/2008 $ 210 000
Ignacio Ramos Bought longeville 10/13/2008 $ 212 300
Miguel Pérez de Ulloa Bought Olimpo de BB 1/31/2009 $ 290 800
Eduard Oleynik Bought Admiral Vl 5/6/2009 $ 563 400
Demis Pantelopoulos Sold Haapsalu Heat 5/9/2009 $ 2 000
Takis Mpounias Sold LOS CANGREBURGUERS 5/9/2009 $ 1 000
Iakovos Filios Sold aps arion 5/9/2009 $ 3 000
Dionisis Karkavilas Sold Dacia24 6/6/2009 $ 32 000
Thimios Garaganis Sold Rákóczi Kert 6/10/2009 $ 10 000
Makarios Kokkinakis Sold Maccabi homos shel thina 10/13/2009 $ 1 000
Eduard Oleynik Sold 1.FC Plan 10/13/2009 $ 1 475 000
Miguel Pérez de Ulloa Sold Darker 10/13/2009 $ 258 000
Sotiris Stefanakis Sold Enopack Szeged Kc 10/13/2009 $ 350 000
Adamantios Aravidas Sold Transvelita 10/13/2009 $ 415 500
Erasmos Katsourinis Sold SHUSHAN 10/13/2009 $ 19 000
Aristidis Fantis Sold Gringos de Nuevo MexicoE57 10/13/2009 $ 156 100
Themistoklis Archontidis Sold LOS CANGREBURGUERS 10/13/2009 $ 1 300 600
Aristotelis Skrikas Sold Jakarta lions 10/13/2009 $ 125 200
Apostolos Katsikaris Sold DrugUsers 10/13/2009 $ 205 000
Paris Tarsinos Sold Ossobuco 10/13/2009 $ 206 700
Yiannis Tsourelakis Sold KS Kwidzyn 10/13/2009 $ 86 800
Tellis Leptokaridis Sold VLC Donuts 10/13/2009 $ 137 200
Ninos Koufaliotis Sold Monsègue 10/19/2009 $ 1 000
Yiorgos Kamelidis Sold 宇宙战舰 7/25/2010 $ 156 100
Wu Wooi Ling Bought 骑士特人 9/14/2010 $ 8 000
Valentino Sabatino Bought 陈醋泡蒜 9/14/2010 $ 50 000
Ippolit Amelin Bought Parma Perm 9/14/2010 $ 3 000
Ruben Winne Bought les manchots 9/14/2010 $ 2 069
Gergõ Izsó Bought gamio 9/14/2010 $ 1 050
Elemér Szentmiklósi Bought Rankersi KK 9/14/2010 $ 1 000
Aurélien Saint-Dizier Bought acr vale de cambra 9/15/2010 $ 189 300
Filip Rybus Bought AZS KATOWICEC1A 9/15/2010 $ 100 000
Jorge Ordoñez Bought FC ANWIL W-EK 9/16/2010 $ 1 000
Manuel Pablo Hess Araya Bought Ceriano Lakers 9/18/2010 $ 15 000
Elemér Szentmiklósi Sold Tartu Perch 9/20/2010 $ 50 000
Gwalbert Kulwiec Bought Gt75bc 9/20/2010 $ 1 000
Julio Piñeiro Bought Memphis lions 9/20/2010 $ 3 000
Andres Blank Bought BC pas très haut 9/20/2010 $ 50 000
Andrejus Navaslauskas Bought centras 9/21/2010 $ 9 600
Ippolit Amelin Sold FBC KURMAIČIAI 9/21/2010 $ 30 000
Manuel Pablo Hess Araya Sold cs dinamo tirgu-mures 9/25/2010 $ 80 000
Feliks Darasz Bought 馬鞍山住左隻獅子 9/25/2010 $ 150 000
Man Bagley Bought Gilas Pilipinas 10/13/2010 $ 2 000
Zelão Purim Bought Zanders 10/13/2010 $ 10 000
Edwin Llanes Bought Holy Angel University Flyers 10/15/2010 $ 3 000
Chris Heil Bought Seattle Supersonicss 10/15/2010 $ 1 000
Julio Borbón Bought Hikisukkahukat 10/16/2010 $ 1 000
Hugo Oscar Provenzano Bought Maantie 10/20/2010 $ 2 000
Julio Piñeiro Sold colo-colo pero de basquetbol 10/21/2010 $ 20 000
Juan Barrero Ortega Bought C.B El Calero 10/22/2010 $ 30 000
Hugo Oscar Provenzano Sold SAJANAI77 10/23/2010 $ 99 800
Adrià Simon Bought ΣΠΑΡΤΙΑΤΕΣ 10/23/2010 $ 15 000
Edwin Llanes Sold Panathinaikos (GR) 10/24/2010 $ 28 000
Julio Borbón Sold Panathinaikos (GR) 10/24/2010 $ 10 000
Pavlos Katis Sold LEPANTO FISHERMEN 10/24/2010 $ 52 100
Adam Dynkowski Bought phatex suns 10/24/2010 $ 10 000
Russell Harms Bought TeamGodofdunk 10/24/2010 $ 8 000
Viturys Kazberavicius Bought 10/25/2010 $ 1 000
Lars Tester Bought Pig Sixers 10/25/2010 $ 1 000
Albert Guijo Bought Los Cafeteros 10/25/2010 $ 1 000
Russell Harms Sold Solide Costruzioni 10/28/2010 $ 33 000
Lars Tester Sold Reykjavik Raptors 10/28/2010 $ 15 000
Andres Blank Sold ARGENTONA CB 10/29/2010 $ 27 000
Lakis Apostolas Sold Magrai 10/30/2010 $ 12 000
Dezider Pištula Bought Jersey Belgrade 10/30/2010 $ 56 200
Ingvars Mitenbergs Bought JTBlazers 10/31/2010 $ 1 000
Jorge Veloso Bought BK Dragouni Mimoň 10/31/2010 $ 1 000
Ossi Knuth Bought Ogilthorpe 10/31/2010 $ 23 000
Albert Guijo Sold The Shenanigans 10/31/2010 $ 40 000
Moisis Mperis Sold The Savages 10/31/2010 $ 490 000
Paolo Crotta Bought Hogwarts Quidditch Club 10/31/2010 $ 30 000
Sebastián Costa Bought Indigos Warriors 10/31/2010 $ 150 000
Ginés Díez de Quijano Bought |ARKOUDES| 10/31/2010 $ 13 000
Adam Dynkowski Sold Red Sharks Koekelare 11/4/2010 $ 48 000
Piergiuseppe Caforio Bought Epivitores BC 11/6/2010 $ 2 000
Mani Jamshidian Bought ΠΑΝΑΘΗΝΑΙΚΟΣ BC 11/6/2010 $ 16 000
Ginés Díez de Quijano Sold Silver Fox 11/7/2010 $ 114 500
Paolo Crotta Sold Anvillek 11/7/2010 $ 102 000
Valentino Sabatino Sold Kujo 11/8/2010 $ 42 000
Filip Rybus Sold Le Banane 11/8/2010 $ 102 000
Jan Rozsíval Bought black squad 11/10/2010 $ 6 000
Clodomiro Beiçola Bought Utah Jazz ³ 11/10/2010 $ 9 000
Jorge Ordoñez Sold Karosai 11/11/2010 $ 26 000
Alexander Castek Bought ChardaView 11/11/2010 $ 102 000
Denis Nemcinskas Bought Vetra 11/11/2010 $ 1 000
Victoras Nicolae Bought ETI DUAL UNITED 11/12/2010 $ 1 000
Vicenç Cavallé Bought TakuaPinPan 11/12/2010 $ 50 000
Marcell Bartal Bought Nagoya Grampus 11/12/2010 $ 10 000
David Salmond Bought troon tornadeos 11/12/2010 $ 2 000
Jan Rozsíval Sold Chicago Bulls ZZZ 11/13/2010 $ 88 600
Aniano Aceija Bought BC"Olimpija" 11/13/2010 $ 91 600
Gennady Milyushin Bought supervelfr 11/14/2010 $ 35 000
Ossi Knuth Sold SERAFINO13 11/15/2010 $ 75 000
Clodomiro Beiçola Sold 盐你一脸 11/15/2010 $ 20 000
Alessandro Gabrieli Bought NEWBak Ku Teh Kings 11/15/2010 $ 20 000
Marcell Bartal Sold Bacolod Drinkers 11/16/2010 $ 45 000
Victoras Nicolae Sold bolentine B.C 11/16/2010 $ 26 000
Landelino Fernández Bought Poljoprivrednici 11/16/2010 $ 31 000
Alessandro Serafini Bought Here For Beer 11/16/2010 $ 4 500
Selwyn Gotianjo Bought Old Town 95ers 11/17/2010 $ 2 000
Man Bagley Sold RoccoPapapa018 11/17/2010 $ 30 000
Ambrósio Maia Bought Gaia Celtas 11/18/2010 $ 1 000
Mani Jamshidian Sold Hospi_Team 11/18/2010 $ 176 000
Christophe Domont Bought Surikatas Company from Litvínov 11/18/2010 $ 11 000
Alessandro Gabrieli Sold haha buckets 11/19/2010 $ 60 000
David Zschake-Papsdorf Bought Burning Suns 11/19/2010 $ 39 000
Manuel Ramaye Bought Franca Shoemakers Revival 11/20/2010 $ 1 000
Antón Ruiz Tagle Bought Sacramento Burger Kin 11/21/2010 $ 1 000
Raimund Quarteerslüüd Bought Budafoki Mennydörgés 11/21/2010 $ 2 000
Jasper De Saedeleer Bought The Darkside Emperors 11/22/2010 $ 2 000
David Salmond Sold Els Segadors BC 11/22/2010 $ 30 000
Gian Carlo Vannucchi Bought PGE SKRA KĘPNO 11/22/2010 $ 50 000
Aurélien Saint-Dizier Sold SC Beira-MarFC5 11/24/2010 $ 265 500
Raimund Quarteerslüüd Sold Bangkok White Giant 11/28/2010 $ 100 000
Antón Ruiz Tagle Sold 星际 11/28/2010 $ 20 000
Maciej Jarmoluk Bought Myślenice Killerz 11/29/2010 $ 3 000
Gennady Milyushin Sold Lavardac Basket Club 11/29/2010 $ 60 000
Michael Rautenberg Bought Kapital B.C. 11/29/2010 $ 212 300
Christophe Domont Sold Riyadh Rumjacks 11/29/2010 $ 60 000
Eduardo Alcántara Bought The Patriots FC 12/6/2010 $ 52 100
Pietro Lovato Bought ΣΠΑΡΤΙΑΤΕΣ 12/13/2010 $ 40 000
Fedor Mirosavljević Bought Free Agent 12/15/2010 $ 350 000
Benito Simbula Bought KK Green Dragons Ljubljana 12/21/2010 $ 2 000
Eduardo Alcántara Sold Cavites Fastest 12/31/2010 $ 60 000
Marino Branca Bought tribuni 3/14/2011 $ 30 000
Francisco Príncipe Bought TeamShoot 3/17/2011 $ 2 000
Théophile Bélair Bought Beston coltics 3/17/2011 $ 400 000
Samojla Pyshny Bought GoldenState-Warriors 4/1/2011 $ 280 000
Walker Williams Bought Kentucky KnightsA54 11/19/2011 $ 38 200
Oronzo Virtuani Bought StranaSquadra 11/19/2011 $ 159 400
Leung Shan Tang Bought JT Sagitarius 11/19/2011 $ 96 100
William Le Brun Bought Celtic Utah 11/20/2011 $ 1 000
Raido Kipper Bought Vlčie Hrdlo BC 11/20/2011 $ 4 000
Danilo Lavagna Bought Los Lapachos Team 11/20/2011 $ 40 000
Song Wenjing Bought Kukoplastika 12/3/2011 $ 77 500
Diego Solé Bought Szentgotthárd VSE 12/5/2011 $ 140 000
Danilo Pachón Bought Tanqueros del zulia 12/14/2011 $ 11 000
Jean-Marc Greffe Bought Free Agent 12/22/2011 $ 90 000
Alberto Echáuz Bought Čiūdai 1/27/2012 $ 36 000
Danilo Pachón Sold Samos Bulls 2/9/2012 $ 25 000
Prodromos Georgitzikis Sold 项王俱乐部 2/12/2012 $ 37 000
Miltos Thanailakis Bought tigres dg 2/15/2012 $ 122 400
Diego Solé Sold Europe 87 2/17/2012 $ 65 000
Song Wenjing Sold C4 Igniters 2/17/2012 $ 67 400
Francisco Romero Bought Quebec Meisters 2/20/2012 $ 165 200
Zekai Ferda Bought Καλαμαριά Μ.Σ. 2/26/2012 $ 125 000
Danilo Lavagna Sold San_Td 2/29/2012 $ 99 000
Kostas Tsemperlidis Sold raksyoyi 4/30/2012 $ 33 000
Yiannis Lemonis Sold Slam Nation 5/17/2012 $ 22 000
Elchanan Lev Bought Grant Raptor 5/19/2012 $ 424 600
Alberto Echáuz Sold Hyundai 2002 5/27/2012 $ 88 600
Zekai Ferda Sold droopsinator 5/28/2012 $ 145 300
Leung Shan Tang Sold Croissant 8/9/2012 $ 99 000
Walker Williams Sold ukmerges vienybe809 8/9/2012 $ 50 000
Jean-Marc Greffe Sold Patetnik Smolian 8/12/2012 $ 153 000
Rino Maenza Bought The Unofficial OKC 8/22/2012 $ 399 999
Kleanthis Andreoulakis Sold Fortuna Basket Club 8/22/2012 $ 187 300
Francisco Romero Sold Oregon Rogues 8/22/2012 $ 140 900
Heidelberg Posada Bought Free Agent 8/23/2012 $ 207 600
Tobias Wallender Bought Röhrsdorf Baskets 8/24/2012 $ 1 000
Emil Salacinski Bought Nie Lepsi 9/9/2012 $ 1 000
Dennis Eskerod Bought Odin Baskets Berlin 9/9/2012 $ 13 000
Pauls Veiskapts Bought D - fenders 9/10/2012 $ 1 000
Oronzo Virtuani Sold Oranžinė 9/12/2012 $ 51 000
Emil Salacinski Sold Cristonfam F.C 11/20/2012 $ 5 000
Pauls Veiskapts Sold Unicørn 11/29/2012 $ 8 000
Stefano Vanoni Bought Irishfire 11/30/2012 $ 33 000
Mihajlo Selkić Bought Pajseri ponovo jasu! 12/12/2012 $ 4 000
Evaggelos Passas Sold Hapoel Petah Tikva 4/2/2013 $ 25 000
Loïc Mallet Bought BoubacarBasketball 4/6/2013 $ 165 800
Stefano Vanoni Sold Mocas ainda mais agressivas 4/9/2013 $ 190 000
Juan Estupiñán Bought laukiniai sunys 4/12/2013 $ 189 000
Mihajlo Selkić Sold Gandza Team 4/18/2013 $ 99 000
Dennis Eskerod Sold KK Centar 5/22/2013 $ 80 000
Miltos Thanailakis Sold Swieqi25 5/22/2013 $ 199 000
Jesús Galbarro Bought Krzykawka Basket 5/25/2013 $ 193 000
Loïc Mallet Sold N’Quartararo 6/11/2013 $ 107 400
Tasos Mistriotis Sold AZS Włocławek 6/14/2013 $ 444 500
Idipodas Kalafatis Bought Umpa Lumba 6/17/2013 $ 1 000
Omar Wilson Bought Lyric 6/17/2013 $ 2 000
Argirakis Lagonikakis Sold Maccabi green 6/20/2013 $ 41 000
Welton de Andrade Bought Imposters 8/27/2013 $ 153 000
Jesús Galbarro Sold AvocadoBurgers 9/18/2013 $ 99 000
Omar Wilson Sold Wymiatacze 11/23/2013 $ 50 000
Federico Umilta Bought Free Agent 11/27/2013 $ 515 170
Welton de Andrade Sold Estudiantes de Caracas 1/8/2014 $ 320 000
Pavlos Mpakosis Sold Siebel Team 3/24/2014 $ 70 000
Bálint Bihari Bought LooneyTunes Squad 5/27/2014 $ 270 900
Heidelberg Posada Sold atlètico baloncesto 7/7/2014 $ 450 700
Hugo Dal Borgo Bought Warp Odyssey 7/18/2014 $ 424 600
Jim Munoz Bought Saran Sharks 12/12/2015 $ 100 000
Filotheos Stratigakis Bought ΚΕΝΤΑΥΡΟΙ 12/12/2015 $ 30 000
Arturo Celso Bought Pilates team 12/12/2015 $ 10 000
Avarell Bell Bought Super Sonics 12/12/2015 $ 104 100
Pellegrino Cannau Bought BCJS 12/13/2015 $ 10 000
Vincent Morlat Bought Morgan McLernon 12/13/2015 $ 40 000
Theofilaktos Spazokefalos Sold Las Palmeras C.B. 12/15/2015 $ 1 000
Mihajlo Novaković Bought Almeria 2008 12/26/2015 $ 100 000
Danel Hunt Bought Alba fehérvár kosár club 1/1/2016 $ 2 000
Tan Yuhang Bought Quattrostracci 1/2/2016 $ 100 000
Jean-Marc Peyrou Bought Rondônia 39rs 1/15/2016 $ 102 000
Arturo Celso Sold BBM Du30 1/18/2016 $ 10 000
Jed Dawkins Bought TeamDobby 1/18/2016 $ 10 000
Luk Qi Zhen Bought GDM7 1/19/2016 $ 8 000
Avarell Bell Sold FW Ballers 1/20/2016 $ 51 000
Mihajlo Novaković Sold BC Tinginiai 1/23/2016 $ 51 000
Meng Zhimin Bought 人间理想175 1/23/2016 $ 10 000
Benjamin Elliot Bought Chino y Ardillas 1/23/2016 $ 8 000
Alexander Bashkirov Bought Canada Country Clube 1/25/2016 $ 10 000
Jean-Marc Peyrou Sold Villanova 88 1/26/2016 $ 50 000
Uku Hobustkoppel Bought R@PL@ JYRG@D 1/26/2016 $ 1 000
David Daly Bought Free Agent 1/26/2016 $ 81 600
Yiorgos Ofridopoulos Sold Virtus Segafredo Bologna 1/27/2016 $ 3 000
Jim Munoz Sold chacaritas Team 1/27/2016 $ 4 000
Nakos Andrianopoulos Bought legend7 1/27/2016 $ 3 000
Emerson Portal Bought Basketcice2008 1/30/2016 $ 76 600
Tan Yuhang Sold VK Basket 2/5/2016 $ 10 000
Pellegrino Cannau Sold CB Íberos 2/6/2016 $ 10 000
Ray Fisher Bought Revenge team 12/8/2016 $ 600 000
Total Sales: $ 11 120 800
Total Purchases: $ 9 898 988
Transfer Balance: $ 1 221 812