List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Prácido Godoi Bought Dio Peelen 7/2/2013 $ 306 000
Yam Barda Bought KK Vilkija 5/17/2013 $ 81 600
Alberto Lamonato Bought Aldebaran 4/22/2013 $ 83 300
Željko Bulović Bought Kk Astibo 2022 4/18/2013 $ 663 000
Xiao Tingxiong Bought orsi rossi 3/10/2013 $ 187 300
Délio Conceição Sold shanghaisuperman 6/12/2012 $ 215 600
Jaime Markl Sold Androp 5/26/2012 $ 130 000
Pier Luigi Botto Sold CSP Limoges 1929 3/21/2012 $ 70 000
Vasco Milheiro Sold Baconators537 3/8/2012 $ 65 000
Yury Gordon Bought 雉刈✔七宗罪 2/25/2012 $ 357 000
Jindrich Zelený Bought Austin Biscuits 11/28/2011 $ 526 600
Josué Assunção Sold Kew Pacers 10/13/2011 $ 1 000
Walenty Supryn Bought WKS Wieliszew 10/8/2011 $ 700 000
Leonardo Cabaça Sold BC Berlino 9/21/2011 $ 1 000
Arvydas Rukšėnas Bought htrd 9/7/2011 $ 282 000
Luciano Areosa Sold RC Impalers 8/2/2011 $ 285 600
Celestino Dominguez Sold Estrelas Brigantinas 6/21/2011 $ 255 000
Pun Tim Sam Sold Gijón Vallecas 1/19/2011 $ 6 000
Ma Yen Sen Sold 潜龙王者 12/19/2010 $ 13 000
Jean-Philippe Diependaele Bought Cobel Lucca 12/10/2010 $ 282 000
Nicky Cousins Bought Wasco Tigers 11/23/2010 $ 143 800
Ma Yen Sen Bought Faithology 10/9/2010 $ 200 000
Jan Baiński Bought Ino Nets 10/9/2010 $ 250 000
Pun Tim Sam Bought KILLERSOAP 9/18/2010 $ 130 000
Yiorgos Chlomidis Bought Orange Trees 9/18/2010 $ 832 400
Luke O'Donovan Bought Ariminum 9/16/2010 $ 300 000
Pier Luigi Botto Bought Barber shop SA 9/16/2010 $ 700 000
Pedro Martínez Bought Free Agent 9/16/2010 $ 804 100
Paulo Borba Sold Higlanders 9/15/2010 $ 356 600
Vasco Secretário Sold 0排面 9/15/2010 $ 552 300
Rui Gonçalves Sold Golden State snipers 9/15/2010 $ 257 300
Samuel Jesus Sold Trigres 9/15/2010 $ 75 000
Manuel Galego Sold BC ÄIKE 9/3/2010 $ 17 000
Alex Carvalho Sold Vahetpole 7/6/2010 $ 176 100
Luís Amorim Sold vukovi zemun 7/6/2010 $ 11 000
Henrique Caramulo Sold Chicago Stars 6/8/2010 $ 69 999
Filipe Carreira Sold Sbronzing Lisbona 4/4/2010 $ 2 000
Virgílio Évora Sold BC Arlianeae 3/30/2010 $ 130 000
Lázaro Cabral Sold CBT Carmelites 10/12/2009 $ 41 000
Inesis Dale Sold La Vernerda 10/10/2009 $ 883 500
Inesis Dale Bought 凯你没商量 10/5/2009 $ 866 100
Paulo Vieira Sold SmooveMoves 9/19/2009 $ 51 000
Emílio Neves Sold NBonosAQires 6/16/2009 $ 51 000
Pedro Miguel Mendes Sold LigaTeam 6/10/2009 $ 746 900
Tozé Águeda Sold YounGsters 4/14/2009 $ 317 900
Mario Nicoli Sold los pabloteam 3/27/2009 $ 156 100
Valdemar Cavaleiro Sold The Hot Gases 3/7/2009 $ 255 000
Álvaro Proença Sold bolados dos balakas 2/20/2009 $ 76 600
Sebastiano Cecere Sold GEORGETOWN RC 12/14/2008 $ 600 000
Isidro Peixoto Sold ASHIKLAR 11/25/2008 $ 1 000
Expedito Muniz Jr. Sold 万事屋 11/20/2008 $ 2 000
Sebastiano Cecere Bought VidiMacci Latina 10/18/2008 $ 789 000
Rui Valente Sold shanmao 9/1/2008 $ 27 000
Gonçalo Tavares Sold ROCA 3 8/18/2008 $ 10 000
Cesare Pevere Sold Phoenix Rise 7/22/2008 $ 25 000
Rafael Prates Sold THE BUFETZ 6/22/2008 $ 51 000
Cristiano Conceição Sold Red army z 5/23/2008 $ 10 000
Rodrigo Garcia Sold SuperSonics20 4/7/2008 $ 120 000
Mario Nicoli Bought Sao Magnolao 4/4/2008 $ 500 100
Manuel Barbosa Sold Unidos Caxienses 4/3/2008 $ 75 000
Cesare Pevere Bought Shift Team Nation 3/28/2008 $ 10 000
Edmundo Peixoto Sold yaiza`s club 12/17/2007 $ 2 000
Fabrizio Taffetani Bought The great wall 11/1/2007 $ 40 000
Boris Tuma Bought Bananers 11/1/2007 $ 7 000
Total Sales: $ 6 191 499
Total Purchases: $ 9 041 300
Transfer Balance: $ -2 849 801