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BB Global (English) > Is BB dying a slow death?

Is BB dying a slow death?

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From: MrJ
This Post:
Date: 1/21/2025 2:54:26 AM
Swan River Serpents
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Westopian Tigers
I posed this original question over 11 years ago (33+ seasons ago) in this original thread (now closed): (260959.1)

It read:

First and foremost...I love this game! I will continue playing it until it exists no longer...although I hope that day never arrives. But because it is increasingly looking a possibility I thought I'd create this thread.

This is a thread for several purposes:

1. To engage users on the topic question
2. Bring the opinions of users to BB's attention
3. Maybe, just maybe, find some avenues for rejuvenating BB

BB once had 60k+ users and is, as of today, less than half of that! I have been playing since Season 14 and have watched a steady downward curve in the number of BB users.

TOPIC QUESTION: Why is BB dying a slow death?

Recently, having returned to BB after a brief break, I found myself asking this question and wondering what people (over time) had thought about this question.

In that original thread I created a poll. The question: Is BB dying a slow death?
The 3 options that managers could have chosen from were:

1. Definitely not! We're just in a slump. (15.7%)
2. Maybe; I'm worried about the future of BB. (55.8%)
3. Definitely! Sadly, it's just a matter of time. (28.5%)

Looking back on this poll, I noticed (after 1000 posts) the percentage next to each choice. I have added them above in bold. (Note: a second thread had also been created and almost reached another 1000 posts)

This showed 71.5% of those who voted as having a positive attitude to BB, believing BB would live on...

Today, for interest, I have included another poll with almost the same question and possible answers.

I still love this game (after 53 seasons) and am pleased to find it still here. One of the earliest comments in that original thread was about creating a BB app and how it was long overdue. I was pleased to read that, knowing we now have one. Yes, it took time.

BB is still listening.

However, in light of the recent sale of BB, and that we still don't know what the new owners are planning, this old question seems appropriate again. Are they genuinely planning bigger and better things for us users, or...

...Is BB (still) dying a slow death?

Last edited by MrJ at 1/21/2025 3:19:14 AM

Poll:  Is BB [still] dying a slow death?

Definitely not! We're slowly turning it around.
Maybe; I am still worried about its future.
Definitely! Sadly, they haven't done enough.

Bring back the Fishbowl!
From: kdb_og

This Post:
326400.3 in reply to 326400.2
Date: 1/21/2025 10:58:20 PM
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I'm amazed its still around

From: MrJ

This Post:
326400.4 in reply to 326400.3
Date: 1/22/2025 12:14:10 AM
Swan River Serpents
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Westopian Tigers
I'm amazed its still around

Well, considering how many RL years...and there are so many of us still is doing something right.

I'm still very hopeful it continues to improve slowly.

Bring back the Fishbowl!
From: Merimen

To: MrJ
This Post:
326400.5 in reply to 326400.4
Date: 1/22/2025 3:11:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
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XBS Somorja
I returned to BB last year after a break maybe after season 8-9 so I probably missed golden era of this game.
However, after such large gap, I don't feel like this game at least in my country is much different (more dead or more alive) from what I remembered.

Biggest pleasant surprise for me was seeing some names from way before.

With me being in early high school during my first time here, I find this way more interesting now, since I can research stuff, track META etc. Nostalgy playing big part in this, not gonna lie. I hope this game won't end in foreseeable future

From: MrJ

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326400.6 in reply to 326400.5
Date: 1/22/2025 4:18:15 AM
Swan River Serpents
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Westopian Tigers
I returned to BB last year after a break maybe after season 8-9 so I probably missed golden era of this game.
However, after such large gap, I don't feel like this game at least in my country is much different (more dead or more alive) from what I remembered.

Biggest pleasant surprise for me was seeing some names from way before.

With me being in early high school during my first time here, I find this way more interesting now, since I can research stuff, track META etc. Nostalgy playing big part in this, not gonna lie. I hope this game won't end in foreseeable future

Yeah, I'm with you, Merimen.

It was nice to return to find old teams still playing and reconnecting with some old managers. I think that is an aspect of BB that isn't promoted enough...the social side of it. BB allows you to chat with people from all over the world who share the same love of basketball I do.

BB forever!

Bring back the Fishbowl!
From: sõber

To: MrJ
This Post:
326400.7 in reply to 326400.6
Date: 1/23/2025 8:26:05 AM
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RK järelkasv
Maybe we should wait until the total reconstruction of BuzzerBeater is finished. But sure there has been some years I don't even remember I've been playing it.
Could be cool to add some AI features

Rahvuskoondise juhendaja H65-H68
From: sõber

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326400.9 in reply to 326400.8
Date: 1/23/2025 3:35:03 PM
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RK järelkasv
Something like that yes lol

I'll wait one more month and if nothing happens, I'll wait one more month..

Rahvuskoondise juhendaja H65-H68
From: MrJ

This Post:
326400.10 in reply to 326400.9
Date: 1/23/2025 8:48:58 PM
Swan River Serpents
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Westopian Tigers
Something like that yes lol

I'll wait one more month and if nothing happens, I'll wait one more month..

At least that's a semi-positive attitude

Bring back the Fishbowl!
This Post:
326400.11 in reply to 326400.10
Date: 1/24/2025 2:37:33 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Little Computer People
Something like that yes lol

I'll wait one more month and if nothing happens, I'll wait one more month..

At least that's a semi-positive attitude

I am waiting since 2014 🤪😉😂

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)