Announcement 23.3.2025:We are now ready to organize all regular season matches for HGL Season 1!If you´re unsure about process, please read:
(324689.633) or ask questions on official HGL threads.
Info on organizing HGL regular Season 1 matches:Very important: If you are responsible for organizing a PU game, you need to schedule it for the time listed on this page (in front of your team name): (326590.2)!1. MrJ has produced schedule (15 matches/team), here:
Schedule (with links to team websites) can be found also from post by T-Lit:
Please note:
A) use either above mentioned schedules with bolded text when organizing matches. In these schedules the team that has bolded name, is responsible for sending Pickup match challenge, and your opponent is responsible for accepting it.
Do not use this, otherwise official schedule, here:
(326590.5) when organizing matches.
B) note, that above schedules do not include match time.
For each team an Official Local Time is provided, which they use when sending PU match invitations. Found (before team name), here: (326590.2).
Use only this time given to your team specifically, and nothing else, when organizing Pickup matches!2.
Before team sends or accepts match challenge, it is important to check out specifics of a match.
That means 3 things:A) is day correct in a sent challenge? (check your own HGL schedule to confirm! Here:
(326590.21), or here:
B) is time correct? (check your own team specific Official Local Time for HGL matches, link next one below).
Remember: if you are team sending challenge, you need to use designated time given to your team as a match time, found in this table: (326590.2)If you are team that accepts challenge, match should take place at time that your team should play it's matches, your local time)
C) is court balance neutral (for regular season match)?
If not, do not accept the match invitation. Matches played with wrong court balance do not count! In such case, contact manager who has sent wrong challenge, and/or write a reminder on an official HGL thread, here:
(326590.1), and/or send me a BBMail.
3. Send Pickup match invites to all teams, in which matchups your team name is bolded.
Schedule, here:
(326590.21) or here:
To access each teams page easily, check T-Lit's post:
(326590.21)Again, please be very careful with all the specifics (day, time, neutral court balance) when you send invitations.
4. Accept all
correct invites sent to you.
Check out:
A) should I be receiving this match invitation from this team? (HGL schedule provides answer). If not, don't accept it and contact manager by BBMail, send post to official HGL thread or BBMail to me.
B) If challenge comes from team that is supposed to send you a challenge, are all match specifics (day, time, neutral court balance) correct?
5. Check (and double check!) your BB schedule after whole process is completed.
A) not all managers accept invites quickly
B) you should have 15 regular season matches arranged for HGL Season 1
C) if you play also other Pickup matches than those for HGL, make sure you won't count them as being one of the 15
D) confirm that match dates and times show up correctly in your team schedule.
There has been problems with arranging PU matches, especially if they overlap some other match.
So we ask you to not play other than HGL Pickup matches so that they start just before HGL match, or so that they overlap it.6. If all B), C) and D) from previous ('5.') are correct, let us know that all your matches are properly organized. I'll keep an updateable list of confirmed teams. Contact us on forums or send me BBMail, if problems arise.
Last edited by Wagner at 3/24/2025 8:17:25 AM