Salary History
Player History

Event Date Season Details
All-Star 11/6/2024 66 Appeared in the league II.1 All-Star Game
Assists 11/2/2024 66 Dished out 16 assists in a League Game against Mārupes Tarakāni
Triple-Double 10/30/2024 66 Achieved a triple-double in a BuzzerBeater Madness Game against Great Fires
Assists 9/14/2024 65 Dished out 17 assists in a Scrimmage against Gulētāji
Assists 8/3/2024 65 Dished out 19 assists in a League Game (Televised) against Gulētāji
Assists 7/31/2024 65 Dished out 17 assists in a All-Star Game against II.1
All-Star 7/31/2024 65 Appeared in the league II.1 All-Star Game
Assists 6/29/2024 65 Dished out 16 assists in a League Game against ek bb klubs
Assists 6/20/2024 65 Dished out 18 assists in a National Tournament Game against N/V
Rebounds 3/21/2024 64 Collected 28 rebounds in a National Tournament Game against Superdrakoni
Assists 3/21/2024 64 Dished out 15 assists in a National Tournament Game against Superdrakoni
Triple-Double 3/21/2024 64 Achieved a triple-double in a National Tournament Game against Superdrakoni
Rebounds 3/14/2024 64 Collected 32 rebounds in a National Tournament Game against Ballistics Augstkalne
Triple-Double 3/14/2024 64 Achieved a triple-double in a National Tournament Game against Ballistics Augstkalne
Rebounds 2/8/2024 63 Collected 27 rebounds in a Scrimmage against Eagles 1960
Triple-Double 1/23/2024 63 Achieved a triple-double in a League Game against SK Valmiera
Points 12/14/2023 63 Scored 53 points in a National Tournament Game against Hole Sauliesi
Rebounds 12/14/2023 63 Collected 32 rebounds in a National Tournament Game against Hole Sauliesi
Rebounds 10/19/2023 62 Collected 30 rebounds in a Scrimmage against BC Vilnieciai
Triple-Double 9/14/2023 62 Achieved a triple-double in a National Tournament Game against Rezekne Golden Knights
Rebounds 5/25/2023 61 Collected 25 rebounds in a National Tournament Game against Jelgavas Bruņinieki
Drafted 4/18/2022 56 Drafted as pick 5 of 48 by Alfa One in the Season 56 Draft

Aris Daudišs has played in 0 competitive National Team games.
Aris Daudišs has made 2 All-Star appearances.


Injury Tracker
# Injury Date Heal Date Estimated (Days) Actual (Days) Doctor Level Details
1 9/21/2023 9/25/2023 5:37:37 PM 5 - 9 4 3 mild ankle sprain
--- 9/21/2023 9/25/2023 5:37:37 PM 5 - 9 --- 3 ---
2 9/21/2023 Still Injured 4 - 7 Still Injured 3 mild ankle sprain
--- 9/21/2023 Still Injured 4 - 7 --- 3 ---
2 9/22/2023 Still Injured 3 - 5 Still Injured 3 mild ankle sprain
--- 9/22/2023 Still Injured 3 - 5 --- 3 ---
2 9/23/2023 Still Injured 2 - 3 Still Injured 3 mild ankle sprain
--- 9/23/2023 Still Injured 2 - 3 --- 3 ---
2 9/24/2023 Still Injured 1 - 1 Still Injured 3 mild ankle sprain
--- 9/24/2023 Still Injured 1 - 1 --- 3 ---
2 9/25/2023 Still Injured 0 - 0 Still Injured 3
--- 9/25/2023 Healed! 0 - 0 --- 3 ---
