List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Vojtěch Vik Sold Pabažu "Vaļi" 2/21/2025 $ 395 000
Žanis Naumanis Sold Pine Street Punks 12/27/2024 $ 1 000
Adolfs Polakovs Sold Tekma Bydgoszcz 11/17/2024 $ 204 000
Vojtěch Vik Bought BC Tornádo 11/14/2024 $ 1 326 000
Prospero Zanzottera Sold BV Mitterkirchen 10/4/2024 $ 839 700
Izidors Baltris Sold Bonn Globetrottel 10/4/2024 $ 404 500
Ingmars Vaivods Bought Free Agent 10/3/2024 $ 761 500
Félix Barbón Bought The Ironmen 10/1/2024 $ 1 800 000
Vilibalds Banks Sold Pine Street Punks 9/20/2024 $ 50 000
Donats Dauguls Sold Młody Piast 9/20/2024 $ 55 000
Izidors Puris Sold K.K MILLENIUM 9/18/2024 $ 104 100
Andris Mundinš Bought Brühl99 9/10/2024 $ 1 000 000
Adolfs Polakovs Bought Real John Wick 8/3/2024 $ 497 800
Adán Fonseca Bought 雷霆子怒 7/5/2024 $ 1 406 300
Kazimirs Kroka Bought Free Agent 7/5/2024 $ 1 172 000
Boriss Matrozis Sold Longhorns 3/24/2024 $ 25 000
Alfreds Lidaka Bought Alfa One 8/24/2023 $ 150 000
Prospero Zanzottera Bought Lietuvos Patriotai II 7/23/2023 $ 899 999
Izidors Baltris Bought Moys Aurochs 7/3/2023 $ 578 100
Boriss Dobelis Sold Sv Jovan Krstitel 6/20/2023 $ 416 200
Edvins Zimackis Sold Três Rios Carijós 6/16/2023 $ 800 000
James Vogel Sold Wekerle Saints 6/16/2023 $ 900 000
Harijs Bukšs Sold Szerszony II 6/11/2023 $ 900 000
Fridis Mežzakis Sold Simple Attack 4/30/2023 $ 364 000
Atis Justmanis Sold Bauštelci 4/27/2023 $ 408 000
Ernests Udrasals Sold F***Society 4/27/2023 $ 120 000
Egons Bremmers Sold 3nD rockets 2/9/2023 $ 1 000
Miks Danenko Sold OKK Dražen Petrović 2/2/2023 $ 350 000
James Vogel Bought Tennis Club 2/2/2023 $ 2 083 000
Edmunds Valbaks Sold ΠΕΡΙΜΕΝΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΚΟΝΤΗ 8/29/2022 $ 120 000
Andrejs Birzits Bought Hijos del Frío 8/21/2022 $ 906 100
Kazimierz Wadowski Sold Puffins 8/16/2022 $ 15 000
Izidors Puris Bought BK Apollo 8/13/2022 $ 400 000
Aloizs Bisters Sold Infra ACB 7/30/2022 $ 1 000
Edmunds Valbaks Bought Otinane 7/21/2022 $ 51 000
Paco Chacín Sold gortynia 4/28/2022 $ 50 000
Dino Comparini Sold 一一 4/28/2022 $ 172 600
Kazimierz Wadowski Bought KBPeja 4/28/2022 $ 4 000
Joonas Jürisoo Sold Otepää Grizzlies 4/4/2022 $ 400 000
Harijs Bukšs Bought BC kipucis 4/3/2022 $ 1 768 700
Miks Danenko Bought Free Agent 1/25/2022 $ 500 000
Paco Chacín Bought Herculinos 1/20/2022 $ 100 000
Hasan Hüseyin Ölmezbey Sold Little Buddhas 1/18/2022 $ 300 000
Maxime Rouvier Sold Transylvania Vampires Reloaded 1/18/2022 $ 99 000
Boriss Dobelis Bought BASKET LECH POZNAŃ 1/13/2022 $ 400 000
Lan Kang Chew Sold P.O.R.C.S 12/11/2021 $ 1 990 000
Fridis Mežzakis Bought Ostrali 12/2/2021 $ 879 000
Giuseppe Ronchi Sold Qhoo Church 11/13/2021 $ 1 195 500
Deniss Stirna Bought Real1616 11/2/2021 $ 520 200
Francis Andrew Sold Ghost Riders 10/31/2021 $ 1 375 000
Edvins Zimackis Bought GreenLeaves 10/31/2021 $ 1 683 000
Mario Graziano Sold Meister Bozz 10/28/2021 $ 103 100
Dino Comparini Bought BK zemsegas vēji 10/20/2021 $ 292 100
Maxime Rouvier Bought BC Beerserkers 10/14/2021 $ 298 600
Cândido Fonseca Sold Peristeri Lakers 10/8/2021 $ 222 100
Francesco Degli Esposti Sold Sonics BC 10/8/2021 $ 300 000
Hasan Hüseyin Ölmezbey Bought The Stoke Penguins 8/7/2021 $ 476 400
António Lagos Sold thedream team 7/26/2021 $ 60 000
Cândido Fonseca Bought the tomatoos 6/3/2021 $ 226 000
Gabriel Le Bihan Sold Skullcrackers 5/21/2021 $ 1 050 000
António Lagos Bought KVD 5/20/2021 $ 231 700
Ainis Taiminš Sold Bauru Basket 5/9/2021 $ 890 000
Joonas Jürisoo Bought I peggiori in campo 3/29/2021 $ 561 000
Meto Lockyer Bought Pomorzanin 3/27/2021 $ 22 000
Francesco Degli Esposti Bought Danish Lakers 3/21/2021 $ 335 000
José Vicente Vivas Sold savarr 3/20/2021 $ 994 600
Daniel Ziegelhöfer Sold Bettmeralp Buckets 3/17/2021 $ 1 200 000
Mario Graziano Bought BC Slashers Reunion 3/16/2021 $ 300 000
Madars Zinuks Sold BC Anklebreakers 3/13/2021 $ 416 200
Janis Engelis Sold KK Puntukas 3/4/2021 $ 586 600
Lan Kang Chew Bought Free Agent 2/24/2021 $ 2 438 500
Viktor Buda Bought Free Agent 10/1/2020 $ 52 030
Roberts Argalis Sold Bold Bucks 9/22/2020 $ 408 000
Apostolis Tzimas Sold Bk Nicosia 9/16/2020 $ 137 800
Davis Eidinš Sold KushKg 9/15/2020 $ 65 000
Ritvars Tukšenieks Sold Anziani Gtv 9/15/2020 $ 60 000
Giuseppe Ronchi Bought potomuchto 9/15/2020 $ 3 000 000
Ken Joa Sold Knights Templar 9/13/2020 $ 832 400
Ainars Domburs Sold I LOVE THIS JAMES 9/12/2020 $ 2 000
Gabriel Le Bihan Bought Henoch White Stones 9/11/2020 $ 1 502 400
Janis Engelis Bought Free Agent 9/9/2020 $ 693 600
Ristivoj Arandjelović Sold BC Sofronea Lions 2.0 9/9/2020 $ 3 000 000
José Vicente Vivas Bought ChuLiGanai 9/9/2020 $ 689 500
Daniel Ziegelhöfer Bought Free Agent 9/9/2020 $ 1 531 000
Madars Zinuks Bought uzhiu 9/8/2020 $ 550 000
Francis Andrew Bought The Atrocious 60s 9/6/2020 $ 2 587 900
Renato Cardone Sold Arnaga State 8/21/2020 $ 800 000
Apostolis Tzimas Bought M.O.G. 1/5/2020 $ 330 800
Ainis Taiminš Bought AR6035 1/5/2020 $ 2 499 000
Muhammad Yousif Sold Gouden Ster 12/28/2019 $ 1 790 000
Javad Einollahzadeh Sold PartizanDP 12/25/2019 $ 1 190 000
Atis Justmanis Bought Bk Jēkabpils Lūši 12/24/2019 $ 825 000
Ken Joa Bought Beast Charlton BC 12/20/2019 $ 1 127 400
Barry Bailey Sold Luisito Team 12/16/2019 $ 1 750 000
Yiorgos Nikodimos Sold cska moskow3 12/8/2019 $ 650 000
Fabio Francisco Sold Debeściaki 12/1/2019 $ 816 000
Roberts Argalis Bought Enfield Tennis Academy 11/29/2019 $ 1 100 000
Maksis Ruks Sold Bc Munkos 11/28/2019 $ 2 601 000
Ristivoj Arandjelović Bought Free Agent 11/28/2019 $ 2 678 800
Ernests Udrasals Bought Old Bastards 11/27/2019 $ 324 900
Ainars Domburs Bought Pomaranczki10F 11/22/2019 $ 80 000
Juris Vaikulis Sold Vilkiukai II 11/22/2019 $ 1 000
Gonerts Liesminš Bought BK Čangaļi 11/22/2019 $ 46 700
Ritvars Tukšenieks Bought BC Uzvara 11/22/2019 $ 300 000
Davis Eidinš Bought Cerība resnīšiem 11/21/2019 $ 350 000
Alan Mägi Sold Existencialistas BC 11/21/2019 $ 1 591 900
Filipe Cordero Sold Moldova Rockets 11/18/2019 $ 1 500 000
Algirds Judeiks Sold cements 11/18/2019 $ 1 000 000
Merle Clinton Sold Scorpiones 9/11/2019 $ 311 200
Jean-Philippe Cohen Sold Hakuna Matata8480EBE3 9/11/2019 $ 104 100
Alan Mägi Bought 传说哥 9/8/2019 $ 2 400 000
Fabio Francisco Bought Basket ParmaD55 8/12/2019 $ 506 700
Yiorgos Nikodimos Bought Souseikos 7/22/2019 $ 616 161
Maksis Ruks Bought silver wasps 5/7/2019 $ 2 229 900
Javad Einollahzadeh Bought kologries 5/5/2019 $ 1 200 000
Barry Bailey Bought Evil Armadillos II 5/5/2019 $ 2 045 000
Muhammad Yousif Bought Karlovac Knights 5/5/2019 $ 2 000 000
Renato Cardone Bought Karlovac Knights 5/5/2019 $ 2 500 000
Algirds Judeiks Bought olimpiakos zwgrafou 5/5/2019 $ 1 487 000
Filipe Cordero Bought Surena 5/5/2019 $ 1 658 200
Ursel Folha Bought Volcom 3/11/2019 $ 2 000
Gilbertinho Feitosa Bought Volcom 3/11/2019 $ 2 000
Marco Telesca Bought Leith StrayCats 3/11/2019 $ 5 000
Max Peter Frömert Sold BC Magnat 2/5/2019 $ 812 100
Indrikis Kapostinš Sold Salvem as Lulas 2/1/2019 $ 2 760 400
Zuo Fumin Sold ROAM 2/1/2019 $ 200 000
Panteleimon Chaitas Sold Rigas Monstrinji 2/1/2019 $ 1 020 000
Merle Clinton Bought RaSaints 1/31/2019 $ 790 600
Jean-Philippe Cohen Bought J.A.V. 1/31/2019 $ 575 000
Zintis Vasulis Sold Humba 1/29/2019 $ 650 000
Lev Nosferatyuk Sold 0 descensos 1/29/2019 $ 1 000 000
Mitchell Bannerman Sold KK Ardor 1/29/2019 $ 1 200 000
Josep López Sold Xeftilaikos 1/29/2019 $ 2 800 000
Melanijus Vedaravicius Sold Athletic Maremma 1/29/2019 $ 950 000
Jazeps Talzems Sold Flynt Michigan Tropics 1/26/2019 $ 2 040 000
Petar Dabetic Sold BC Lietuviniai 1/9/2019 $ 520 200
Josep López Bought Free Agent 10/26/2018 $ 2 801 700
Ilgmars Zagorskis Sold F.C.Port0 7/28/2018 $ 3 000
Wolfram Flecken Sold BC Red Black Trains 7/20/2018 $ 379 000
Miloš Drápal Sold fc stalowa wola 5/28/2018 $ 459 000
Peteris Zingels Sold Skacowani 5/27/2018 $ 459 000
Mitchell Bannerman Bought Free Agent 5/23/2018 $ 920 200
Melanijus Vedaravicius Bought Freccia Azzurra 5/20/2018 $ 999 666
Max Peter Frömert Bought Air Master Team 5/16/2018 $ 1 941 000
Wolfram Flecken Bought Novi Pazar 4/20/2018 $ 324 900
Qaraovcu Nəzirov Sold galaxtixos 4/19/2018 $ 1 000
Kerim Kočijaš Sold Pablos Pueblos 4/16/2018 $ 72 900
Román Monje Sold Tendur 1/5/2018 $ 757 800
Lev Nosferatyuk Bought Dangerous Lobsters 1/3/2018 $ 3 500 000
Egidio Apeddu Sold Sznurasy Kolejowo 11/16/2017 $ 102 000
Panteleimon Chaitas Bought Hell-Ass 11/13/2017 $ 2 652 000
Petar Dabetic Bought Lords of Hellfire 11/13/2017 $ 1 745 900
Eugeniusz Polok Sold Liverpoll BC 10/27/2017 $ 200 000
Victorio Nougés Sold Dead Men B.C. 10/26/2017 $ 14 000
Martinš Zilpaušs Sold Juliankas 10/23/2017 $ 26 000
Román Monje Bought C.B. Ferrol All-stars 10/23/2017 $ 832 400
Zintis Vasulis Bought Taroudant Tigers 10/22/2017 $ 1 577 000
Zuo Fumin Bought Free Agent 10/20/2017 $ 853 700
Victorio Nougés Bought Omana SK 7/4/2017 $ 70 000
Qaraovcu Nəzirov Bought Cong Cao Team 6/26/2017 $ 10 000
Egidio Apeddu Bought Neutron Stars 6/26/2017 $ 150 000
Miloš Drápal Bought Tři a půl chlapa 6/26/2017 $ 450 000
Kerim Kočijaš Bought 大极霸烈 6/26/2017 $ 250 000
Agris Plaude Sold Pony Express 4/1/2017 $ 353 800
Harald Mölders Sold Donalds 4/1/2017 $ 3 000 000
Radvylis Bigunas Sold C.B.T.i.s. 247 - DENISSES NP CREW (DNC) 4/1/2017 $ 600 000
Tomasz Krokos Sold C. D. Pinhalnovense 4/1/2017 $ 1 734 000
Dargis Budininkas Sold Pruszcz All Stars 4/1/2017 $ 3 000 000
Radvylis Bigunas Bought BC Flying Elephants 1/15/2017 $ 624 300
Eugeniusz Polok Bought PANATHINAIKOS BC 2022 1/3/2017 $ 400 000
Leopolds Delveris Sold .:Champions BC:. 1/1/2017 $ 421 000
Izidors Jekabsons Sold F.C Kiryat-Gat 1/1/2017 $ 51 000
Harald Mölders Bought kaizen 12/23/2016 $ 3 000 000
Karlis Kvepinš Sold Švyturio Ekstra 12/21/2016 $ 51 000
Adnan Bešenji Sold B.C. Valhers 12/19/2016 $ 22 000
Dargis Budininkas Bought Scrion Colts 12/18/2016 $ 4 029 000
Tomasz Krokos Bought Casin C.B. 12/16/2016 $ 1 800 800
Aivis Jaunžeikars Sold Rotterdam Baskets 9/28/2016 $ 4 000
Karlis Kvepinš Bought Free Agent 9/23/2016 $ 188 080
Rudolfs Cunculis Sold White Tigers Py 8/4/2016 $ 4 000
Izidors Jekabsons Bought Paris Dreamers 7/29/2016 $ 300 000
David Tilly Sold pahkitsa 6/18/2016 $ 12 000
Gojmir Slakan Sold Quahog Toy Boys 6/18/2016 $ 35 000
Rudolfs Cunculis Bought Free Agent 6/15/2016 $ 108 370
Aivis Jaunžeikars Bought B.C. Jerusalem 6/15/2016 $ 100 000
Adnan Bešenji Bought BC Aravete Pullid 6/15/2016 $ 250 000
Harijs Bringulis Sold HOTCAI 6/5/2016 $ 20 000
Agris Plaude Bought Free Agent 6/2/2016 $ 612 000
Varis Eidinš Bought Espoon Jekku 5/30/2016 $ 622 200
Igors Grimbergs Bought Free Agent 5/12/2016 $ 90 440
Leopolds Delveris Bought Free Agent 5/11/2016 $ 46 100
David Tilly Bought Free Agent 3/23/2016 $ 96 100
Galen Trimble Bought ΑΟ Αγρινίου 3/4/2016 $ 35 000
Gojmir Slakan Bought Baf Team 2/27/2016 $ 30 000
Plutarco Caballé Bought j.walker 2/27/2016 $ 4 000
Romans Klovans Bought Zāles ēdāji 2/19/2016 $ 1 000
Kai-Uwe Eigl Sold Boadicée s Celtics 2/19/2016 $ 2 000 000
Zenon Skowron Sold Valencia Basket Club (Taronjas) 2/19/2016 $ 832 400
Dimos Kampouras Sold Grizzly Club Bärenburg 2/19/2016 $ 1 700 000
Odde Westrum Sold Ratxeados182 2/19/2016 $ 832 400
Zenon Skowron Bought equipito mio 11/12/2015 $ 845 000
Marcus Gumawa Sold C.Nuotatori 11/12/2015 $ 1 350 000
Kai-Uwe Eigl Bought Qartli Hawks 11/11/2015 $ 1 900 000
Dimos Kampouras Bought Umpa Lumba 11/10/2015 $ 1 800 000
Odde Westrum Bought Pahkavuoren Kori 11/7/2015 $ 883 500
Igors Terzens Bought B/k hanza 9/20/2015 $ 1 000
Maris Rudermans Bought Valmiera/BSS 9/18/2015 $ 3 000
Peteris Zingels Bought Green cat junior 9/10/2015 $ 530 700
Indrikis Kapostinš Bought Let’s Get Tropical 9/7/2015 $ 527 600
Eglons Cirslitis Bought 3D Dennis Scott´s Magic 9/3/2015 $ 1 000
Džerijs Burgelis Bought Latgola BK 9/3/2015 $ 1 000
Francisks Suns Bought B/K "Hektors" 9/2/2015 $ 1 000
Aldonis Veiss Bought B/K "Hektors" 9/2/2015 $ 1 000
Kristijan Vasilić Sold Pamsoni 8/16/2015 $ 530 700
Chris Howard Sold Wolmar Stars 8/13/2015 $ 574 700
Jazeps Talzems Bought BC Anklebreakers 8/10/2015 $ 165 800
Edvards Jackuns Sold Beaver Kings 8/7/2015 $ 150 000
Ville-Veikko Salonen Sold Basket Landes 8/7/2015 $ 406 000
Gaxen Vilallonga Sold Seattle SuperSorcia 8/7/2015 $ 400 000
Tiit Hull Sold 龙卷风 II 7/20/2015 $ 65 000
Diego Massardi Bought robiola 7/13/2015 $ 1 000
Wes Johnson Bought Oikonomakos BC 7/3/2015 $ 1 000
Gian Maria Riccioni Bought 安得广厦 7/3/2015 $ 1 000
Zdeněk Zeman Sold MVP Team SLO 7/2/2015 $ 187 900
Valentin Stavrev Sold Magyar Bajnokok 99 7/2/2015 $ 15 000
Jesús Danglà Sold BK Komárov 7/2/2015 $ 150 000
Eduardo Besteiro Sold San Bonifacio 6/29/2015 $ 90 000
Franks Labuckis Sold Glonojad Bydgoszcz 6/6/2015 $ 2 000
Adolfs Cauns Sold GD Parque Luso 6/6/2015 $ 23 000
Ventzislav Chervenkov Sold 一木成林 II 5/29/2015 $ 100 000
Gerardo Capi Sold Larisaikos 5/26/2015 $ 150 000
Zdeněk Zeman Bought Soproni Vasút KC 5/26/2015 $ 104 100
Jesús Danglà Bought Helado Oscuro 5/25/2015 $ 100 000
Daniil Gorbach Sold HuronXXL 5/23/2015 $ 85 000
Fabrizio Condemi Sold Saarekannu 5/23/2015 $ 80 000
Eduardo Besteiro Bought The Mitchinators Warriors 5/19/2015 $ 50 000
Gaxen Vilallonga Bought Héroes del balón CB 5/19/2015 $ 300 000
Felikss Barbalis Sold Mc Stevee 5/17/2015 $ 11 000
Tiit Hull Bought Interbasket Dagupan 5/16/2015 $ 25 000
Chris Howard Bought BK 2 promile 5/14/2015 $ 459 000
Ventzislav Chervenkov Bought New York White Tigers 5/14/2015 $ 21 000
Ville-Veikko Salonen Bought FC Paker 5/14/2015 $ 175 000
Adolfs Cauns Bought Melluzi 5/9/2015 $ 50 000
Ramuns Asentinš Sold BK Babīte 5/2/2015 $ 150 000
Sergiy Shpak Sold Jagiellonia Włocławek 5/1/2015 $ 100 000
Julijs Pauls-Pavuls Sold LQ VT 4/30/2015 $ 150 000
Gerardo Capi Bought Nico Robin Taranto 4/27/2015 $ 8 000
Fabrizio Condemi Bought Alliens 4/11/2015 $ 100 000
Daniil Gorbach Bought amadinai 4/11/2015 $ 62 500
Valentin Stavrev Bought MagoRosso Fognano 4/11/2015 $ 13 000
Marcus Gumawa Bought Philippines 2/7/2015 $ 357 000
Sergiy Shpak Bought ŠIAUDUVA 2/4/2015 $ 102 000
Kristijan Vasilić Bought CRF Flamengo 2/4/2015 $ 250 000
Xavi Mas Sold Grizzly Club Bärenburg 2/3/2015 $ 647 400
Shannon Dowell Sold Grizzly Club Bärenburg 2/3/2015 $ 574 700
Tobe Parham Sold SanVi Dolphins 2/3/2015 $ 1 236 200
Ireneusz Krajcer Sold Bjeeys 2/3/2015 $ 750 000
Baldassarre Montanari Sold Tazzoo Wroclaw 2/3/2015 $ 600 000
Cheung Zhuocheng Sold KK Wlarje 2/3/2015 $ 832 400
Christophe Levacher Sold Burning Suns 2/3/2015 $ 649 600
Sabbe Delvaux Sold Malinha Aparecidense 2/3/2015 $ 869 900
Gilbert Good Sold Roaring Lionettes 1/25/2015 $ 500 000
Gilbert Good Bought Bikali sarkantyúk 12/30/2014 $ 510 000
Ruudi Oja Sold Liska 12/29/2014 $ 571 200
Emil Pragacz Sold abersquad 12/24/2014 $ 312 200
Paweł Pupiec Sold BigFishTree 8/7/2014 $ 1 000
Mickaël Lopes Sold The Snake 12 7/16/2014 $ 44 000
Adolfs Znotinš Sold kizz 7/16/2014 $ 159 300
Nikolaos Alexandropoulos Sold SENEGAL BASKET CLUB 7/15/2014 $ 95 600
Nauris Janoga Sold Victoria Koszalin 7/13/2014 $ 7 000
Emil Pragacz Bought BC Ventilatsioonimehed 7/13/2014 $ 266 300
Pierre Chevalier Bought nola 7/12/2014 $ 2 000
Xavi Mas Bought Fiorenza 7/12/2014 $ 460 700
Tobe Parham Bought mahdia punchers 7/11/2014 $ 956 500
Shannon Dowell Bought HOMO-sapiens 7/10/2014 $ 400 000
Sabbe Delvaux Bought X-Playo 7/10/2014 $ 703 700
Cheung Zhuocheng Bought BBoyz 7/10/2014 $ 816 000
Baldassarre Montanari Bought Trstenik Zvezda 7/10/2014 $ 607 500
Christophe Levacher Bought Sugar Team 7/10/2014 $ 522 500
Ireneusz Krajcer Bought DreamerzzD65 7/10/2014 $ 607 500
Ruudi Oja Bought bc ilves 7/10/2014 $ 510 300
Aris Bruvelis Sold BC kipucis 5/22/2014 $ 1 040 400
Jørn Svendsen Sold tribuni 4/26/2014 $ 300 000
Kristjans Plucs Sold Dream Team BC 4/22/2014 $ 1 656 300
Methodios Mantarinis Sold Carpediem II 4/22/2014 $ 125 000
Sándor Füzi Sold SZOLNOKI OLAJ KK 99 4/22/2014 $ 208 100
Tomás Laurnagaray Sold Mahayana 4/22/2014 $ 169 200
Jørn Svendsen Bought Free Agent 4/9/2014 $ 278 800
Sándor Füzi Bought EA 7 3/1/2014 $ 190 000
Methodios Mantarinis Bought MS.Tokyo 12/27/2013 $ 86 800
Nakis Papanotas Sold Wolfchecky 12/27/2013 $ 322 800
Isaak Marnelos Sold Ruckus 12/27/2013 $ 200 000
Gencay Dalga Sold Foxico 9/23/2013 $ 287 700
Gordie Craig Sold Drunks under the Table 9/19/2013 $ 312 200
Hsiao Chuen Tak Sold Bigdicks 8/10/2013 $ 306 000
Tomás Laurnagaray Bought Free Agent 6/27/2013 $ 200 000
Nakis Papanotas Bought The winners5D1 6/27/2013 $ 259 300
Hsiao Chuen Tak Bought Free Agent 6/27/2013 $ 344 900
Luca Rezzonico Sold 馬鞍山住左隻獅子 6/23/2013 $ 5 000
Zoran Babaradić Sold Flowy Foxes 6/23/2013 $ 10 000
Harijs Denks Sold Gotham Knights 6/16/2013 $ 10 000
Isaak Marnelos Bought Trenton Thunder 6/15/2013 $ 200 000
Gencay Dalga Bought Zhel-dor (Mos.Obl.) 6/13/2013 $ 250 000
Gordie Craig Bought Stadin Bastards 6/13/2013 $ 459 000
Paweł Pupiec Bought Varsovie Eagles 3/12/2013 $ 20 000
Mickaël Lopes Bought Coteaux Du Luy 2 3/12/2013 $ 15 000
Nikolaos Alexandropoulos Bought Salonica Gators 3/12/2013 $ 2 000
Luca Rezzonico Bought Atletico Borgo Sacco 3/11/2013 $ 20 000
Zoran Babaradić Bought VojvodinaB71 3/11/2013 $ 6 000
Aris Bruvelis Bought Boston Celtics#11 3/9/2013 $ 2 222 222
Kristjans Plucs Bought Liepājas Vējš 3/9/2013 $ 1 270 000
Catello Macchia Sold AtleticoVanZann 2/5/2013 $ 600 000
Alfons Ikmanis Sold B.C SAAR 567 1/3/2013 $ 4 000
Sédar Bendian Sold Zgierz Dragons 1/3/2013 $ 428 400
Andris Mežzile Sold Golden Lisbon Eagles 1/3/2013 $ 1 111 800
Slobodan Rogošic Sold 1/3/2013 $ 937 900
Felikss Erenfrids Sold Holly Hunters 1/3/2013 $ 624 300
Robert Summerfield Sold Ofek team 12/18/2012 $ 633 500
Christophe Cureau Sold Dope for free 12/10/2012 $ 308 200
Honorio Tremoya Sold Oi Bariges71E 12/6/2012 $ 592 400
Maxime Volet Sold Green Hornet's 12/6/2012 $ 259 300
Dimosthenis Mpakalopoulos Sold Gerduvenu Zalčiai 12/6/2012 $ 242 600
Robert Summerfield Bought Head Hunters 10/19/2012 $ 510 000
Christophe Cureau Bought janfreenk 9/7/2012 $ 323 400
Honorio Tremoya Bought sydteam 9/1/2012 $ 555 555
Gothards Cimbals Sold Keep the faith 8/31/2012 $ 275 500
Maris Stiebrinš Sold Ред Буллс 8/31/2012 $ 108 400
Ervins Udris Sold Mutsquad 8/29/2012 $ 255 000
Sédar Bendian Bought Saint-Pierre Papangz 8/24/2012 $ 357 000
Maxime Volet Bought Edremit Bld. Spor 8/24/2012 $ 511 111
Muntis Aufmanis Sold Brisbane Suns 8/14/2012 $ 250 000
Slobodan Rogošic Bought UE Manresana 7/9/2012 $ 1 093 800
Viesturs Judrups Sold Kostolomi 6/22/2012 $ 1 005 700
Janis Skade Sold AAltınordu 6/22/2012 $ 265 500
Maris Stiebrinš Bought VfL Pinheiro Manso 6/6/2012 $ 150 000
Ansis Stabinš Sold CHAos Club 6/5/2012 $ 204 000
Knuts Bankavs Sold Hooters_80s 5/18/2012 $ 169 900
György Csernus Sold SergiMC 5/5/2012 $ 1 000
Viesturs Judrups Bought Tesla Berlin 5/4/2012 $ 777 777
Catello Macchia Bought FC Counting 5/4/2012 $ 800 600
Janis Skade Bought Pastorati 5/2/2012 $ 350 000
Primo Cantini Sold mlekci 5/2/2012 $ 111 222
Ain Simulask Sold jeunesse TALENT 5/2/2012 $ 3 000
Askolds Camans Sold Gliding Eagles 5/2/2012 $ 1 000
Brady Bingham Sold zeljo1 5/2/2012 $ 2 000
Umberto Fortuna Sold zeljo1 5/2/2012 $ 2 000
Ansis Stabinš Bought own steps 5/1/2012 $ 250 000
Andris Mežzile Bought Mrówki Radom 5/1/2012 $ 1 492 500
Dimosthenis Mpakalopoulos Bought ZawiszaBydgoszcz 5/1/2012 $ 333 333
Muntis Aufmanis Bought Athinaikos BC957 4/30/2012 $ 333 333
Gothards Cimbals Bought Quebec Gators 4/30/2012 $ 350 000
Giovanni Cerino Sold IX Korpus 4/30/2012 $ 1 297 200
György Csernus Bought alcaparra 4/25/2012 $ 20 000
Andrés Lugo Sold D.B.L 4/23/2012 $ 48 200
Francisco da Costa Sold Dirsāpisēji 4/23/2012 $ 212 032
Félix Balín Sold Ng team 3/24/2012 $ 63 800
Andrés Lugo Bought 超音速快艇 1/17/2012 $ 44 444
Primo Cantini Bought Njballaz 9/28/2011 $ 12 000
Marcin Mizura Bought BBallers Radzymin 9/27/2011 $ 10 000
Reinholds Valdemars Sold KK Rudar Breza 9/27/2011 $ 788 500
Austris Ambainis Sold BK " BAUSKA" 9/20/2011 $ 468 200
Ian Andal Bought Miami Beat 9/14/2011 $ 1 000
Umberto Fortuna Bought noanoa 9/14/2011 $ 6 000
Ain Simulask Bought bctallinncavs 9/14/2011 $ 3 000
Félix Balín Bought barrufets 9/14/2011 $ 75 000
Brady Bingham Bought Queens Royals 9/14/2011 $ 11 000
Otomars Bulgaks Sold Zola Predosa Bulldog 9/6/2011 $ 318 500
Pascal Michel Lamisch Sold Stime 9/6/2011 $ 293 000
Vladimiro Barillari Sold HakunaMatata 9/6/2011 $ 132 900
Stefano Vallome Sold Marvel Comics漫威小队 9/6/2011 $ 306 000
Felikss Erenfrids Bought Brīvzemnieki 8/7/2011 $ 930 600
Caio Zogno Sold Kepykla 8/4/2011 $ 1 100 000
Vladimiro Barillari Bought Thunderballs 7/22/2011 $ 142 800
Pascal Michel Lamisch Bought Makaka 7/22/2011 $ 250 000
Carlos Carbonari Sold San Rocco 7/22/2011 $ 600 000
Otomars Bulgaks Bought Aintzina Euskal Herria 6/17/2011 $ 300 000
Caio Zogno Bought Neoi palatianis 6/2/2011 $ 1 387 200
Reinholds Valdemars Bought gvx19683 5/28/2011 $ 918 000
Raphaël Dubief Bought Hooray For Woodchuck 5/26/2011 $ 2 000
Ralfas Viežys Sold Underestimated 5/24/2011 $ 836 900
Eustaquio Aborbo Sold [C] Märjamaa 5/24/2011 $ 300 600
Dragan Gucic Sold BC Pólko 5/24/2011 $ 500 000
Daniel Eduardo Penovi Sold Howling Winds 5/24/2011 $ 489 600
Stefano Vallome Bought Eclypze 5/21/2011 $ 400 000
Eduardo Carlos Mansilla Sold Torravens 5/21/2011 $ 351 800
Karol Knol Bought Kauno Kurvininkai 5/19/2011 $ 5 000
Radoslav Gombálik Bought Katro Team 5/19/2011 $ 1 000
Filip Oshavkov Sold KK Dragon 5/17/2011 $ 40 000
Franz-Wolfgang Kagermeier Sold SLAVIA-STAROPRAMEN 5/17/2011 $ 194 900
Francesc Ferrer Sold Assassins Creed 5/13/2011 $ 66 400
Francesc Ferrer Bought Free Agent 5/4/2011 $ 66 666
Jean-Claude Delacre Sold Blue DevilZ 4/27/2011 $ 83 300
Filip Oshavkov Bought Várnegyed Tornaklub 4/26/2011 $ 10 000
Franz-Wolfgang Kagermeier Bought Avatar Team 4/25/2011 $ 66 666
Hans-Rolf Brix Sold BC Arinas 4/24/2011 $ 236 000
Eustaquio Aborbo Bought Leicester Corinthians 4/21/2011 $ 222 222
Daniel Eduardo Penovi Bought cassoeula united 4/20/2011 $ 400 000
Yiorgis Mpougadelis Sold New York Renaissance 4/20/2011 $ 1 000
Gavrilo Vidović Sold Only Draft 4/20/2011 $ 190 000
Ali Dobringer Sold B.Builder 4/20/2011 $ 204 000
Jean-Claude Delacre Bought Free Agent 2/10/2011 $ 102 900
Afik Schum Sold Ramat-Ilan Pilots 2/9/2011 $ 224 400
Carlos Carbonari Bought M.L.S. REICH 2/6/2011 $ 510 000
Casimiro Piffaretti Sold Pécsi Kosárlabda Klub 2/6/2011 $ 230 600
Gerardo Nazionale Sold Vomito Warriors 1/21/2011 $ 208 100
Giovanni Cerino Bought Dinamo Banco di Sardegna Sassari 1/15/2011 $ 122 222
Yiorgis Mpougadelis Bought Real Ariqumes 1/15/2011 $ 1 500
Janis Agroproms Sold پتروشمی بندرامام 1/14/2011 $ 53 200
Justs Pommers Sold Meldru iela 1/14/2011 $ 1 000
Eduardo Carlos Mansilla Bought raseiniu RASAI 1/13/2011 $ 333 333
Armando Prieto Sold Beerschot Bears 1/12/2011 $ 230 100
Tomas Zanzi Sold DzasKIng 1/12/2011 $ 270 000
Casimiro Piffaretti Bought Fortythrees 1/9/2011 $ 104 100
Ralfas Viežys Bought lacandela ac 1/9/2011 $ 555 555
Georgs Vezis Sold Barri de baix 1/9/2011 $ 750 000
Ali Dobringer Bought SZoESE 1/6/2011 $ 222 222
Francisco da Costa Bought Free Agent 1/6/2011 $ 266 666
Sergio Navarro García Sold AZ92 1/5/2011 $ 510 000
Markelis Norkunas Sold CavalodeAçoCE4 1/5/2011 $ 1 000
Uri Pickett Sold Radnik BN Basket11F 1/5/2011 $ 21 000
Gavrilo Vidović Bought Free Agent 1/4/2011 $ 150 300
Alexander Hayes Sold basketbal pce 1/2/2011 $ 200 000
Afik Schum Bought Standard De Joncool 12/30/2010 $ 120 000
Markelis Norkunas Bought BC Gintarai 12/8/2010 $ 50 000
Gerardo Nazionale Bought BK BEARS MALŠOVICE 12/5/2010 $ 377 777
Georgs Vezis Bought BK Redbull 12/5/2010 $ 728 300
Dragan Gucic Bought Cáceres CB Basket 12/5/2010 $ 777 777
Olgerts Vaivars Sold BC Vaivite 12/4/2010 $ 230 100
Enrico Cabiddu Sold Young Wolves 12/4/2010 $ 438 600
Tauno Kaljapulk Sold Meiras 12/4/2010 $ 3 000
Mateusz Kozluk Sold Bubis Bublekh 12/4/2010 $ 408 000
Armando Prieto Bought Free Agent 12/2/2010 $ 222 222
Tomas Zanzi Bought Free Agent 12/2/2010 $ 270 200
Andrians Tulveitis Sold Ważny jest zawód rybaka. 11/28/2010 $ 7 000
Aivis Bruvelis Sold markoteam 10/11/2010 $ 101 100
Modris Balsers Sold Mawens 10/11/2010 $ 65 100
Enrico Cabiddu Bought Free Agent 8/11/2010 $ 577 000
Oskars Abelis Sold 内涵 7/2/2010 $ 338 100
Alexander Hayes Bought Freeport Marlins 6/15/2010 $ 287 200
Mareks Freidsons Sold XWZBB 5/11/2010 $ 1 000
Edgars Relinš Sold C.B. Elosua 5/11/2010 $ 1 000
Hans-Rolf Brix Bought KB 57 Poznań 4/15/2010 $ 884 000
Mareks Bormans Sold I Pacers 4/11/2010 $ 800 000
Tauno Kaljapulk Bought Valmet 3/29/2010 $ 72 000
Sergio Navarro García Bought 456789 3/4/2010 $ 366 100
Uri Pickett Bought Naselje 2/11/2010 $ 62 300
Mateusz Kozluk Bought J23 Club 1/28/2010 $ 260 700
Total Sales: $ 107 772 954
Total Purchases: $ 135 695 049
Transfer Balance: $ -27 922 095