List of Transfers
Player To/From Date Price
Gerardo Uncini Sold #RipCity 7/17/2021 $ 71 000
Arnon Nissan Sold #RipCity 4/18/2020 $ 168 900
Omar Dedić Sold "CAPOTO KI MOLLA" 10/24/2020 $ 318 700
Joosep Günter Bought 108FC 9/3/2016 $ 102 000
Zachos Kalvos Bought 69nined&dined 7/17/2017 $ 2 000
Jason Myers Sold 8-8 Basketball 3/5/2016 $ 2 000
Donald Buchanan Sold 89ers 10/13/2019 $ 318 500
James Drew Sold Above the Rim 7/21/2018 $ 1 000
Hermes Rossi Sold AC CMXG 4/2/2022 $ 153 000
Aldopaolo Fabris Sold Academy of Scotland 2/26/2022 $ 200 000
Federico Fornels Bought Acid Bulldogs 7/3/2022 $ 261 400
Guillaume Chassain Bought Actually a great training facility 2/28/2015 $ 52 100
Eric Orozco Bought AD Zaragoza 3/25/2023 $ 30 000
Francisco Charlón Sold Adalet Tanrısı 3/25/2023 $ 101 300
Zi Chi Pong Bought AdamSong 7/15/2018 $ 612 100
Jan Polívka Bought AEK 1924 3/5/2017 $ 50 000
Nie Qinglin Bought Ai carumba 1/17/2021 $ 144 600
Aleksander Zaczek Sold Aimbotters 10/20/2019 $ 191 200
Fred Windham Sold ALISFC 7/22/2017 $ 3 500
Ciro Valle Bought AlpenFlash Dunk Crew 6/29/2020 $ 7 000
Aldonis Upeslacis Sold Aminu 4/18/2020 $ 6 000
Roman Irmen Bought AND ir ko 12/7/2016 $ 59 000
Gregory Conroy Sold Anderson Clout Lords 8/31/2016 $ 3 000
Benigno Amarelle Sold Angers Whitewolves 9/8/2018 $ 5 000
Yiannis Galileos Sold AOFAM 2/12/2023 $ 379 000
Isaac Caballero Bought Arizona Desert Storm 11/11/2018 $ 30 000
Ignacio Sierra Márquez Sold Armored Saints 1/16/2021 $ 1 000
Jeffrey Dodd Sold Armurs Team 3/5/2016 $ 1 000
Thomas Paine Bought AS Oullins 5/15/2022 $ 50 000
Yao Ruiyun Sold Ashdod Green Dogs 3/20/2021 $ 210 000
Vincenzo Lastrico Bought Asingratitos B.C. 12/25/2017 $ 700 000
Daumantas Cepulenis Bought aslankral 1/1/2023 $ 255 000
Zsolt Palkó Sold Ata Eagles 1/31/2021 $ 663 000
Nikos Kaladamis Sold Atlantic City Low Rollers 8/11/2019 $ 12 000
Matteo Ruella Bought Atletico Guagna 9/3/2016 $ 250 000
Herbert Cagle Bought Atletico Torino 10/10/2023 $ 15 000
Borko Jelin Sold Audax Pistoia 4/29/2023 $ 7 000
Kev Katz Bought Aurux Wolf 1/12/2022 $ 3 000
Witold Cybulak Bought AZeteS 4/20/2018 $ 1 000
Serse Brillante Bought AZK Gdańsk 4/1/2024 $ 56 600
Nikos Neochoritis Bought B.C. Basket stars 3/20/2021 $ 1 026 300
Keith Riggins Sold b.c.Pacov 2/18/2024 $ 650 000
Ricky Robinson Bought b.c.Pacov 3/24/2023 $ 299 400
Félicien Galaup Sold B0st0n 1/8/2022 $ 5 000
Christoph Michael Heischbrook Bought Bad Oldesloe Brewers 12/9/2016 $ 2 000
Alfonso Marín Sold Bamboo BC 5/16/2020 $ 24 000
Alan Stewart Bought Baqu Squad Włocławek252 9/3/2016 $ 89 000
Patrick Piva Bought BARON ROJO 7/6/2019 $ 60 000
Duane Kang Bought Barsakov 11/13/2023 $ 1 000
Matteo Ruella Sold basketlunatics 4/22/2017 $ 994 600
Ricky Robinson Sold Bayram Madrid 7/22/2023 $ 255 000
Mindaugas Kizis Bought BC Barbaria 89 4/13/2024 $ 166 500
Paco Cruz Bought BC Eguisheim 8/2/2020 $ 43 000
Dwain Preston Sold BC Hurricane 7/15/2017 $ 212 300
Marcinas Vizmanas Bought BC Jebote 7/26/2015 $ 1 000
Renaud Robin Bought BC Kännukukk 2/7/2022 $ 25 000
Tyrone Stout Sold BC Lions Frýdlant 12/24/2017 $ 1 500 000
Zha Jian Ying Bought Bc lister 1/11/2022 $ 61 200
Yordan Kostadinov Sold BC Maxhmann 10/3/2020 $ 27 000
Andrzej Sledz Bought BC Nagomar United 12/31/2016 $ 221 000
Allan Leroux Bought BC PLOJU RYZA PAMATES 10/16/2019 $ 1 020 000
Baha Bahanur Sold BC Šakniai 3/5/2016 $ 540 600
Erick Ramsey Bought Bc Siauliai 1/11/2022 $ 124 900
Olexiy Lutkov Bought BC Tartu Ballerz 5/28/2020 $ 37 000
Stefano Vielhauer Sold BC Utopia 10/27/2018 $ 750 000
Džerijs Taubergs Bought BC VlLkas 6/7/2017 $ 1 000
Sigutis Namentkevicius Bought BC"Sodo reikmenys" 4/20/2018 $ 15 000
Félicien Galaup Bought Beasties Night 6/28/2021 $ 300 000
Tamás Baunoch Bought Bestias BC 7/28/2024 $ 101 400
Edward Bauman Sold Better Call Saul 11/11/2023 $ 7 000
Ty Talley Bought betterthanme 3/9/2015 $ 10 000
Ildefonso Pajares Sold Bicol Express 5/25/2019 $ 406 200
Juraj Sladonja Bought BK.Saldejumi 12/7/2016 $ 75 500
Olavi Niidumaa Bought BlackRockWhale 4/21/2015 $ 2 000
Cuitláhuac Magaña Sold Blancos Boyz 9/22/2024 $ 775 000
Guillaume Chassain Sold Blankenburger Metrostars 8/31/2016 $ 31 500
Edward Rutledge Sold Bleecker Street Sorcerers 2/5/2023 $ 875 000
Jovan Tošić Sold Blue Sox 12/30/2016 $ 26 000
Michael Lindquist Bought Blue Vikings 10/13/2023 $ 50 000
Rafael Azañón Bought BobRyneDadaCat 1/17/2021 $ 1 050 000
Ed Gabriel Sold Boca lArine 3/4/2023 $ 520 200
Cesare Lazzari Sold Bola de Drac 3/27/2021 $ 663 000
Gintaras Urbavanvicius Bought Boston Brigade 7/17/2017 $ 17 000
Ciro Valle Sold BOSTON CELTICS!🏀 7/20/2020 $ 3 200
Ross Ortega Sold BP Pelicans 4/21/2017 $ 1 000
Carl-Friedhelm Krichbaum Sold Brooklyn Kings 1/16/2021 $ 825 000
Sławomir Musierowicz Bought Buksna Team 11/4/2022 $ 1 000
Bryan Griffiths Sold burlington orbitals 10/7/2023 $ 25 000
Alexander Boyce Sold BuZzz 6/14/2023 $ 77 000
Matthew Cowart Sold BV Dumar 1/20/2024 $ 2 000
Paul Hanisch Bought C.A.BETO 9/3/2016 $ 5 000
Tobias Winkler Sold C.Mustard 3/23/2019 $ 61 200
Seweryn Wołos Sold Cacique Chalimín 7/15/2017 $ 481 700
Victor Spain Sold CampoLeons 6/14/2023 $ 1 000
Tauno Kuusk Bought CB Capital 8/25/2020 $ 100 000
Krzysiek Korzen Bought CES Koszalin 2/27/2015 $ 57 800
Žarko Vivod Sold CGB 2/11/2023 $ 16 000
Giorgio Gesmundo Sold Ch248 6/1/2019 $ 6 000
Carl Paulson Sold Ch248 2/24/2019 $ 4 000
Emir Khudria Bought Champions United 3/5/2016 $ 102 000
Willy Williams Sold Chemeng BC 10/20/2018 $ 875 000
Matt Gaskins Sold Chevrolet Cruze+ 2/11/2023 $ 1 000
Giulio Stabile Bought Chiq & Shaq 4/24/2019 $ 3 000
Ceandro Rico Bought Cile team 1/13/2022 $ 1 000
Lóránt Sőreg Sold CircoBasket 4/22/2023 $ 3 000
Laisvunas Spulys Bought Clochards 4/9/2018 $ 1 020 000
Kévin Cazaubon Sold Club Baloncesto Cebada 9/4/2022 $ 2 000
Žarko Vivod Bought Cokół Miedzychód 10/16/2022 $ 155 800
Angus Donadio Sold Colon de Santa Fe 4/29/2023 $ 229 600
Allan Leroux Sold Corfu Tigers 4/18/2020 $ 600 000
Clemente Ghinzani Sold Cosa Nostra Team 5/1/2015 $ 1 000
Utku Hakan Sanli Bought Crazy Frogs 7/25/2022 $ 10 000
Metin Alkun Bought Croissant 10/24/2021 $ 19 000
Ed Gabriel Bought Cutthroat 10/31/2022 $ 700 000
Emory Shearer Sold Cyborgs 10/16/2021 $ 125 000
Sam Delong Sold Czarni Wrocław 7/15/2017 $ 42 000
Tamás Baunoch Sold dac collective 9/28/2024 $ 128 700
Zafer Fatik Bought deanswer 3/20/2022 $ 99 000
Ronnie Maier Bought Delta 9 11/6/2023 $ 280 000
Agris Kindzulis Bought Destroyerz 11/19/2019 $ 299 000
Paul Hanisch Sold Destroyerz 12/12/2016 $ 2 000
Vitashoka Laddha Sold Dhaka Devils 2/5/2023 $ 425 000
Mi Xiaoguang Bought dimona alkabatz 7/4/2020 $ 26 000
Rossano Lualdi Bought DK BEARS 9/5/2020 $ 4 000
Sotiris Dimos Sold Doberman Gang 10/3/2020 $ 3 000
Frane Matković Bought DobleDribling 7/17/2022 $ 67 400
Benny Herron Bought Dorostol_SS 11/14/2023 $ 45 000
George Forman Sold Dream Rockets 11/4/2023 $ 15 000
Alexey Selichev Sold Dream team........ 9/8/2018 $ 1 000 000
Kiros Andralas Bought Drunken Sconnies 10/23/2021 $ 314 000
Jovan Tošić Bought DunkTales 9/4/2016 $ 11 000
Kuba Wohlfeil Bought Dupki 9/22/2024 $ 1 000
Ko Shu Yen Sold durma yolcu! 2/24/2020 $ 30 000
Mack Suitts Bought Dynamo Wildcats 6/27/2021 $ 175 800
Ángel Hiriart Bought EA7 Forlì 7/27/2021 $ 148 700
Giuseppe De Castris Sold Eclypze 1/26/2020 $ 36 100
Zdravko Goranov Sold Elan Boucalais 6/1/2017 $ 57 000
Alexandre Corbeau Sold Elan Sportif Chalonnais 1/31/2021 $ 275 000
Aarón da Proba Sold Elche Mavericks 3/8/2016 $ 5 000
Dominik Kamocki Sold Electro Heckert's Finest 8/14/2019 $ 101 000
Yulian Vetchinnikov Sold EliteBPE 7/14/2019 $ 90 100
Lindomar Tocantins Sold EminemsTeam 1/21/2017 $ 100 000
Slobodan Vulikić Bought Ermesinde HUSKIES 5/19/2017 $ 57 400
Gregory Beverly Bought Erythra taxiarxia 11/14/2023 $ 24 000
Ng Hung Ming Sold Esjl 2/23/2020 $ 4 000
Tom Robb Sold Espe Châlons 11/6/2021 $ 350 000
Aldonis Upeslacis Bought Esporte Clube Sirio 2/18/2020 $ 4 000
Viamrsh Singh Sold Estudiantes LP 7/15/2017 $ 548 000
Jacek Wons Sold Ethereal Rabbits 11/18/2019 $ 2 000
Noble Coker Sold Etonic Akeem 6/14/2023 $ 5 000
Willy Williams Bought EverStorm 4/22/2017 $ 650 000
Dominik Kamocki Bought Faboulous Team 6/30/2019 $ 127 600
Mao Qingyou Bought FanDuel 2/27/2015 $ 10 000
Sidney Grajales Bought Fatters team 6/28/2020 $ 75 900
Radek Sznaza Bought fcmiret 1/14/2016 $ 19 000
Zhu Fuchao Sold Ferrets II 7/25/2015 $ 1 000
Guglielmo Muscarà Bought Fiessoville 6/30/2021 $ 223 800
Radek Sznaza Sold Fighting Hurricanes 8/31/2016 $ 1 000
Ernani Bataglia Bought Firenze Basket 4/15/2022 $ 1 000
Paco Morenas Bought Fliegenkugeln 3/28/2021 $ 500 000
Zoran Gojak Sold Florida university 4/14/2018 $ 4 000
Shaheen Essa Mundakar Bought Fluisterwoud 3/1/2019 $ 102 000
Luis Matías Buldorini Sold Fortitudo FdL 1/26/2019 $ 234 800
Armando Ricart Sold Forty Two 5/16/2020 $ 73 000
Paul Dexter Hijara Bought Franca Shoemakers Revival 7/2/2022 $ 20 000
Mao Lihua Bought Free Agent 9/22/2024 $ 47 910
Ervin Hills Bought Free Agent 12/23/2023 $ 103 170
Matthew Cowart Bought Free Agent 12/2/2023 $ 47 860
Curtis Gavin Bought Free Agent 7/8/2023 $ 57 580
George Forman Bought Free Agent 6/9/2023 $ 71 550
Lóránt Sőreg Bought Free Agent 3/9/2023 $ 79 800
Vitashoka Laddha Bought Free Agent 3/11/2022 $ 351 000
Edward Rutledge Bought Free Agent 1/30/2022 $ 510 000
Hermes Rossi Bought Free Agent 11/25/2021 $ 144 700
Jakub Wiglusz Bought Free Agent 11/19/2021 $ 67 240
Alexandre Corbeau Bought Free Agent 12/3/2020 $ 103 200
Gianluigi Aldeghi Bought Free Agent 8/26/2020 $ 299 990
Ivan Kemilev Bought Free Agent 8/1/2020 $ 93 700
Itzik Niv Bought Free Agent 8/1/2020 $ 161 600
Donald Buchanan Bought Free Agent 7/10/2019 $ 482 650
Cosmin Maris Bought Free Agent 6/27/2019 $ 450 700
Roland Masters Bought Free Agent 4/24/2019 $ 2 000
Fatih Soykal Bought Free Agent 9/8/2018 $ 323 900
Dylan Vermorel Bought Free Agent 12/9/2017 $ 39 400
Qi Hoi Mo Bought Free Agent 6/14/2017 $ 172 300
Yiannis Koskinas Bought Free Agent 5/6/2017 $ 182 400
Seweryn Wołos Bought Free Agent 5/6/2017 $ 671 300
Viamrsh Singh Bought Free Agent 5/5/2017 $ 478 000
Adoniran Moutinho Bought Free Agent 4/28/2017 $ 241 500
Aldo Ariste Bought Free Agent 3/9/2017 $ 117 200
Giorgio Gesmundo Bought Free Agent 9/11/2016 $ 77 300
Ty Talley Sold Fuzzy Team 4/27/2015 $ 2 000
Roman Irmen Sold GA team6F8 1/21/2018 $ 20 000
Jovan Lero Bought Gabr43 3/28/2021 $ 36 000
Virginio Buso Bought galatasaray 4587878 3/3/2015 $ 11 000
Raúl Soler Valera Sold Gasolinas 12/13/2015 $ 125 000
Danguolis Cancingeris Sold GELEZO 11/10/2018 $ 47 000
Abdul Irurosqui Bought Gijón Baloncesto . 8/1/2020 $ 484 600
Oscar Daley Bought Glaskulans IF 5/26/2020 $ 135 000
Benny Herron Sold GOK TEAM 3/2/2024 $ 66 000
Nick Benedict Sold Golden Horde 12/9/2016 $ 156 100
Edward Bauman Bought GOLDEN NUGGETSsS 5/14/2023 $ 41 000
Sidney Grajales Sold Górnik 1946 Wałbrzych 8/2/2020 $ 57 500
Senín Samartín Sold Górnik 1946 Wałbrzych 8/2/2020 $ 17 000
Metin Alkun Sold Graham Pierce Sant Climent 1/14/2022 $ 47 000
Olexiy Lutkov Sold Grateful Dead 8/2/2020 $ 133 300
Itzik Niv Sold Green cat junior 1/17/2021 $ 632 700
Péter Fónagy Sold GreenStarLab 11/17/2019 $ 3 000
Delbert Herbert Bought Grizwald Gang 7/17/2017 $ 118 100
Ugnius Deniatnikovas Sold Groundhog Killer 12/15/2024 $ 345 100
Dwain Preston Bought Gtown Bulldogs 5/14/2017 $ 149 000
Loren McGill Sold Gunner KC 8/31/2016 $ 2 000 000
Aitor Elieche Bought Gvx1968352 10/21/2021 $ 4 000
Arturo Núñez Bought Haftorr Team 9/3/2016 $ 190 000
Jakub Wiglusz Sold HAHA001 2/6/2022 $ 8 000
Cuitláhuac Magaña Bought Hayward Lumberjacks 2/11/2023 $ 51 000
Yordan Kostadinov Bought HBK-SRB 8/27/2020 $ 41 000
Cyril Flamant Sold Headless Thompson Gunners 4/26/2020 $ 100 000
Philip Taylor Bought hehaya 2/11/2024 $ 318 800
Ralph Galindo Sold Helsem12 6/22/2016 $ 2 000
Raúl Soler Valera Bought Hogwartss 7/26/2015 $ 100 000
Benigno Amarelle Bought Hoopstars BC 12/25/2017 $ 433 600
Jarvis Hong Sold Hope City Basketball 8/31/2016 $ 876 900
Aristeu Bucha Sold HotCheese5D0 6/29/2019 $ 250 000
Karel Schuster Bought Houdeng Donkeys 10/2/2021 $ 850 000
Warren Hobbs Sold Houston Below The Net 12/9/2017 $ 1 000
Tyrone Stout Bought Houston KK 7/17/2017 $ 1 166 700
Xoan Golmar Sold HumanFund 11/11/2023 $ 1 000
Ronnie Maier Sold I PARAPLEGICI 3/15/2025 $ 99 800
Will Crosley Sold I SOCMEL 6/28/2017 $ 1 000
Dieu-Donné Tarantino Sold II Çanakkale Belediye BC II 12/29/2024 $ 115 000
Paco Cruz Sold IloveBeer 9/7/2020 $ 43 000
Hayden Allen Sold Infiniti Verdun 10/27/2018 $ 78 200
Joel Kearney Sold Ipswich WinterWolves 8/2/2020 $ 1 000
Evan Bland Bought Iron Thunder 8/3/2020 $ 42 000
Karel Schuster Sold Jarok Lakers 2/5/2022 $ 500 000
Ervin Hills Sold jd teame 10/5/2024 $ 52 100
Emir Khudria Sold Jimmys 8/31/2016 $ 35 000
Aaron Daigle Bought JLBlazer 2/3/2019 $ 28 000
Józef Panuś Sold Joan Mir i Mir 12/14/2016 $ 4 000
Zheng Tuan Kiet Bought July CB 1/12/2022 $ 2 000
Mack Suitts Sold Jumpstop Jumpers 9/11/2021 $ 236 700
Luis López de Castro Sold Jurkunas 4/1/2023 $ 102 000
Melvin Greer Sold JYMAR 6/30/2021 $ 265 500
Senín Samartín Bought KALISTI BULLS 12/13/2019 $ 364 200
Thomas Coughlin Sold Kalle-jeros 5/18/2017 $ 266 200
Erdvinas Chursas Sold Kämpfer 3/16/2016 $ 1 000
Yagmur Altaç Bought KaraKartalTR 4/19/2020 $ 612 000
Shaheen Essa Mundakar Sold Katman Crew 6/29/2019 $ 38 400
Astolfo Procaccianti Sold Kauno Zalgiris 7 BC 8/11/2019 $ 6 000
Yoann Mantel Sold Kavala Lionhearts 3/18/2017 $ 15 000
Zsolt Palkó Bought Kharkov Tigers 11/25/2020 $ 358 900
Renaud Robin Sold King Lublin 3/5/2022 $ 50 000
Leo Scaccia Bought kitougias bc 2/16/2020 $ 3 000
Borko Jelin Bought KK Celik Zenica 4/12/2023 $ 2 000
Carl-Friedhelm Krichbaum Bought KK GLASINAC SOKOLAC 10/29/2020 $ 494 800
Ernie Trujillo Sold KK Green Dragons Ljubljana 8/26/2023 $ 1 000
Ni Yoke Ho Sold KK Jesenovo-Bulls 11/30/2019 $ 30 000
Vito Wijkstra Sold KK Ljubljana 78 5/6/2017 $ 510 000
Zoran Gojak Bought KK REAL MADRID BALONCESTO 9/17/2017 $ 101 000
Baha Bahanur Bought KKS Zgol 1/14/2016 $ 124 900
Brent Taylor Sold Klevas 2/21/2020 $ 8 000
Vincentis Barsulis Bought Knicktardeder 6/22/2023 $ 14 000
Zhu Fuchao Bought Kolač 4/24/2015 $ 50 000
Zha Jian Ying Sold kombri-tes 2/6/2022 $ 90 200
Ivan Kemilev Sold kombri-tes 12/16/2020 $ 80 000
Cesare Lazzari Bought Kometos 12/3/2020 $ 396 500
John Dukes Sold Krakken Team 6/22/2016 $ 1 000
Ni Yoke Ho Bought ktlp panathinaikos 10/23/2019 $ 195 000
Delbert Herbert Sold la barra del rojo 10/7/2017 $ 14 000
Olavi Niidumaa Sold LA KUNAS 7/23/2015 $ 40 000
Paul Herring Bought LA Lickers 4/23/2023 $ 192 800
Cosmin Maris Sold La Magia de Miguel 1/8/2022 $ 204 000
Paco Morenas Sold LA Plazma 10/7/2021 $ 23 000
Mar Zaulda Sold La Roca Swimmers 11/3/2018 $ 135 300
Christopher Florence Bought LA@CLIPPERS 10/25/2018 $ 5 000
Rossano Lualdi Sold Ladrillazo BC 10/3/2020 $ 5 000
Harold Houle Bought Lahmacun_Lakers 10/11/2023 $ 10 000
Luboslav Nemaskillenko Sold Lakeland Express 5/30/2015 $ 2 000
Hidacio Combarro Bought LaMasia Pistons 4/21/2021 $ 1 000
Ernani Bataglia Sold lanxingxing 7/9/2022 $ 25 000
Kenneth Jackson Sold Lavapiatti 3/20/2021 $ 729 400
Larry Armstead Sold LE KARTEL LUSSOIS 3/31/2015 $ 8 000
Leung Chung Yan Sold LeBron58 10/12/2024 $ 51 000
Jacek Wons Bought Lefki 10/25/2019 $ 11 000
Dalibor Ðuric Bought Legia Warriors 3/20/2022 $ 84 900
Yao Ruiyun Bought LEPANTO FISHERMEN 1/14/2021 $ 356 800
Kévin Cazaubon Bought Les travailleurs du dimanche 7/25/2022 $ 1 000
Morkus Mielinis Sold Lima 43ers 11/8/2020 $ 90 000
Ng Hung Ming Bought Lima 43ers 7/20/2019 $ 120 000
Arturo Núñez Sold Limbach Titans 7/14/2018 $ 1 300 000
Hugo Simpson Sold Limitless BPE 3/10/2024 $ 1 000
Ivan Petrović Bought LIMOZAC 10/17/2019 $ 16 000
Eric Orozco Sold Lone Stars 7/15/2023 $ 5 000
Robert Bennett Sold Lone Stars 7/15/2023 $ 3 000
Gilbert Saylor Sold Los Angeles LegendsABF 12/9/2017 $ 1 000
Eray Beken Sold Los Asaltantes 8/31/2016 $ 49 000
Luis López de Castro Bought Los Esqueletos Marchosos 2/11/2023 $ 144 900
Jan Polívka Sold los guerreros liryos 12/30/2017 $ 71 400
Jia Ziyu Bought Los Papis C.B. 9/15/2017 $ 120 000
Adrián Mazo Calvo Bought Los Papis C.B. 12/7/2016 $ 350 000
Rex Chappell Bought los vengadores de la bondiola 4/24/2023 $ 10 000
Vincenzo Lastrico Sold los vengadores de la bondiola 6/23/2018 $ 233 500
Vito Wijkstra Bought LUDDI 9/2/2016 $ 1 784 102
Michal Javornický Sold Maccabi de CAGAR 4/13/2015 $ 10 000
Sam Archer Bought Mad Mamba Academy 2/6/2022 $ 200 000
Morkus Mielinis Bought Mafijozai 8/31/2020 $ 110 600
Kostas Tsatsarelis Bought Magic Dragon FC 3/5/2017 $ 168 400
Ernie Trujillo Bought Maine Lobstahs 7/8/2023 $ 2 000
Niko Paulamäki Bought MansenLeikkeet 3/24/2019 $ 1 000
Aarno Tuhkanen Bought MansenLeikkeet 3/24/2019 $ 1 000
Christopher Florence Sold Mantova spurs 11/4/2018 $ 87 999
Mats Gangstad Bought Markushhh’s 12/29/2024 $ 1 000
Savas Allisan Bought McNuggets 1/10/2019 $ 473 000
Bud Mendez Sold Medicare Kings 12/19/2020 $ 1 000
Hildemar Pferdekamp Bought Mens Sana Siena 9/3/2016 $ 395 400
Ernest Klimasara Bought MeoTeam 6/13/2016 $ 91 800
Jan Trevino Sold Miami Mothmen 9/28/2024 $ 5 000
Marshall Ramos Sold Miamibuzzaw 8/13/2022 $ 1 000
Darjan Dobrotinšek Sold milano rockets 11/10/2018 $ 50 000
Melvin Greer Bought Minnesota Bookers 3/27/2021 $ 438 600
Seumas Wiseman Bought Minny Lumberjacks 1/28/2019 $ 300 000
Orintas Klevas Bought Miskastnieki 5/10/2017 $ 1 000
Serse Brillante Sold MJC 2024 6/8/2024 $ 41 000
Brent Taylor Bought Moltas Matsson Academy 5/28/2019 $ 293 500
Daumantas Cepulenis Sold Monster Basket 2/10/2023 $ 13 000
Dylan Vermorel Sold Morière Camenberts 6/30/2018 $ 5 000
Enzo Pincella Bought morongongo 3/28/2021 $ 106 200
Amedeo Attanasio Bought morongongo 3/28/2021 $ 100 000
Emmett Spann Sold Moscow Avengers 4/1/2023 $ 54 300
Skirgaila Karginas Bought Moustrosbasket C. B. 2/11/2023 $ 400 000
Boštjan Goričan Bought MPOULIDES 4/15/2022 $ 1 000
Sigutis Namentkevicius Sold Nagoya Dragons 8/4/2018 $ 1 000
Yagmur Altaç Sold Nagu´s Warriors 8/22/2020 $ 420 900
Ildefonso Pajares Bought NajaraniAleGała 12/22/2017 $ 507 800
Fatih Soykal Sold Napoletanamente 1/26/2019 $ 239 600
Aristeu Bucha Bought New Boston Latinos 11/16/2018 $ 256 500
Loren McGill Bought New York Dragons 2/28/2015 $ 122 400
Numbers Kraft Bought Nęw York Knicks 4/24/2019 $ 2 000
Christoph Michael Heischbrook Sold Nha Trang Team 3/9/2017 $ 1 000
Zi Chi Pong Sold Niewazne 10/19/2019 $ 1 785 000
In-Whan Kwon Bought Nike Club 11/12/2020 $ 3 300
Christian Udassi Sold Ninja Stars 1/26/2019 $ 3 000
Sükrü Ügeç Sold NirvaTeam 4/9/2018 $ 2 150 000
Demarcus Brightbill Sold NISSA Eagles 11/6/2021 $ 475 000
Curtis Gavin Sold no pasaran 10/7/2023 $ 127 600
Alfonso Marín Bought Northern Ducks 11/19/2019 $ 299 000
Paul Dexter Hijara Sold O-Beshimi 11/5/2022 $ 6 000
Carlos Alberto Calero Sold Ocean TPMJ 4/2/2022 $ 2 000
Kazimierz Medyński Bought Ogonki 1/26/2020 $ 79 400
Brent Cramer Sold OKK Apatin 10/2/2021 $ 1 250 000
Johnny Anderson Sold Ol Doinyo Lengai 11/4/2023 $ 42 000
Sławomir Musierowicz Sold Olympia Bellheim 2/5/2023 $ 50 000
Kostas Tsatsarelis Sold OLYMPIACOS .B.C 4/30/2017 $ 325 000
Quentin Moore Sold Orange Pride 12/29/2015 $ 1 000
Nektarios Kasoumis Bought Ostrali 4/21/2019 $ 117 500
Aarón da Proba Bought Palabus 11/4/2015 $ 50 000
Olavo Bado Sold Palestra Itália 8/1/2015 $ 1 000
Olavo Bado Bought Palestra Itália 4/25/2015 $ 1 000
Sam Archer Sold Palies Titans 4/2/2022 $ 203 800
Lin Kar Kee Bought PANDORAs 2/5/2022 $ 402 300
Bartug Kemal Okuldas Bought Panikaionios 10/6/2024 $ 255 000
Tauno Kuusk Sold PANIONIARA BC 1/16/2021 $ 135 000
Francesco Vettorato Bought Panzerotti 6/5/2017 $ 30 000
Yiannis Galileos Bought Papiros B.C 3/8/2022 $ 160 000
Derick Henson Bought Payro 7/28/2019 $ 371 500
Krzysiek Korzen Sold Pazzi e scatenati 7/23/2015 $ 1 000
James Oaks Bought Pegasus SC 6/23/2023 $ 497 800
Gianluigi Aldeghi Sold Pelister Bitola 11/28/2020 $ 100 000
Kenneth Jackson Bought Peñas Huesca 5/28/2019 $ 728 300
Mike Solmitz Bought PGE Małkersy Zgorzelec 12/29/2024 $ 1 000
Lin Kar Kee Sold Pheonix Galati 4/2/2022 $ 336 600
Vincent Hoins Sold Phoenix Suns NUE 8/2/2020 $ 800 000
Spencer Rufon Bought Phresh princes of Belair 5/9/2019 $ 212 300
Enzo Pincella Sold Piaseczusets 7/4/2021 $ 48 000
Amedeo Attanasio Sold Piaseczusets 7/4/2021 $ 36 000
Aldo Ariste Sold pikloklo 5/6/2017 $ 110 000
Neil Wilder Sold Pilen BK 6/29/2024 $ 375 000
Giuseppe De Castris Bought Pit Vipers 12/25/2019 $ 50 000
Marcinas Vizmanas Sold Pixiya Bullies 9/1/2015 $ 10 000
Enrique Uriguen Sold Platamona Basket 3/25/2023 $ 75 000
Aleksander Zaczek Bought PLC 7 5/7/2019 $ 765 000
Cyril Flamant Bought PLUMBERS VILNIUS B.C. 2/20/2020 $ 96 000
Antoine Desse Sold Pokemoni398 12/13/2015 $ 60 000
Brent Cramer Bought polehullu 8/24/2020 $ 632 100
Sam Delong Bought Polpharma Starogard Gd. 5/19/2017 $ 20 000
Yulian Vetchinnikov Bought POM.... 5/16/2019 $ 150 000
Teodor Vida Bought PonyvaLegények 12/6/2017 $ 159 300
Witold Cybulak Sold Ponzio Pilacido 10/20/2018 $ 1 000
Dieu-Donné Tarantino Bought Port Nebbir 9/28/2024 $ 104 100
Alekos Tsamaris Bought Pronout Jasło 8/7/2020 $ 1 000
Federico Fornels Sold Quaquaraqua 12/31/2022 $ 168 400
Nic Herring Sold R3AP3RS 1/15/2022 $ 57 900
Carmelo Carotta Bought Reconquista 2/27/2019 $ 3 000
Rafael Azañón Sold Red Demonc 3/27/2021 $ 887 400
Seumas Wiseman Sold Red Moon 58 5/9/2019 $ 249 300
Joel Kearney Bought Reghin Bulls 2/15/2020 $ 76 600
Elio Pagnini Bought Renaissance 7/21/2022 $ 234 600
Milan Filipović Sold Reons BC 1/12/2019 $ 4 000
Oscar Zazo Sold Republica Catalana 8/31/2016 $ 191 600
Alexey Selichev Bought Retriever 7/14/2018 $ 746 500
Ibrahim Cuevas Bought RINOCERONTES 12/29/2024 $ 51 000
Cosmin Maris Rip City Revival 3/20/2021 $ 287 700
Aleksander Zaczek Rip City Revival 8/11/2019 $ 312 600
Dylan Vermorel Rip City Revival 4/14/2018 $ 2 000
Lindomar Tocantins Rip City Revival 12/30/2016 $ 125 000
Utku Hakan Sanli Sold Rip City Rip 8/13/2022 $ 9 000
Liu Banghua Sold Roman Madryt 1/12/2019 $ 500 000
Darjan Dobrotinšek Bought Rouge-Noir Aosta 8/31/2018 $ 101 000
Kuba Wohlfeil Sold Sabaim Rocket 3/15/2025 $ 8 500
Paul Herring Sold SAgaró Athletic 6/14/2023 $ 200 000
Arnon Nissan Bought SAKMAL 2/17/2020 $ 99 000
Craig Lovell Sold San Antonio School 12/29/2024 $ 221 000
Keith Riggins Bought San Donà Basket II 11/18/2023 $ 300 000
Alvin Jones Sold Sasizzuni Basket Club 12/29/2015 $ 1 000
Zdravko Goranov Bought Schwerin Armadillos 5/14/2017 $ 41 000
Luboslav Nemaskillenko Bought SE Palmeiras 4/25/2015 $ 2 000
Qi Hoi Mo Sold Seattle SuperSonics! 12/24/2017 $ 1 538 800
Franklin Heideman Bought Sepsi SIC15E253 2/10/2022 $ 39 200
Michal Javornický Bought Sesto Steelers 2/28/2015 $ 36 000
Astolfo Procaccianti Bought SF fan 5/10/2019 $ 3 000
Milan Filipović Bought Shah Phoenix 11/5/2018 $ 50 330
Christian Udassi Bought Shah Phoenix 11/5/2018 $ 48 380
Aldopaolo Fabris Bought Shoes 10/2/2021 $ 282 000
Angus Donadio Bought Shpriccc 2/12/2023 $ 293 500
Teodor Vida Sold SINOVI Ademovi 4/14/2018 $ 67 700
Neil Wilder Bought SIOUX FORCE 2/19/2024 $ 406 700
Essa Bin-Jaber Bought Şırdansızlar S.K 5/10/2019 $ 51 000
Zheng Tuan Kiet Sold Siyah Pençeler 2/6/2022 $ 6 000
Hildemar Pferdekamp Sold Skullcrackers 12/30/2016 $ 400 000
Robert Krysik Sold Skyhatch 4/30/2017 $ 331 600
Gordon London Sold Slovenia Bears BC 6/29/2024 $ 1 000
Gerald Rowland Sold SnippersDF9 4/3/2020 $ 7 000
Vassilis Travezeas Bought Softie Gunners 1/12/2025 $ 63 800
Péter Fónagy Bought Soldales 10/17/2019 $ 23 000
Chris Bailey Sold Sopron Devils 10/5/2019 $ 5 000
Renzo Razzante Bought Southpoint 1/31/2021 $ 5 000
Leung Chung Yan Bought SouthWolfPack 3/1/2024 $ 153 000
Ángel Hiriart Sold Spartak_Plovdiv 9/11/2021 $ 317 900
Mao Qingyou Sold Spiritual Warfare 8/31/2016 $ 382 600
Marvin Keller Sold Spurs35620 1/29/2024 $ 1 000
Essa Bin-Jaber Sold Stadium 5/31/2019 $ 16 000
Erdvinas Chursas Bought Stamouliakos Agriniou BC 12/14/2015 $ 21 000
Jeffrey Dodd Bought Stamouliakos Agriniou BC 12/14/2015 $ 2 000
Laisvunas Spulys Sold Stark Team 11/10/2018 $ 360 200
Ceandro Rico Sold Stómas II 2/6/2022 $ 16 000
Elio Pagnini Sold suntianxia 12/31/2022 $ 25 000
Herbert Cagle Sold Superstar63 11/11/2023 $ 51 000
Erick Ramsey Sold Surry Hills Peeps 2/6/2022 $ 129 100
Zbysław Nęcki Sold suzy 3/19/2016 $ 6 000
Harold Houle Sold svalbard basket 11/11/2023 $ 1 000
Don Zeigler Bought Tabuto 11/11/2023 $ 102 000
Vicente Ríos Bought Talcahuano State 12/20/2019 $ 50 000
Vytautas Lependinas Bought Tbilisi Supersonics 7/21/2017 $ 470 000
Xoan Golmar Bought Team Épide 10/15/2023 $ 10 000
Tobias Winkler Bought Team Keope 11/9/2018 $ 130 000
Jerzy Chmielarz Bought Team NYC 10/25/2019 $ 6 000
Andrzej Sledz Sold TeamNaz 5/6/2017 $ 295 800
Stefano Vielhauer Bought Tendur 4/9/2018 $ 1 098 600
Sotiris Dimos Bought The Elites Reborn 8/1/2020 $ 28 400
Roland Richard Sold The Lafayette Differentiaters 6/14/2023 $ 318 500
Enrique Uriguen Bought The Mighty Pheasants 2/11/2023 $ 50 000
Jose Ruel Chavez Sold The Process74A 1/16/2021 $ 1 000
Spencer Rufon Sold The Red Falcon 7/6/2019 $ 245 400
Zbysław Nęcki Bought The Return 12/14/2015 $ 57 400
Juraj Sladonja Sold The winners5D1 3/18/2017 $ 84 700
Nikos Neochoritis Sold thedream team 2/11/2023 $ 866 100
Spencer Wilder Sold Them Ninjas 3/2/2015 $ 2 000
Abdul Irurosqui Sold Thunder Piraeus 3/22/2021 $ 1 125 000
Liu Banghua Bought Tiflida bc 3/8/2018 $ 163 700
Nikos Kaladamis Bought Tinto Cola 7/6/2019 $ 42 000
Francisco Charlón Bought Tissues2 1/1/2023 $ 272 400
Antoine Desse Bought Titan Mystique 7/25/2015 $ 21 000
Baris Gürses Sold Toronto Time Bandits 3/8/2019 $ 91 800
Bradley Christie Sold Tortona 11/11/2023 $ 2 000
He Daxing Bought TrabzonSpurs 7/29/2015 $ 41 000
Guglielmo Muscarà Sold Tres Tés Sucios 1/8/2022 $ 14 000
Clemente Ghinzani Bought trippla 2/27/2015 $ 5 000
Alan Stewart Sold Tritonites 12/12/2016 $ 1 000
Ugnius Deniatnikovas Bought Trizniai 9/23/2024 $ 200 000
Savas Allisan Sold tromponiakos bc 5/25/2019 $ 325 000
Baris Gürses Bought Trustal 2/13/2019 $ 8 000
Adoniran Moutinho Sold truthers 7/15/2017 $ 450 000
Anthony Pedersen Bought Tsimplakiakos BC 2/11/2023 $ 1 020 000
Jia Ziyu Sold TSK2010 12/2/2017 $ 250 000
Luis Matías Buldorini Bought Turrets 11/18/2018 $ 300 000
Sükrü Ügeç Bought TV Erlangen 1995 12/25/2017 $ 1 200 000
Bradley Christie Bought U.D. Cuatro Caminos 4/23/2023 $ 17 000
Ramón Souto Bought UBC Eastside Potsdam 12/5/2020 $ 5 000
Monroe Gray Sold UC Fiches 10/15/2022 $ 525 000
Derick Henson Sold Ultimate Basketball Wizzards 1/26/2020 $ 60 200
Eray Beken Bought US DAGGERS 3/13/2016 $ 318 500
Yiannis Koskinas Sold Utopia Ducks 7/15/2017 $ 106 200
Skirgaila Karginas Sold Valhalla Sunrise 4/29/2023 $ 382 600
James Oaks Sold verneuil univers 10/7/2023 $ 530 700
Yoann Mantel Bought Vfb Stuttgart 9/3/2016 $ 100 000
Simone Colaci Bought Victoria Sea Dogs 7/9/2017 $ 1 000
Kazimierz Medyński Sold Villanos All 4/11/2020 $ 10 000
Mindaugas Kizis Sold Vilniaus „Vilkai“ 5/19/2024 $ 338 300
Craig Lovell Bought Visionaries 7/7/2024 $ 50 000
Ken Samuels Sold Visionaries 2/29/2020 $ 213 500
Robert Krysik Bought VlkKadis 3/7/2017 $ 35 000
Mar Zaulda Bought Võru 96´ers 9/8/2018 $ 190 000
Kev Katz Sold Vremeplov Svemirci 2/5/2022 $ 2 000
Dane Alder Bought V-S-K 4/26/2020 $ 250 000
Oscar Daley Sold VZULIA 8/2/2020 $ 204 000
Bryan Griffiths Bought War Birds 5/4/2023 $ 170 000
Tom Robb Bought Water splashers 3/21/2021 $ 351 200
Brad Arrington Sold WHAIGH 3/15/2025 $ 3 000
Idzisław Gruchot Bought WHAIGH 9/26/2024 $ 239 500
Robert Bennett Bought WHAIGH 2/12/2023 $ 3 000
Ken Runyon Sold Wild Boars BC 12/9/2017 $ 32 000
Roland Richard Bought Wisconsin Grizzly Squirrels 3/25/2023 $ 276 400
Thomas Coughlin Bought without warning or mercy 12/14/2016 $ 16 000
Ralph Houck Sold Włókniarz Łódź 12/29/2024 $ 10 000
Ko Shu Yen Bought WroTeam 10/29/2018 $ 867 000
Thomas Paine Sold WTK. Anwil 7/24/2022 $ 78 200
Vincent Hoins Bought WürschnitzBallers 10/21/2018 $ 699 999
Brad Arrington Bought WWrocław 7/17/2023 $ 153 000
Armando Ricart Bought Xanthi Crocodiles 2/18/2020 $ 121 200
Aaron Daigle Sold Yoshis Brigade 3/17/2019 $ 26 400
Don Zeigler Sold ZaibasBC 9/28/2024 $ 2 000
Evan Bland Sold Zalaegerszegi Torna Egylet Kosárlabda Klub 9/7/2020 $ 3 000
Danguolis Cancingeris Bought Žalia 9/10/2018 $ 88 600
Vytautas Lependinas Sold Žalieji Žirneliai 9/8/2018 $ 32 000
Joosep Günter Sold Zimna Perła 1/2/2017 $ 9 000
Nektarios Kasoumis Sold Žvėrys 5/7/2019 $ 3 000
Agris Kindzulis Sold ΕLEFSIS OMEGA 5/16/2020 $ 50 000
Adrián Mazo Calvo Sold ΕLEFSIS OMEGA 3/4/2017 $ 236 060
Demarcus Brightbill Bought Η ομάδα της καρδιάς μας 1/31/2021 $ 955 200
Gerardo Uncini Bought Костоломы 3/28/2021 $ 56 700
Idzisław Gruchot Sold 小兔兔 3/15/2025 $ 75 000
Józef Panuś Bought 我不是老梅 9/2/2016 $ 99 999
He Daxing Sold 桜ケ丘百足 Cherryblossom Hill Centipedes 1/12/2016 $ 1 000
Jovan Lero Sold 火锅一往无前 7/4/2021 $ 24 000
Omar Dedić Bought 烟星伴长梦 8/2/2020 $ 305 400
Lindomar Tocantins Bought 聚寶甕 9/2/2016 $ 300 000
Mi Xiaoguang Sold 邯郸江浩 7/20/2020 $ 6 000
Kiros Andralas Sold 馬鞍山住左隻獅子 2/4/2022 $ 148 400
Total Sales: $ 51 246 859
Total Purchases: $ 51 680 660
Transfer Balance: $ -433 801