Fair enough. My bad. looking back at this entire post, I was just extremely pissed off by this. There is nothing BB will do to make it better, so I was just needing to vent, and I appreciate you humoring me with a reply, I apologize for being a bit of an ass. Just freaking pisses me off right now how badly my team is struggling for no apparent reason. But it happens. I did not want to lose to a team that I felt like didn't even know how the damn game worked. Playing guys that many minutes I always thought led to a collapse in energy, but apparently that was no true. Maybe this week he will pay a price for it, but that is of no use to me. Anyway, now I know, I can play my guys for 100 minutes with ne repercussion's during the games...
And Im not really gonna quit, I did that a few years ago when I played and always regretted it. Its still one of the best team manager games I have come across, even if there are glaring absurdities like this.