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Home-Grown League (HGL) Season 1 Official Thread

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From: Wagner

This Post:
326589.5 in reply to 326589.4
Date: 3/12/2025 5:21:39 PM
Wagner College
Overall Posts Rated:
Here's a brief compilation of the most essential aspects of the league, part 1/3:

Please note a rule change (below, text bolded) on Official HGL match start times.

Definition of a homegrown team used in HGL:

- As for definition of 'homegrown team', we use the definition by LOPO , the manager of CB Eliocroca, who to this date updates the original list of homegrown teams (list of teams found here: (324689.1)) and welcomes you to apply for the list, if you are a homegrown team!
So in short, with no exceptions:
A) no Utopian teams will be accepted to the league, and
B) you must have only players that were originally given to you (at the beginning when you started playing Buzzerbeater), or were drafted by you. You also may have purchased back some of your own draftees (if they have been previously bought by other teams), and still be counted as a homegrown team

- It's of utmost importance to remember, that it's necessary to be totally homegrown team in order to be able to participate in HGL. If you wish to participate in the league in the future, we also expect you to remain homegrown at least for the duration of the whole season(s) during which you wish to participate in HGL. Please be aware that strict penalties/sanctions will apply to teams that don't comply with this very essential rule of HGL

League system:

- Most thorough presentation of league system can be found from these 5 lengthy posts of mine here, this one being the first of 5: (324689.240) . However, if you first just want to take a quick look to get the idea, check out post by MrJ (link below) and/or keep on reading this post further

- TLDR; Brief compilation of league system used in HGL is found from post by MrJ that compiles my lengthy messages, here: (324689.248) (but short compilation also follows below)

- We'll have a lineup of 14 teams to participate for the first season of HGL

- All regular season games will be played on neutral court, and all playoff games on either home or away court (no exceptions!)

- The time window for organizing all regular season matches (at once) takes place between "draft deadline day" (Buzzerbeater announces this; found from your team overview page) and the first league match of a Buzzerbeater season (that will take place at following Saturday)

- First regular season match of HGL will take place on first Monday after regular Buzzerbeater league has started (on other words, 2 days after the start of BB league, as first league match of Buzzerbeater is played on a previous Saturday).

- 2 matches per week will be played during regular season. First match of the week on Monday, and second on Friday, and 1 match per week during playoffs. Playoff matches will take place on Sundays every week.

- Please note a change to rules as of March 20th, 2025:
All matches in HGL start at 14.30 (aka. 2.30PM) Eastern European Time, EET (GMT+2).
Teams are provided a time in participating teams list (before their team name), which they use all season long when sending invitations to Pickup (PU) matches. Please remember to use only this time given to you, and nothing else, when organizing Pickup matches

- Out of 14 teams 12 teams (about 85% of teams) proceed to playoffs, and 4 best will be automatically awarded a place to the quarterfinal round (second round of playoffs).

- All playoff matches are decided in 1 match, so whole playoffs is a single elimination tournament (just like in NCAA basketball)

- All teams reaching semifinal stage are guaranteed a medal game, either gold or bronze medal match.

- In addition to basic rules mentioned throughout these informative posts, certain rules and penalties for violations are being enforced in HGL; more information/link to rules and penalties section will be provided here as soon as details have been decided

Last edited by Wagner at 3/20/2025 2:02:08 PM

From: Wagner

This Post:
326589.6 in reply to 326589.5
Date: 3/12/2025 5:21:56 PM
Wagner College
Overall Posts Rated:
Here's a brief compilation of the most essential aspects of the league, part 2/3:

Pickup (PU) matches:

- All matches in HGL will be played as PU (Pickup) matches, so participating teams need to have enough Pickup tokens saved for the season so that they will be able to send PU challenges to opponents. For the season, theoretically it is enough to own 8 tokens in order to be able to participate (but we do recommend having saved 15 or more). Remember: you can always gather more during season by not playing other PU matches during HGL season, but all 15 regular season matches are organized at once before the season starts (no exceptions!)

- If you're not familiar with how PU matches function and how to organize them, you may want to check out a post written by MrJ, here: (326327.1). However, basic information on what is necessary to know about PU's and how they are utilized in HGL also follows as you keep on reading

- All regular season matches will be organized (sending and accepting PU match invitations) during one time window before regular season starts, and for playoff matches (for teams still in competition) every single week during playoffs

- It is of utmost importance to understand and remember, that every participating team arranges their own Pickup (PU) matches and also take care of sending box score links to appropriate forum, (here: (326590.1)) and are fully responsible in complying with these important rules which ensures the optimal functionality of the league. In other words it means managers are responsible for sending and accepting correct Pickup (PU) game requests.

- When sending and accepting PU challenges, it's important to remember that all regular season games will be played on neutral court, and all playoff games on either home or away court (no exceptions!). Please do not accept match with incorrect details as it won't count if played with wrong court setting!

- Managers need to confirm on this forum thread when they have fully completed organizing matches for the regular season, and therefore can see all regular season matches on their team schedule/fixtures page. For the first season of HGL with 16 participants, this means 15 regular season (PU) matches in total.

- Matches are arranged (PU match invitations sent and accepted) based on the official league schedule that is sent to this or on 'HGL Scores Season 1 Official Thread'-thread before season starts (in practice this will take place approximately between season draft deadline and first Buzzerbeater match of the season).

- One team is always responsible for sending the PU game challenge, and name of team responsible for sending challenge is bolded to a league schedule, so team with that marking besides their team name abbreviation knows it's their responsibility to send a challenge for that match.

- If you haven't received a PU match challenge/request from your opponent that you should have received, please send message here on this this thread. You may also send me BBMail so we all try to sort it out so that match will be played in time. (Sometimes it's worthwile to double check schedule to ensure if you have mistaken and it was after all your responsibility to send challenge).

- Every team sends their box scores Pickup games to another forum thread dedicated to scores of the HGL , here: (326590.1). Please note, that if you see the box score of your match is already been sent to forum by your opposing team, there is no need to do it again. (If you see it being sent to wrong thread, please send it to the correct thread).

- If you also want to play other Pickup (PU) matches in addition to HGL matches, it is important that:
A) you save enough tokens for HGL playoffs (1/week), as non-Supporters get 1, and Supporters 2 tokens each week.
B) you send only HGL match box scores to the 'HGL Scores Season 1 Official Thread'.

Last edited by Wagner at 3/21/2025 9:30:48 AM

From: Wagner

This Post:
326589.7 in reply to 326589.6
Date: 3/12/2025 5:22:09 PM
Wagner College
Overall Posts Rated:
TBA #7 (Penalties/violations and rest of rules; added here when finalized).

Last edited by Wagner at 3/12/2025 7:19:59 PM

From: Wagner

This Post:
326589.8 in reply to 326589.7
Date: 3/12/2025 5:22:21 PM
Wagner College
Overall Posts Rated:
TBA #8 (More info/possibly rest of rules and penalties)

Last edited by Wagner at 3/12/2025 7:20:14 PM

From: Wagner

This Post:
326589.9 in reply to 326589.8
Date: 3/12/2025 5:22:38 PM
Wagner College
Overall Posts Rated:
TBA #9 (FAQ 1/1 or 1/2)

Last edited by Wagner at 3/12/2025 7:19:34 PM

From: Wagner

This Post:
326589.10 in reply to 326589.9
Date: 3/12/2025 5:22:51 PM
Wagner College
Overall Posts Rated:
TBA #10 (Possibly for FAQ 2/2, or for other purpose)

Last edited by Wagner at 3/12/2025 7:24:52 PM

From: Wagner

This Post:
326589.11 in reply to 326589.10
Date: 3/12/2025 5:23:01 PM
Wagner College
Overall Posts Rated:
TBA #11 (Possibly league team stats for the season, team records, HGL league team and/or player records/highest achievements, etc.)

Last edited by Wagner at 3/12/2025 7:23:29 PM

From: Deano25

This Post:
326589.12 in reply to 326589.4
Date: 3/13/2025 5:15:32 AM
Heywood Big Dogs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Heywood Lions
Small detail, but I'm over in Australia - not USA.

From: MrJ

This Post:
326589.13 in reply to 326589.12
Date: 3/13/2025 6:52:06 AM
Swan River Serpents
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Westopian Tigers
Small detail, but I'm over in Australia - not USA.

...and the National Coach of Australia!!!

Home-Grown or Go Home!
From: Wagner

This Post:
326589.14 in reply to 326589.12
Date: 3/13/2025 7:29:05 AM
Wagner College
Overall Posts Rated:
Sorry, and thanks for a reminder - nationality corrected to the list.
I forgot to mention on the other 'Homegrown teams II'-thread, that if anyone spots clearly wrong information here on this thread, or on the other HGL Scores-thread (that was also established yesterday), please let me know preferably by BBMail, or on this forum and I'll take a look at it.

From: demars

This Post:
326589.15 in reply to 326589.12
Date: 3/13/2025 7:29:19 AM
Elan Demars
Overall Posts Rated:
Small detail, but I'm over in Australia - not USA.

What ??
Donald did not buy your country ?
