III.11 Great 8
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Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games
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Last 8 league games

Last 8 league games
Next: Blue Ocean
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Last 8 league games
Season Schedule
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  Dragmort Dragons Utd  98 - 106
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Duluth dirty dogs  137 - 131
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  118 - 111
12/28/2024 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Calumet City Chimeras  114 - 83
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  San Dominica Warriors  102 - 120
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  Las Vegas Silver Stars  97 - 86
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Minnesota Wolves  111 - 117
12/31/2024 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  Dirty Mike and The Boys  102 - 105
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Duluth dirty dogs  106 - 112
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Dragmort Dragons Utd  120 - 102
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  62 - 127
1/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Calumet City Chimeras  113 - 89
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  Las Vegas Silver Stars  92 - 97
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Minnesota Wolves  113 - 95
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  Dirty Mike and The Boys  123 - 119
1/7/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  San Dominica Warriors  79 - 136
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  Dragmort Dragons Utd  126 - 52
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Duluth dirty dogs  133 - 150
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Dirty Mike and The Boys  45 - 113
1/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Minnesota Wolves  114 - 50
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  Calumet City Chimeras  112 - 99
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  59 - 94
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  Las Vegas Silver Stars  37 - 142
1/14/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  San Dominica Warriors  90 - 85
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Dragmort Dragons Utd  80 - 98
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Minnesota Wolves  124 - 22
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  San Dominica Warriors  69 - 114
1/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  58 - 144
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Mad about Moldova Mud  115 - 60
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  Wisconsin Litterbugs  92 - 78
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Chippewa Reds  96 - 111
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  Blue Ocean  99 - 114
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Big Fundamental Ball Hogs  94 - 137
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  Jumpstop Jumpers  39 - 130
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Fort Wayne Pistons  105 - 87
1/21/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  BROOKLYN JABBERS  113 - 44
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Chippewa Reds  Dragmort Dragons Utd  100 - 88
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Blue Ocean  Duluth dirty dogs  116 - 96
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Jumpstop Jumpers  Calumet City Chimeras  110 - 67
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Fort Wayne Pistons  Minnesota Wolves  172 - 76
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  BROOKLYN JABBERS  Dirty Mike and The Boys  46 - 106
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Mad about Moldova Mud  San Dominica Warriors  64 - 81
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Wisconsin Litterbugs  Las Vegas Silver Stars  101 - 48
1/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Big Fundamental Ball Hogs  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  72 - 123
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  Blue Ocean  81 - 109
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Big Fundamental Ball Hogs  109 - 124
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  Jumpstop Jumpers  103 - 115
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Fort Wayne Pistons  105 - 154
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  BROOKLYN JABBERS  76 - 141
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Mad about Moldova Mud  109 - 92
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Wisconsin Litterbugs  89 - 77
1/28/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Chippewa Reds  72 - 103
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Big Fundamental Ball Hogs  Dragmort Dragons Utd  80 - 93
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Jumpstop Jumpers  Duluth dirty dogs  91 - 72
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Fort Wayne Pistons  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  92 - 120
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Mad about Moldova Mud  Minnesota Wolves  141 - 65
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Wisconsin Litterbugs  Dirty Mike and The Boys  102 - 95
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Chippewa Reds  San Dominica Warriors  82 - 118
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Blue Ocean  Las Vegas Silver Stars  125 - 80
2/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  BROOKLYN JABBERS  Calumet City Chimeras  87 - 79
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Chippewa Reds  108 - 110
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  Jumpstop Jumpers  68 - 98
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Fort Wayne Pistons  136 - 142
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  BROOKLYN JABBERS  122 - 63
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Mad about Moldova Mud  80 - 106
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  Wisconsin Litterbugs  29 - 133
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Blue Ocean  88 - 103
2/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Big Fundamental Ball Hogs  107 - 120
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  BROOKLYN JABBERS  Duluth dirty dogs  90 - 110
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Mad about Moldova Mud  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  67 - 117
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Wisconsin Litterbugs  Calumet City Chimeras  108 - 68
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Chippewa Reds  Minnesota Wolves  146 - 45
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Blue Ocean  Dirty Mike and The Boys  87 - 69
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Big Fundamental Ball Hogs  San Dominica Warriors  77 - 110
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Jumpstop Jumpers  Las Vegas Silver Stars  88 - 63
2/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Fort Wayne Pistons  Dragmort Dragons Utd  134 - 141
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  Blue Ocean 
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Jumpstop Jumpers 
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  BROOKLYN JABBERS 
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Mad about Moldova Mud 
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  Wisconsin Litterbugs 
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Chippewa Reds 
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Big Fundamental Ball Hogs 
2/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Fort Wayne Pistons 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Mad about Moldova Mud  Dragmort Dragons Utd 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Chippewa Reds  Tampa Bay Guzzlers 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Blue Ocean  Calumet City Chimeras 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Big Fundamental Ball Hogs  Minnesota Wolves 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Jumpstop Jumpers  Dirty Mike and The Boys 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Fort Wayne Pistons  San Dominica Warriors 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  BROOKLYN JABBERS  Las Vegas Silver Stars 
2/18/2025 8:00:00 PM  Wisconsin Litterbugs  Duluth dirty dogs 
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  Minnesota Wolves 
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Dirty Mike and The Boys 
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  San Dominica Warriors 
2/22/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Las Vegas Silver Stars 
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Duluth dirty dogs 
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Tampa Bay Guzzlers 
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  Calumet City Chimeras 
2/25/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Dragmort Dragons Utd 
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Las Vegas Silver Stars 
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  San Dominica Warriors 
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  Minnesota Wolves 
3/1/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Dirty Mike and The Boys 
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Dragmort Dragons Utd 
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  Duluth dirty dogs 
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Tampa Bay Guzzlers 
3/4/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Calumet City Chimeras 
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  Tampa Bay Guzzlers 
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Duluth dirty dogs  Calumet City Chimeras 
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dirty Mike and The Boys  Las Vegas Silver Stars 
3/8/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  San Dominica Warriors 
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Calumet City Chimeras  Dragmort Dragons Utd 
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  Duluth dirty dogs 
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  Las Vegas Silver Stars  Minnesota Wolves 
3/11/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Dirty Mike and The Boys 
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Dragmort Dragons Utd  Duluth dirty dogs 
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Minnesota Wolves  Dirty Mike and The Boys 
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  San Dominica Warriors  Las Vegas Silver Stars 
3/15/2025 8:00:00 PM  Tampa Bay Guzzlers  Calumet City Chimeras 